@Yuck_Too The thing is, they made a point of saying "we haven't announced any major PS3 titles being developed" or words to that effect. While support for the system won't be cut off immediately, it sure sounds like the transition to PS4 will be a lot quicker than it was between PS2 and PS3.
@mellow09 That's not the point though... the point was the standard retail versions of games (disk on the shelf) will be at most, $60. DLC, add-ons, extra modes, all that is optional. Yes, it's costs more, but that is a different argument for a different article.
Physical copes of the game will be at most, $60. That is good news.
This is fantastic news, considering I just guessed they would cap at $79.99. I still think $60 is high when you consider they still try and pump out DLC at a few bucks a pop... but these prices are manageable.
@digitaltiger It's really going to piss me off if they are $79 each. Sadly, I see it happening. I cringe when I see $59.99. But I'm probably going to wait a year or so on the PS4, so by then I should be able to get a couple of games slightly cheaper.
@Breyant agreed. If there are so many games left to play that you already have the consoles for and you don't have enough time to do everything, a next-gen console shouldn't even be a question. Just don't bother with one.
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