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cell_dweller Blog

Games, games, and stuff!

So, I finally finished Mass Effect, and I have to say it's definitely one of my favorite games. I can't wait until Christmas, where I have a few weeks off to play through it again! There's so much I didn't do the first time that I want to do, and so many more options to explore. They really did a good job when making the game. I still need to get all my achievements in Halo, and that shouldn't be too hard. Most of what I have left is accessing the terminals, and then the meta-game points ones, and beating the game on legendary....all of which I can do at once. I want to get 1000/1000, just to say I have at least one game with all the achievements. Bioshock just got a new update! There is a new plasmid, and brand new tonics, as well as freaking widescreen! I love it. They also added a new achievement...beating the game on hard difficulty without dying. That's worth 100 points, but I don't think I will be able to get that one...I may have to try though, but it's a pretty long game to go without dying. I am still working on my review for this game, it's going to be a bit long, but should be pretty good. Well, that's all for games. My foot is healing pretty good. I'm going to test it out next week by going snowboarding. I love snowboarding, and I'm glad the season is finally here! O, and the whole Jeff thing. I'm not going anywhere, so don't worry about that :)

Mass what?!?

Mass Effect is freaking greatness so far. More to come soon. Also, I actually did start my review of Bioshock, so look for as well.

That's about all for games as of now. Currently working on getting the new updated Emblems Guide together, and that is taking a bunch of time. Check back for it soon though! O, and I'm inching closer to level 30. Kinda crazy, I never expected to spend so much time here :)

I have a new excuse.... stay home and play tons of video games! It's not a good excuse, because it hurts like hell, but still. Anyway, my drunken friend decided he was going to stumble onto my foot and break it. And by stumble I mean stomp, and by friend I mean 6 foot 4, 350lbs. of largeness (that's about 158.75kg's for my UK buddies) Unfortunately it's not in a place they can apply a cast, so my foot is going to be vulnerable for the next few weeks.

On that note, I think that it is a good excuse to stay home on the couch and play as many games as possible. I am almost done with Bioshock, and am going to have my friend pick me up Assassin's Creed as a "sorry I broke your foot" present. After that, COD4 needs to be completed as well. And then after that Mass Effect too.

So, for the next few days, I might not leave the couch, and just play video games. I'll see what work lets me do, but I don't think they'll have a problem with it. So, keep an eye on my gamerscore, it might just go up a few thousand points here before Sunday...


The madness has ended. I have started Bioshock. Let me say this. I absolutely love this game! It is amazing, and I can't believe that I waited so long to open it. Regardless, I love plasmids. They are sweet. The newest one that I've gotten is the freezing one, and I tell you what, that comes in handy. I'm not going to go into all the details, because I don't want to ruin it for everyone, but it is a great game. Big Daddy's are extremely hard to fight on hard. They are quick and seem to launch mines at you really steadily. Now that I have the freeze, and the upgraded electro bolt, I have a feeling that it will be a little easier to face them. I think I'll actually review this game, make it my first review. I know I've been saying that for a while now, but this game actually has my attention, and I've actually been paying attention to the little things in the game. So, be on the look out for my first game review.

Why I'm going to be broke in a few weeks

With all the new games coming out soon, I just realized that I am going to be one broke person. I am going to list off all the games I will be getting in the upcoming weeks (most are 360 games of course): Assassin's Creed Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Mass Effect Blacksite: Area 51 (You can blame the live feed for that one) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Unreal Tournament 3 (PC for that one) Shoot, I am going to be one broke dude who doesn't have any time on his hands. Although, I have promised myself that I will be beating Bioshock this weekend. Rest assured, it has spent a month in plastic, and this travesty shall end on Saturday. As for other news, this Writer's Guild strike going on in Hollywood right now is threatening my favorite shows....most importantly House and Heroes. That pisses me off to no end. They knew their deal would end, they need to come up with a new one so this doesn't happen. They still have like 2 or 3 more weeks, but after that, there aren't any new episodes to keep playing. That would mess up the season, and that doesn't make me happy. Also, I haven't decided if I am going to participate in the TF2 tournament. I'll make up my mind over the weekend. Alright, time to go spend more time on the 360. Have a good night all!

I'm back, everything is good, idano what else...

So, I'm sure a few of you were wondering where I have been recently. Well, I live in San Diego, and my house was one that had to be evacuated. The fires came about 1000 feet from my house, but they have been stopped, and I have moved back in. It was a scary time to say the least. One of my best friend's houses burnt down, so she will be staying with me for a while. It should be fun, I haven't had a roommate in a while! I should be getting back to playing games and such soon. I obviously haven't been able to recently. Bioshock still needs to be played, and my Halo 3 achievements still need to be gotten. I'm looking at getting all of the achievements for Halo to get the full 1000/1000. We'll see how much time I have to play it coming up. The fires forced me to not be able to participate in the Quake Wars tournament, which was disappointing. I was looking forward to testing out my skills. I had been playing a good amount in the week before to get ready, and then I didn't get to play. I did watch the final match, and I dropped in on Wed. night I think to see how it went. Jody was a huge help as usual, so a big thanks goes out to her. She took time out of her busy schedule to help me, and she's done a great job since Kevin stepped up to start reviewing games. With this huge Resistance tournament, it just shows how much work goes into it. The site has been really glitchy lately. Not sure if it's due to work they are doing on it, or just coding that is getting messed up or changed. Hopefully they can get all the bugs fixed, some of them are quite annoying. Also, New England just got done stomping on the Redskins....52-7. Superbowl, here we come! Heroes this week should be good, and House as well. Those are like my 2 favorite shows. I guess that's it for now, you'll be seeing me around again, so get used to it :P

Who Done it!?

So, I figured it is time for another random blog update since much has happened since the last one. First off, I would like to congratulate a few of my friends who are now GS imod's. One is going to be a tmod for tournaments, and the other I believe is going to be a general moderator. They are icytower38 and Caddy06_08 respectively. GS has made a wise decision in selecting these two. There are also 8 more that have been selected. If you want to know the full list, check this thread here. Alrighty then, another tournament is coming up in which I am participating. That would be the Earth Under Siege tournament. The prize for this tournament is huge, a new HP Blackbird 002 PC for each of the 6 team members. I have been practicing a bit, but I'm not expecting to do that well. Apparently a few clans are entering, and they are pretty good, so I will do my best, but I'm not expecting to win. What else is new....let's see.....o, I've been a little busy lately so I haven't had much time for games. This weekend I plan on beating Bioshock though, since I've had my Halo 3 fix recently. All I hear is good things about that game, and I'm getting kinda anxious to play it. I've played through the demo when it came out, and I loved it. I can't wait to see what other plasmids to go through. Next on the agenda....Linux! I loaded up my profile on my Linux box the other day, and I got a nice surprise. I already made a topic about it in the Emblems Union, so if you want to check it out, here you go :) I think that's all I have for now. Halloween is approaching, so eat lots of candy, and get your costumes ready!

The official I love Halo 3 blog

The title says it all. I love Halo 3 so much that I haven't played Bioshock yet, it's still sitting next to the 360. I know that's a crime in itself, so if you sue me, I won't be too upset about it. Seriously though, I will be playing it again and again probably the next week or so, and then I will dive into Bioshock. I loved the demo, but Halo 3 just started growing on me, and then I started playing online, and then we all know what happens then....If it seem's I'm not here as much, check Live, I might be there... Anyway, that's what's new with me. How is everyone else doing?

Pissed off

Time for a rant.....why you ask? Because I am pissed, that's why.... I'll layout what happened for you: On top of the horrible day of work yesterday, I went to the mall, because they have a Lens Crafters there, and I had an eye appointment. I rode my motorcycle up there, and while I was in the appt, someone stole the helmet that was locked down on the bike, and messed up some of the plastic doing it.....there was probably a bunch of people around, and no one said anything. I was stuck there for 3 hours while my friend had to find me a helmet, and bring it to me...and I made him miss his date...

Why the hell would someone want to steal a $200 helmet that they probably can't fence anyway? It just doesn't make sense to me. I guess some people just don't respect or other people's property. Regardless, it pisses me off, because I work hard to earn the money to buy nice stuff, and then someone steals it......

Halo 3

Two missions down, 7 to go. I started last night, and I probably will finish it tonight. The only reason I stopped playing last night is that I actually fell asleep during one of the cut-scene's. I bet if you were there you would have laughed at me. Anyway, I'll give more of my opinion on this game later, and maybe I'll make this my first review....who much to do, so little time! P.S......Heroes is awesome!