However I am not impressed with the current games at launch though so will be sitting on the fence for now. The only games that interested me was Mario and Aliens colonial marines. Hopefully new future games will allow the Wii U to shine.
Games that will help Nintendo get Wii U sales is COD and Mario. If sales rocket and some great current/future AAA games get released on the platform then I will look into buying the console. Prices for both consoles are good.
The only negative to having one system is missing out on some exclusive games. Otherwise I would need to buy a PS3 and a Xbox but the costs don't warrant the investment, for me anyway.
PC gives me access to most console games but also a huge library of PC only games.
If VALVE did release a console it would have to be revolutionary to be successful.
I can build a monster gaming PC pretty cheap these days. Just hook up to my HD TV and play games, surf net, stream movies etc. I can use keyboard/mouse or controller so why would I want a console.
What annoys me with this FTP model is that its being adverised as free to play when it clearly is not simply due to the fact that there will come a point where you are forced to pay in order to continue playing.
@Jaxith The article clearly states that there is effectively $60 worth of add on content.
Why not sell the game at $20 a head? because the gullible minority will spend wads of cash on the game. I guarantee that there will be more content added in the future. This model is designed to extract $100 if not $1000 over time from the dedicated player.
Free to pay (oops, play) is deception and false advertising. You are advertising this model as free when it clearly is not. If I had the money I would challenge this FTP model in court.
I will NEVER adopt to playing these games and if all games go this route then I will just give up gaming completely. I am sure many gamers feel the same way.
I remember buying the original Command and Conquer for DOS/WIN95 on PC and feeling full of excitement on the 1 hour journey home. I managed to keep calm by reading through the game manual and exploring the box art.
Buying boxed games in the 90's from retail used to be a very exciting and pleasurable experience. The trip was also a good opportunity to discuss games with other gamers in the store.
brynhyfryd's comments