And I'm not a fan of IGN. That's why I'm on GS, obviously. Not that UC3 is going to be anything else but marvelous, it's odd to make a thread about IGN here.
calvinsora's forum posts
I knew this game would succeed. One of the few times a prediction by me actually came true, it was indeed a 9.5.
People insist to confuse ART and design when they thinking graphics..[QUOTE="Big_Pecks"]
The Wii has some games that have great graphics, like Metroid: Other M, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Muramasa, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and a few more. My personal favourite is Brawl.
Art and design are both parts of graphics, graphics is just a simple term over the visual presentation of a game in each and every facet. And as to your other comment, SMG2, a Wii exclusive, is the highest rated game of this generation...
That's your opinion. I liked fallout 3 quite a lot. And it was pretty good by 2008 standards.
How have standards changed from 3 years ago :P I don't mind anything about your opinion of FO3, but that last bit confuses me a bit.
In what way? My main point was is that 2008 had few games with as much depth as FO3 did, dwarfing many other RPG's near its time. And although the graphics and animation weren't great, they were good enough to do the job.
Braid, Brawl, Persona 4, LittleBigPlanet, Dead Space and MGS4 were released that year, it's one of my favorite gaming years ever, actually :P Persona 4 was the RPG for me that year.
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Oblivion and Fallout 3 vanilla games were awesome? Yeah right. They were pretty bad actually. :|Ironbash
That's your opinion. I liked fallout 3 quite a lot. And it was pretty good by 2008 standards.
How have standards changed from 3 years ago :P I don't mind anything about your opinion of FO3, but that last bit confuses me a bit.
Well, this is System Wars.[QUOTE="calvinsora"]Isn't it sort of stupid to be comparing systems so religiously at all, especially one against many?
True enough. I guess I just get fed up with the futility sometimes.
Peace Walker wasn't released until much later on the PS3. I bought it on the PSP and will, I think, prefer it on the PSP since it's handheld. Add to that the additional functionality of the Vita and I both doubt it will appear on the PS3 and that it would damage the interest in the Vita too.
Yes, this is a totally relevant spread sheet that speaks only the truth :roll: Isn't it sort of stupid to be comparing systems so religiously at all, especially one against many?
You're saying the Gamecube and XBOX were better looking? I would disagree. Also, it could play DVD movies out of the box instead of having to buy a kit like the XBOX did.
The PS2 was the weakest of the three, factually. The GC had some games released early in its life that push almost all PS2 games into the dust visually. However, that doesn't matter one bit anyway.
Factually? Link?
Here's a basic low-down of what PS2 has in comparison to the GC.
Here's another listing of the features. The comments add more to it. Basically put, the Xbox is simply the most powerful, while the GC has the best graphics card out of the three. I have absolutely no tech know-how, but the PS2 is always considered the weakest of the three by any gaming site I've been to.
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