mbchfdh2 - oh yea i know the patches are free on consoles would be suicide if they were not. my point is more aimed at the fact pcs unless you buy from a place like pc world or some such are nowhere near as expensive as most people think considering the flexibility of there use and despite some of the problems with pc gameing like unoptimization bugs etc that a few people experience there are some huge +'s to pc gaming that people always over look like most content download content for games comes free online gaming servers are alot larger than the console counter parts as seen in cod for. And the fans of games in the modding community contribute a huge amount to the life span of a game another example is star wars - empire at war there is a mod for that that changes the whole game from star wars to star gate with an entire new galaxy map ships and story line. + the games are cheaper to me you need to take the price of a PC in context with what can be done with the said machine
Cj19_32 - it all depends yes a full system can be expensive you can easily get one for cheap and over clock with a good cooling solution - graphics card and processor can be expensive but both can be optimized and over clocked. RAM is cheap as hell these days and can also be overclocked. i can build a good system that can out do a console for around £500 yea its £200 more than a ps3 but at the end of the day i get a gaming rig and something to do work on kid can do schoolwork on games last longer with mods also atleast in england console titles vary between £39.99 and £44.99 new pc titles are between £25 and £30 new over the years i easily get back the price diffrence and have more flexibility in its use and longer lifespan for games.
qcmatt - that is a terrible statement the only reason for games to freeze on a PC is if you are trying to play it with hardware which is below the required spec mostly memory and graphics card. or its not optimized well for the range of hardware by the devs. ive had very few problems overall and ive been gaming for over 10 years. one of the worst games ive had for bugs is a fairly unknown game called X3 - terran conflict the release version had alot of bugs in it but the devs are superb for quick fixing and add huge amount of content for free well over 30 hours in most bonus pack downloads and its all free now if that was a console game i would no dount have to pay around £10 or more for it. the only reason you would have that much bad luck on a game is if you pc is outdated or you dont look after it. also someone said about loading times that all depends on how fast your hard drive read speed is some of the new hard drives are insanely fast.
vishakhenzo2005 - i see you completely missed the question it was not about MGS 4 looking better i dont care if you or the GS editor said so i think thats complete rubbish my point was the fact you said you knew you had a better pc than someone else purely because you paid 2k that would mean you are certain you pc has better processing capabilities graphics and thermal cooling solutions and optimized in a great way. also to be certain a 2 grand pc is better than any other pc. thats without even considering overclocking. Now i know i have a PC which im on now which far overshadows anything i can buy in a shop for 2 grand i asked what shop managed to swindle 2 grand out of you or if you built it yourself. because by the sounds of your comment your slating the PC as a games platform because your pc cant run games better than a console which if its shop bought im not suprised they use cheap components with terrible cooling solutions cheap thermal grease and are optimized about as well as a deaf mans radio. That said its hardly fair to compare some unoptimized rig with an optimized console. if you know what you are doing PC can blow a console out the water for gaming and everything else.
vishakhenzo2005 that has to be the funniest thing ive read in a while you know your PC is better then someone elses because you spent 2k let me ask you where did you get this pc?? pc world for the most part a 2 grand pc from a shop is going to be nothing compared to if you put the effort into building it and optimizing it i can build a far superior pc compared to any 2 grand pc for way cheaper. from you comement you are either a kid who knows jack all or someone who listens to and puts far to much faith in a shop sales man. come to think of it since you are the wizard of computer hard ware maybe you could tell us of this fantastic rig of yours and the cooling solution you have inside?? thermal paste?? overclocking??. next time id suggest backing up a bold statement proclaiming to have a much better computer than others. as for crysis looking worse than MGS4 heres a hint video options is a good place to start if your pc is half as good as you say then crysis far outweighs the graphics of MGS4 which is a good game aswell.
PhilipO38 - sure big named exclusives there is not a huge amount of on the PC but we get a fair share of exclusives for example sins of a solar empire some people consider to be one of the best RTS ever mostly unheard of apart from people who activly seek out games such as that. i can place a huge list of exclusive games on pc that didnt make it to console in my oppinion just because they throw huge amounts of money into marketing does not make them great. and PC has a much bigger library of games compared to all consoles. but yea but that statement you try to justify a console over a pc just because it has a few big name titles most DLC for 360 comes to pc for free look at cod 4 you had to pay for the dlc we got it free in a patch. + we get modded maps and game types and 32 players a side.
It's all a matter of personal preference almost everyone here will agree that any game will look better on a PC if the effort is there obviously if a company makes a game for console and does no optimising for PC then its gonna look pretty much the same. the only time for me theres a close graphical gap in the games is when a console has just come out. after a year or so 95% will look better on a PC. That said console gaming is more relaxed chilled on the sofa so there is a trade off both ways i love my PC and my consoles have all 3 although i cant stand the Wii. But for my PC will always be my first choice apart from sports, driving and fighting games mbchfdh2 im sorry but i dont see how you can say xbox online is so great i think its quite useless for saying you have to pay for it i get the same connectivity with my ps3 and a bigger choice of servers and mods with my PC for free. xbox live provides nothing worth paying for. That said plenty of people swear by xbox live so its all about personal preference i love PC gaming and building pc/upgrading regularly so with a platform with better graphics more servers mods bigger capacities on those servers free etc etc its a natural choice for me.
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