@Cyberjin @monster637 @pcgamingowns And even more games that didn't go from PC to either console. It could be different now the architecture is similar but I had 360/PS3 and PC I use the 360 and PS for exclusives nothing more.
multi platform BF3 for example PC blew the socks of the console counterparts, As did the witcher, couple that with exclusives such as ARMA 1,2,3 and Dayz, the TW series.
Less well known games such as wargame: EE or airland battle, or titles likes Crusader kings and numerous other titles from Paradox and the amount of exclusives on PC outweigh all the consoles combined.
Im not saying consoles don't have there place for exclusives and ease of use. But the arguments about Consoles getting all the good exclusives are outright wrong, the PC get the majority of console games as a port be it at release or after but can you see Rome TW 2 coming to a console?? or Arma 3 in all its glory??
PC - Console comparisons are never going to work PC has and will always out perform consoles, if like me you spend a stupidly large amount of money on games a month the larger investment in the PC hardware can be cheaper over the long run with PC titles an average of £15 cheaper than console in the UK. Consoles rose out of sheer ease of use or laziness take your pick. but both have there uses.
@MERGATROYDER @wonzan Any links to these three entirely separate processors?? i've seen it has 3 Operating systems and they estimate 3GB of memory dedicated for use in those said Operating systems. BOTH consoles come with an 8 core Jag processoe and the PS4 has a secondary processor for helping in background tasks that I know of but ive never heard anything about three entirely separate processors.
That is unless you can point me to an article where it stats the xbox one has 3 Dedicated seperate processors
@CrazyWerewolf @RavenXavier If you buy alienware then no wonder your paying through the roof.... Building a PC is not childs play at all but its not hard either, The connectors only fit one way.. Yes if you have issues with your rig you will need to troubleshoot but if you custom build and register your components with the said manufacturers you will find they come with a nice big warranty graphics cards and processors are like 3 years now and some HDD have 5 years. much much better value than an alienware system.
IMO anyone who has a gaming PC should attempt to trouble shoot the majority of tech support for these companies are morons who read from a script deviate from said script with an issue which they don't have lined up and they are all stumped..
That said this isn't a rant at consoles I have all the current consoles including WiiU and plan on getting a PS4 not sure on the xbox , yes they have revoked the policy about used games but they also said at the end of the statement they could revert back.
I agree though kicking back on a console is sometimes more preferable on the couch with friends.
@bloodyg21076 Pay monthly??? only if you play the MMO's
total war, wargame EE and airland battle, company of heroes, Arma 1,2 and 3 the last time I paid a monthly sub was back in the days of EQ1
As for the TV I have my PC connected to my TV for viewing and my monitor for gaming,
Console games tend to have a short life span with 10 hours being an acceptable length for a campaign my games tend to be delivered a day or if im lucky 2 days early of the release date I can have them done and on sold by the weekend.
The idea that I wouldn't be able to do that due to some crappy DRM policy enforced by the manufacturer, with a few benefits like TV which I don't need or want on a games console. is the reason I will not buy one just as if a games dev did that for a game I wont buy it until its the same price or lower than a PC game which I consider acceptable if you cannot trade it.
I was reading that both sony and MS have stated new games will retail at the same price as current gen games so I see no reason to order a console that could again in the future implement deal breaker restrictions in order to allow features that are useless for me as I already have devices that can do all of that.
@bloodyg21076 pretty big assumption there I have owned essentially every console release dating back to the good ole Atari Main gaming platform is my PC, average about 6 or 7 games a month for PC alone including smaller indie devs,
PS3 and 360 I've owned the majority of games with the exception of football and racing... not my thing at all, that said im willing to pay the £25 - £30 a pc game costs with a licence agreement 90% of the games I play are RPG/Strat so huge modding capabilities and replay ability take the total war or war-games series for example.
With console The games are on average in the UK £40 at launch I tend to buy new and resell afterwards ends up being cheaper than renting Xbox tried to get rid of that completely hence no pre order from me
As for all the TV integration etc if I so chose I could use my PC for that or my Smart top box I don't need to pay extra for a console I want to game on for it,
The backtrack is a good call by MS but In the full press release they state they would not rule out implementing said restrictions in the future.
@inthepastxx @Kooken58 @calanorn @TopGunnas @spindie depending on if you are like me and you buy a large amount of games the PC titles are on average £30 or less console £37 or more I probably buy on average 3 games a month, so the savings on PC titles pay off any saving I make from 1 console.
I have bought Metro Last Light and men of war: Vietnam this month also paid of my pre order for wargame: air land battle and ARMA 3 total £75 the cost of two average console titles.
@Kooken58 @calanorn @TopGunnas @spindie indeed kooken, Wargame: European escalation is a great one as well, Although ive moved from the MMO crowd I enjoyed it back in the old Everquest glory days 6 months to hit level 20 lol.
@M-S-M-S It will improve the output for PC but I doubt it will push a high end system an I5 or I7 with a dedicated mid to high end card will most likely still be non pulsed by the ports.
If they polish the ports with better post effects to use the cards full potential for example like ATI's new water tech and Nvidia's physics, then it could be interesting.
calanorn's comments