SWEET! Everything I DIDN'T want to hear about the next-gen console. Being from a small town (yea Microsoft small towns still exist!) our internet is not the most reliable. If this is true I'll just go ahead and thank you ahead of time for the lack of consideration of little towns/farming communities. I'm interested to see what they can say to continue to make me care less about the future of gaming consoles.
Ya know, I've heard a lot of lame reasons why to not purchase this game. So I guess I just got mine, because I will not support someone who's going to kneel before this pressure. Actions like this are the same as saying "yeah, you're right, games are responsible for violence." Be proud of your work and the work of the rest of the team that put this together. Further more stand up for those who are paying to get the full experience from your product.
I'd love to go off about this, but being in the military in times like these I'd probably be kicked out for voicing my opinion about how completely idiotic this is.
LAME, oh well I guess Ubisoft just saved me some money. I'm in no hurry to get next-gen so by the time I care enough to upgrade maybe this game will be in the 5 dollar bin.
@DespVand @camverge I think you hit the nail on the head with "pay attention to your kid". I have a nephew who's only in Jr. High, but he's been playing some pretty violent stuff for quite some. Guess what; I've never seen that kid violent nor angry because his family gives him the attention and support he needs outside of video games.
@danielwd @camverge What I meant by that is go out and do some pretty terrible drugs. It baffles me how many parent will put partying and gettingg high before taking care of thir children, but then they'll say their children is the most important thing to them and how they'll do anything for them (except give up their terrible lifestyle) because as I said. It's easier to say you're a good parent as opposed to being one.
@danielwd I would say you are right, but too many times I've seen parents say "I want what's best for my child and I worry for them so much" and then they go put a needle in their arm. It's easy to say you're concerned it's another to act on it and BE a good parent.
P.S. take away a passtime for violent people and see what they do to pass the time instead. Violence and evil has always been a part of human culture, the only difference is people point fingers and look for excuses rather than solutions these days.
camverge's comments