@beuneus12 so I guess you don't have any old controllers laying around to use on the PS4 anyway, since they're all broken... guess you'd have to buy a new one anyway right?
I'll say this again and again. If YOU were running a company, and you were about to release a completely redesigned product full of innovation that YOU spent money making...
...would you then announce to the world they didn't have to buy it because the old version was just as good?
@beuneus12 No they don't. Like I keep saying, why redesign a controller with new innovations and then announce the old versions will work just as well?
$399 starting. Won't be any lower. I can say the magic price point is $100, doesn't mean that's what it will be. I don't see anything wrong with a $399 launch price. I wonder if a second bundle with a Vita will be available?
cbxero's comments