I actually like The Secret World (TSW). It brings a little different flavor to the MMO world, but I do admit it's not on par with GW2, WOW or some other MMOs. Sadly it seems from this article it never will be since Funcom is already making staff cuts. TSW would be a perfect candidate for a free-to-play structure. Before Funcom throws in the towel on it they should give that a try first.
Ok missing the holiday season may be ok for the rest of the world but here in the States... HECK NO!!! Everyone knows you need your "ace in the hole" product ready by Black Friday if you want to make a butt load of money, and I doubt Microsoft wants to miss out on that.
All 3 new consoles will be there at E3 this year; PS4, Xbox 720, Wii U! They may not be in final form, but they have to be there for the sake of the future of each company. People are getting tired of the gimmicks. We gamers want something new and revolutionary to move our gaming truly forward. And another reinvention of the controller won't do it! I own and play all consoles, PC, Mac and portable games on whatever platform. I'm not a fanboy of any, but for the consoles PS3, 360 and Wii there getting left behind and they know it. PC games are stomping the consoles in graphical power and the gap keeps widening. The portable gaming markets are growing beyond leaps and bounds as more and more tablets and smartphones support them. The consoles need to keep up. My prediction, if you don't see a new console by the Big 3 at E3 this year you many never seem them at all because by 2013 they will be officially left behind!!!
I work daily in the world of perception and PR. Unfortunately in our society today you are what people think you are. People will always form their own opinion of you unless you take control of it. Sony needs to start turning the boat around and start putting some positive spin on this crisis. WAY TO MUCH NEGATIVE SONY!!! Never compare a negative to a negative specially comparing it to something that killed thousands of people!!!! Here's some free advise, I would start by leaving all the crap behind. Ok you said you got hack, notified everyone and the authorities (it was a week late but move on). Start talking up the new incredibly awesome most secure gaming network on the market which would never have been possible before all this. Talk of what you have learned and how this new PSN network will help pave the way for new techniques and technologies to fight hackers and secure not only Sony but others. Make users feel safe!!! For the Plus Members who pay for the network compensate their lost time with free downloads for a limited time or other worthy compensation. The point to all this Sony is to help us forget about the past and see the positive in the future. Good luck Sony you have a HUGE hole to dig yourself out of, but it can be done. I'll bill you later :)
@subyman I'm with you on that one, lol. This one was way to repetitive with the environments. He just needs to admit they rushed the game out to capitalize on the series. If I remember correctly Origins took something like 3-5 years to make from start to finish. Part 2 barely 2 years???
Sorry but I think Halo 3 looks better overall. I don't need GS to show me that. While playing Halo: Reach I was thinking to myself why do the indoor areas look so plain?!? Very little detail went into them compared to other FPS. Vehicles hands down look better in Halo 3. I'm pretty disappointed in Halo: Reach. The online play is still fun, but not enough to say it's the best FPS out there. Seems to me Bungie just wanted to make an extra buck before moving onto Activision.
I'm a little disappointed with this. Halo is the reason I have a 360 in the first place. I know Bungie says it's just a beta but come on. These graphics aren't anything special. I know someone earlier in this blog mentioned how you have to cut corners in graphics to make sure the frame rate and action stay clean, take a look at Resistance Fall of Man on the PS3. Now that has awesome graphics and you can play up to 40 ppl at the same time. I don't think the graphics need to suffer if the 360 claims to be as powerful or more powerful (i don't believe that) as the PS3. I've been involved in a few beta testings and the sad thing is the graphics don't change much from the beta to the final product. Yes little things will be added or corrected like shadings, light effects, fixing clipping problems, bla bla, but overall the models stay the same. Hopefully Bungie has something up there sleeves but with the reactions there getting from most people being disappointed in how it looks. I think we can probably count on yet another Halo delay. 2008 anyone!?!?!
Ok I'll say this first. I think it's a good idea for those who like to chat. I have a 360 and MSN so I'm looking forward to chatting up with my friends. So, after saying this can all the fanboys out there for the 360 stop complaining about the PS3 having things that have nothing to do with gaming. For example a Blu-Ray player. I'm so sick of the winers out there babying saying how the PS3 sucks and how Sony should constraint on making a system that just plays games. Hello, if you haven't realized it by now...gaming systems have changed and will continue to evolve into different areas in our lives whether it be Music, Photos, "Chatting", and dare I say it Gaming.
Am I missing something or did they forget about Metal Gear Solid 4! And Final Fantasy 13 is dated on EBGames as an 07 release! Why the heck wasn't that mentioned?!?
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