I don't want to sound like a jerk, but you have proof for this? I'm really curious
We all know what the PC is capable of and yet we have lazy developers who keep giving the PC crappy console ports. It's quite simple really.
No it's not!
GTA 4 was terrible in the PC at launch (did you played it?) So that i can see why it didn't got a 10.
But is there any pc game that is better than MGS4, or SMG2?
Don't say that, people will start hating on my two favorite games this gen. But it's quite arrogant to claim that there are no games on PC better than those two, opinions do exist.
The damage control here is pretty funny, why not just say its got a wider variety of games and less big budget games as they don't need exclusives to sell the system like MS and Sony do?
Because that would be a logical approach. We be on SW!
I don't see why the PC should be judged at a higher standard (think it's a silly perspective). HOWEVER, TC, you make console users look bad. PC games are usually far bigger in every way to console games since, you know, they can run so much more.
Hell yeah, and 360 has 6 AAAAEs at Giant Bomb. Should i make a thread about it? :P
5/5 is not 10/10. The rating scale is different.
Yes it is, and no it isn't :P 5/5 is the highest rating, as is 10/10, they're equal in scale. There's no 6/5 so if GB didn't use 5/5 as their defacto 10, then they're using a defunct rating system.
[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] Glad the most important (along with GS) gaming publication in the world think that the PS3 has 2 AAAAEs (MGS4 & UC3) and hold A LOT more weight than MC/GR could dream of.Mozelleple112
IGN is not more important than Metacritic. Metacritic scores actually affects some developers:
"Some publishers tie a game's Metacritic score into the dev team's bonus money, and high-level decisions can be made before a game's release depending on what that company anticipates the Metacritic score to be."
A bad score from IGN will have a much bigger effect.
Actually, I highly doubt that. Metacritic is an aggregate, it's where the marketing money really lies because what devs and publishers want is wide-spread acclaim, not singular.
I find it troubling that you don't have the option "the games". It's by and large the biggest reason for me preferring consoles; I just like their library a lot more.
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