EA your unbelievable! I'm glad I stopped buying your crap years ago, because this once again shows how squeamish and evil you are! So your telling a story like in a book? Using "freedom of speech?" You forgot one huge thing! Your portraying the weapon in action in extreme detail logo and all. It's not the same as saying "Colt." Books follow a different rule. Even though the word "Colt" or a detailed description is given about the weapon may appear in the text the image is created by the readers imagination. In law that's a big difference than actually using ones logo and product in a visual setting in action. EA prepare yourself for a cease order from the courts! Also, you may want to get new lawyers because they are idiots for suggesting this as I'm sure they did!
I hope Nintendo can rebound, but their the only ones to blame. Next Gen is called Next Gen for a reason and the Wii U isn't it. Great idea but lacking in substance. Out dated graphics, no 3rd party support, relying to much on party games, relying to much on old franchises, expensive for the quality... I can go on and on. Once the PS4 and Xbox720 are out Nintendo could be like Sega :(
Now that's just wrong! Dudes been Snake since 1998! That's like getting a replacement for Harrison Ford for playing Han Solo! You just don't do that!!!
@flyingdutchdog2 @bwgamer @JLCrogue fly, it is relevant. I'm not trying to say the PS3 is better or not over the Xbox. My point is this was the first big push of the "pay to play" mentality that has plagued gaming in this current console era. You have to ask yourself, when is it to much? This article is about optional purchases, but if I buy the game why do I have to continue to dish out cash to enjoy the game. I'm not sure how old you are, but I've played games for over 30 years and seen the industry continue to become more and more greedy. It's truly sad, because it will continue to move in this direction. It's a business after all and not really about games or us gamers.
@JLCrogue Don't forget the annual cost to play on Xbox Live! I saw this coming years ago. Everyone complained about how expensive the PS3 was when it first came out at $599 for the top of the line 80GB version with WiFi built-in and free online play. How much is the Xbox 360 with the annual fee to play online? It's 8 years old so if you bought it on launch day for $399 your total cost with Xbox Live is now $800!!! That doesn't include the WiFi adaptor if you need it for $100 more. This was the start to ripping us gamers off!
If things don't change soon Nintendo's days are numbered. I really like Nintendo, but they MUST have third party help to have any real success. But I don't see that happening.
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