Don't give us console-users a bad name. All systems are made with a specific audience in mind, there's no room for superiority or inferiority.
calvinsora's forum posts
I agree, have the game mechanics of Melee. Brawl was a lot of fun, but it didn't come close to Melee IMO. Also, make the adventure mode with a similar base structure as Subspace Emissary, but with the styIistic qualities of the Melee adventure, i.e. make it connected to the actual mythos of the games the characters come from. Add a lot of new characters, give Ganondorf his teaser sword, make homerun like it used to be, make target practice like it used to be, keep the musical variety, keep the wealth of extras, let characters have two final smashes, add levels, keep all older levels, and finally, add Waluigi. He deserves it.
PS3 got the highest rated games this gen in Metacritic. Uncharted 2 (96), Metal Gear Solid 4 (94), LittleBigPlanet (94)....and soon to be Uncharted 3 & The Last Guardian.tonitorsi
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the highest rated game this gen, and it's on the Wii.
CDPR is still just starting off, they've made two games, one of which I've played (The Witcher, a great ARPG). Bioware, even though DA2 released with a great amount of controversy from fans, have made a lot of quality titles. I've never understood the logic behind thinking that a developer has become instantly poor by releasing one controversial title. Sure, ME has created some annoyance by how it's not an exact RPG like most of their games, but no developer has ever been perfect with that long of a track record. KOTOR, DA: O and ME2 are all games I love, and for that, I respect Bioware more than most other devs.
This is said by a person that doesn't understand motion gaming at all. There are a lot of games that misuse the technology, but it's not the golden rule. He may not like motion technology, but then he should stay away from the technology altogether. I like it, and find it immersing in games like Metroid Prime Trilogy. Just using that as an example, I can say that it can be very immersive.
I'm getting a 3DS, but it's all about the games, not the technology. The DS wasn't a powerful system, never was, but I couldn't care less. It is my favorite system of this generation (not just handheld) and it did it with its monumental library of fantastic games. Nothing is stopping the 3DS from being the same.
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