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cell_dweller Blog

Superman Returns

So I would just like to say that after seeing that movie I can't wait for the next 2. I absolutely love Brian Singer, the director. For those of you who don't know, he is the one who did both X-men and X-men 2. He did not do X-men 3, which sucked. Anyway, back to Superman......the movie was just wow.....Brandon Routh did a great job, and I loved the way he played Clark Kent. He sold the clumsiness, and made everything just work right. He even looks like Christopher Reeve which is actually a surprise in how well he emulates the greatest Superman. He looks the part as well. He did a great job getting ready for the role, and while wearing that suit, he looks very intimidating. So, thats my blurb for now, I don't want to ruin go see the movie, and we can discuss later! Peace out!!

first bloggage

So, I figured I might actually post something in my blog here. All kinda of things happening right now. Doing lots of traveling and working and such....but ya, my 6/6/06 day is over so I'm heading to bed........more to come later