Games, games, and stuff!
by cell_dweller on Comments
So, I finally finished Mass Effect, and I have to say it's definitely one of my favorite games. I can't wait until Christmas, where I have a few weeks off to play through it again! There's so much I didn't do the first time that I want to do, and so many more options to explore. They really did a good job when making the game. I still need to get all my achievements in Halo, and that shouldn't be too hard. Most of what I have left is accessing the terminals, and then the meta-game points ones, and beating the game on legendary....all of which I can do at once. I want to get 1000/1000, just to say I have at least one game with all the achievements. Bioshock just got a new update! There is a new plasmid, and brand new tonics, as well as freaking widescreen! I love it. They also added a new achievement...beating the game on hard difficulty without dying. That's worth 100 points, but I don't think I will be able to get that one...I may have to try though, but it's a pretty long game to go without dying. I am still working on my review for this game, it's going to be a bit long, but should be pretty good. Well, that's all for games. My foot is healing pretty good. I'm going to test it out next week by going snowboarding. I love snowboarding, and I'm glad the season is finally here! O, and the whole Jeff thing. I'm not going anywhere, so don't worry about that :)
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