You know what's funny is that I'm a parent and I don't remember being asked. Plus it just goes to show how terrible of parents these 89% are if they think a video game has more influence on their child's behavior than they do.
You're very right, but thankfully I saw a lot of potential in this game and held back on purchasing anything competition wise. This sucker is going to be MINE! Hopefully this hard work put forth on such a great product will not go unrewarded.
I definitely don't mind the wait, but I am extremely displeased about this next-gen business. I'm really worried that now if it does come out for the current gen it might not have the attention and effort it needs.
Seriously? If you want to compare every single game that's out there with what they have done before is there really a lot left to do? You'd have to come up with some off the wall crap, look... you can shit in your hand and smash it in peoples face. Hitman has taken the time to revamp their franchise with different mechanics. What the hell has Call of Duty or even HALO (which I like HALO 4) done that is so different? NOTHING, and they still get a ton of respect.
Maybe it's just me, whether this is a survival horror or not running through several closed off areas, slowly luring out one enemy at a time, and then constantly bashing the zombie in the head just doesn't sound enjoyable. There's a fine line between making a survival game and then a game just being straight boring. I think you confuse TENSION for future frustration. This is a fail for nintendo... why? Because it's their exclusive game. Just as other consoles would get trash talked over their exclusives if they were to fail.
It really is sad how well rewarded games are for the same thing time and time again, but you try something new and fresh and this is the thanks you get.
I love the way t his game looked, and I really thought they were going to capture more of the comic book feel, but then I see Rhino and Scorpion to help remind me that this MIGHT just be another movie game. To mess up such characters really kind of scares me away.
camverge's comments