Spyro, the Resistance series is rather inconsistent and I'm tired of Ratchet. Bring back the gold.
calvinsora's forum posts
If Zelda became like a Bethesda game, I'd stop buying Zelda games. Ugh, IGN, you only find ways to make you more wrong.
Same, just so people could stop harping on about graphics and start focusing on what is important: almost everything else.
Of the two, CoD. But we've had generally very few "influential" games like we had in the other generations. I don't find GeoW all that influential myself.
Demons Souls isn't third party. From Software is a third party dev, but Sony owns the IP. The game was co-developed by SCE's Japan Studio. Sony published the game (originally, anyway).[QUOTE="calvinsora"]
This is laughably easy, Nintendo. I only like a few of the first-party titles of Sony, though many of its exclusives are great (MGS4, Demon's Souls). Those are, however, still third-party.
For future reference, here are Sony's internally owned studios:
- SCE Japan Studio(includesTeam IcoandTeam Siren) –Ape Escape,Siren,LocoRoco,Patapon,Ico,Shadow of the Colossus,The Last Guardian
- Polyphony Digital–Gran Turismoseries,Motor Toon Grand Prix 2,Tourist Trophy,Omega Boost
North America
- Naughty Dog–Crash Bandicootseries,Jak and Daxterseries,Unchartedseries
- SCE Santa Monica Studio–Kinetica,God of Warseries,Warhawkwith Incognito Entertainment
- SCE San Diego Studio–NBA: The Inside,MLB: The Show,ModNation Racers
- SCE Bend Studio–Syphon Filter,Resistance: Retribution,Uncharted: Golden Abyss
- SCE Foster City Studio
- Zipper Interactive–SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALsseries,MAG
- Sucker Punch Productions[3]–Infamousseries,Sly Cooperseries
- SCE London Studio(includesTeam Soho) –SingStar,EyeToy,PlayStation Homewith SCE Studio Cambridge
- SCE Cambridge Studio–MediEvil,PlayTV,Killzone PS Vita,PlayStation Homewith SCE London Studio
- SCE Studio Liverpool–Wipeout,F1
- Evolution Studios–MotorStormseries,World Rally Championship
- Bigbig Studios–Pursuit Force,MotorStorm: Arctic Edge,Little Deviants
- Guerrilla Games–Killzoneseries
- Media Molecule–LittleBigPlanetseries
A game that is from a third-party developer is a third-party game by definition. Look at the list I provided, those are the series and games that can be considered first-party. Owning an IP doesn't make it a first-party title, that's not the definition of the term.
It doesn't make you blind, the technology doesn't work that way. When calibrated right it works fine. If you have eyes that are sensitive to the stereoscopic 3D, turn it off. Problem solved.
This is laughably easy, Nintendo. I only like a few of the first-party titles of Sony, though many of its exclusives are great (MGS4, Demon's Souls). Those are, however, still third-party.
For future reference, here are Sony's internally owned studios:
- SCE Japan Studio(includesTeam IcoandTeam Siren) –Ape Escape,Siren,LocoRoco,Patapon,Ico,Shadow of the Colossus,The Last Guardian
- Polyphony Digital–Gran Turismoseries,Motor Toon Grand Prix 2,Tourist Trophy,Omega Boost
North America
- Naughty Dog–Crash Bandicootseries,Jak and Daxterseries,Unchartedseries
- SCE Santa Monica Studio–Kinetica,God of Warseries,Warhawkwith Incognito Entertainment
- SCE San Diego Studio–NBA: The Inside,MLB: The Show,ModNation Racers
- SCE Bend Studio–Syphon Filter,Resistance: Retribution,Uncharted: Golden Abyss
- SCE Foster City Studio
- Zipper Interactive–SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALsseries,MAG
- Sucker Punch Productions[3]–Infamousseries,Sly Cooperseries
- SCE London Studio(includesTeam Soho) –SingStar,EyeToy,PlayStation Homewith SCE Studio Cambridge
- SCE Cambridge Studio–MediEvil,PlayTV,Killzone PS Vita,PlayStation Homewith SCE London Studio
- SCE Studio Liverpool–Wipeout,F1
- Evolution Studios–MotorStormseries,World Rally Championship
- Bigbig Studios–Pursuit Force,MotorStorm: Arctic Edge,Little Deviants
- Guerrilla Games–Killzoneseries
- Media Molecule–LittleBigPlanetseries
Of the three, I think I'll enjoy Zelda the most (and it seems I'm not alone). But none of them are Dark Souls, I call shenanigans!
Most of the console gamers on this forum have never played a game on a gaming PC, so they don't know what theyre talkig about.
They're like deaf people making fun of music.
That being said, Sami is just trolling. He's been doing it here and int he console forums for like a week.
Dude, we know Pc has better graphics, we know some console gamers are in denial, but even in the console forums most people pretty agreed but said they still don't mind console graphics.
Why poke at them with a stick. They're not bothering you.
so better game because better graphics?
It doesn't make it a worse game, that's for sure.
But overall, yes, it makes it a better game.
We are talking about VIDEO games here people. A game with better graphics will be more immersive, and provide more tools for the artist's vision to come through.
Besides, PC gaming is NOT just about graphics. Better hardware means more possibilities, better physics, better AI, more resources to do really amazing things and take games to new levels.
It's also about options: mouse and keyboard, gamepad, fight stick, wheel, flystick, Ps3 controller, xbox 360 controller, kinect, wii-mote, ALL possibilities on PC.
It's about mods and user created content, content that has spawned some fo the best game development around, including entire franchises.
It's about the great indie scene, unmatched on the consoles.
But none of that makes the singular games better. A game is what it is; I like the library on consoles more than on PCs, ergo why I prefer that platform. To get into debates on whether one system is better than the other is ridiculous, and to me, implausible.
That being said, this is SW.
[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]...and that's where you lost your credibility.
I agree. he clearly hasn't played Pokemon or something like Dragon Quest IX.
pokemon is great but has seriously no depth.......
Have you seen the tactics guide for a Pokemon game? It's thick and crammed with all sorts of ways you can micromanage your party and inventory.
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