@VeeArSick @camverge I don't doubt it what so ever. That's why I put what I put. Granted while I have yet to play Bioshock Infinite, from what I hear, this person needs to just get over it. What you see in AC give plenty of hardcore religious people reason to be angered, but I haven't heard of anyone saying "give me my money back for offending my religious prefrence", because it's a damn game. If you pay to watch a movie and the movie has something offensive in it, you don't get your money back. Why? Because when all is said and done YOU chose to go to that movie, not the creators.
@VeeArSick @camverge I don't doubt it what so ever. That's why I put what I put. Granted while I have yet to play Bioshock Infinite, from what I hear, this person needs to just get over it. What you see in AC give plenty of hardcore religious people reason to be angered, but I haven't heard of anyone saying "give me my money back for offending my religious prefrence", because it's a damn game. If you pay to watch a movie and the movie has something offensive in it, you don't get your money back. Why? Because when all is said and done YOU chose to go to that movie, not the creators.
@CommonSense702 @bhmg @LiquidGold Maybe where you live this is the case. Our internet provider is not on the same power grid as us. Some cases, not even the same town.
@Leeric420 Wow, what a D-Bag. Can I punch him right in those damn hipster glasses? Why don't you just say "sorry those of us here at Microsoft are too good to live in farming communities, we don't care about your opinion... have a nice day, or don't we really don't care."
@Leeric420 @camverge Well I guess that just confirms the rumors. No more Xbox for me. It was fun while it lasted, but I refuse to purchase a product that only allows me to play if my internet service is working. Not to mention their lack of consideration for the rest of the consumers out there. To hell with you Microsoft
Apparently someone from Microsoft tweeted "I don't understand what the issue is with this? Everyone is online anyway." Really? Everyone is online? Have you ever been to Missouri you idiot? Some of the rural areas around here don't even get internet. Then again, I guess you just don't care about their business now do you?
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