I expect a release date late 2013 at the earliest and most likely in 2014. This game will most likely be a launch title with next gen consoles.
I doubt this game will run well on current gen consoles, unless the graphics and game play are seriously scaled back. Should be no issues with a decent PC though.
Cant wait to get my hands on this game. The only good game shown in this years E3 in my opinion.
Current gen consoles are old outdated and tired. Games are being held back due to the outdated hardware of the current gen consoles.Lets take the "watch dogs demo" for example. Don't expect to see graphics anywhere close as good as that on a current gen console. A PC would handle this no problem but even PC games are being held back due to games being required to run on consoles as well as PC's and so they are scaled back.
New consoles could not come soon enough. MS, Nintendo and Sony should seriously consider making the next gen consoles upgradable so that the next gen can have a longer life span. If a 360 or PS3 could have a graphics card or memory upgrade they would have had much more life left in them. Consoles used to be upgradable years ago.
As for the games. We need to see more innovation with new IP's and there needs to be a serious reduction in shooters, imo how many more do we need. Also this kinect, social gaming and "always online" BS has to stop. As for EA, Please STOP destroying beloved franchises with rotten remakes and also STOP forcing Origin on gamers.
brynhyfryd's comments