This gives you a good idea of what Microsoft is really trying to push and it's not video games. Windows 8 whether you like it or not is being spread out upon every single device Microsoft offers from their smartphones, tablets, computers and now Xbox One. Not saying she can't do a good job of what Microsoft is asking her to do. But what is concerning is that Microsoft doesn't choose to differentiate the Xbox One as a video game console, but yet instead is using it as another platform to push Windows.
Microsoft is tripping all over themselves. No mic included?!? It's like Microsoft has never used Kinect while playing a game online? It's so annoying hearing someones entire family talking at the same time as you hear their game in the background over your own headset because their Kinect picks up every freakin sound!!! Good luck explaining why it's such a great value leaving a mic out Microsoft. They must think every gamer is a recluse and lives alone.
@JumpyLuweegee You must have bought a Xbox 360 then, lol. It has the worst failure rate of any product. I did the same and I'm on my 4th Xbox 360. My PS3 still going strong. That's way I'm waiting on the Xbox One (if I decide to even bother getting it) and I already preordered my PS4.
@VicariousWolf88 GameStop orders a specific number of consoles. Much of that is dictated by how many consoles are being produced by Sony and Microsoft for launch. From what I've heard Sony can punch out a lot more PS4s than Microsoft can with the Xbox One. Also, you have to think like GameStop. This is still a business and GameStop makes a ton of their money on used game sales. So who would you support the PS4 or Xbox One? PS4!!!
@WantYouBad @bwgamer No justification needed. I saw IGNs review first and that loaded me up with enough testosterone to be sexy for a least another 48 hrs. :)
Based off 56 critics from the Metacritic score on the top of this page only 3 gave this game 80 or below. And surprise Gamespot is one of them with a 80. Gamespot are you missing something or did you forget that there are other games out there other than Call of Duty or Battlefield?
I was wondering what the fuss was all about so I watched this review. WOW, that was bad!!! So The Last of Us is all about bad AI, gore and online play... really??? If anyone knows Naughty Dog its about storytelling and engaging you into the lives of the characters. There was non of that in this review. Don't go by this horrible review. Go to IGN or any other place and you will hear what this game really has to offer. Gamespot this was a joke of a review. He must have been on a three day hangover while playing this game.
Call me old fashion, but I feel barking commands at your gaming console is ridiculous. In my household I usually have to play my games late due to family and work schedule so I'm sure my family really wants to be woken up by hearing me yelling, "Xbox on... Skype... no I said Skype not search Kite... Xbox game... no I said GAME not this is lame...." Oh man I can see it now, lol. Also, I'm not crazy about the Kinect being a required feature. I smell lawsuit when the first Xbox One gets hacked and the all seeing Kinect camera shows the world your private life. Webcams get hacked all the time. I wouldn't be playing Xbox One in your tighty whities... I'm just saying.
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