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cell_dweller Blog

Playing games with someone you know is amazing!

I just got done with about 10 games of COD4 with Jody, and I must say....I had a hell of a time. It's been a while since I had that much fun playing games! I had just got home from the bar, and noticed she was playing, so I figured I'd join up. It's always adds more competitiveness and overall enjoyment when you play with someone you know! (You gotta watch out for her too, she's not just pretty...she's pretty darn good ;)) So ya, it's like 4am now, and I should definitely head to bed, since it's time for church in like 4 hours, but next time you see a friend online, join up and play, and have a good time! ( of these days, I'll get in some COD4 with you...and by that I mean you will completely own me, but I'll still try!)

So, I lied about my vacation....kinda!

So, you guys know about my vacation and such, but I decided to keep my reasoning behind the vacation a secret. I've been thinking about it a ton in the last year or so, and I decided that I wanted to return to school and get my Master's degree. So, my vacation was a vacation, but also a trip. For the next 3 months, I will be schooling it up in Michigan, at the same place I went to school to get my Bachelor's degree. I will be here until the summer, then head back home. Back here to Michigan again in the fall, and I should be close to being done. We'll see how it goes, I might be able to go next spring with a few online courses. I still get to work at the same company I have been at, I just work remotely, and do more managing now, than hands on stuff. Now, as far as gaming and here goes, don't worry. I left myself open for this when I was in undergrad, by taking a few courses that would count towards my Master's. So, it will only take about a year to get, instead of 2, and I already have my thesis done. (We had to do a thesis for the Bachelor's, and it counts as a Master's thesis as well) Therefore, use of this site, moderating, and gaming will remain the same, maybe with a bit more flexibility ;) So, wish me luck in the next year, I'm looking forward to the new challenge! EDIT: O, for those that want to know what I'm studying.....Master of Science in Information Technology.

I love friends!

My friend won a copy of COD4: GOTY edition, and he already had COD4, so he gave it to me! I don't have to download the map pack now....I'm so excited :D Anyway, yet another tournament coming up....Halo it is! Here I come flag...

I'm glad April 1 is over!

Yes, I really am. I didn't know if I would have internet or not on vacation, but the hotel has free wi-fi, so guess where I am! Anyway, after I got back from snowboarding today, and before I went to bed yesterday, it seemed like all I did was locked April Fool's threads. Boy am I glad that's over was getting kinda frustrating, and I'm not supposed to be frustrated on vacation! Anyway, I think I'll be heading back home tomorrow, so no more crappy hotel food, or anything like that....woohooo!

My entire body hurts....

That's what snowboarding ridiculous mountains does to your body. I just spent a good 2 hours in the spa, hoping to recuperate. Seriously, I don't think that I have ever been this sore in my entire life, and that includes hockey, football, and soccer in high school. I'll give you an idea of how high we were, and what crazy runs we were doing. Here's a few pictures: Picture 1 Picture 2 and # 3 Anyway, I should return back to normal posting/moderating sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday. I am here for a few more days for more fun (and more free wi-fi now and again), then heading back home! Talk to you all soon!

I will actually be in Vegas!

Not the game, the actual city! I leave tomorrow morning, heading to Vegas until Friday, then onto Colorado to snowboard. Lucas, if I have time, I'll stop in Denver and track you down :twisted: Anyway, I shall return sometime next week. Until then! P.S. Andi....when I get back, remind me I owe you a blog.

Sometimes I wish...

That there were no computers, or video games, or TV, or anything like that. Want to know why? I would have missed an absolutely GORGEOUS day outside, had my friends not came over and dragged me outside. I'm talking 80 degrees, no clouds, freaking beautiful. I used to spend all my time outside, before I got my first computer and game system. My parents were smart, and I never owned anything until 64 came out. That means I spent ALL my time outside, until I turned about 15. Well, today, I did just that. After I got home from church, I spent about 30 minutes here, and then my friends came to get my lazy ass off the chair. We went on a sweet motorcycle ride, then headed down to the beach. We spent some time there, throwing a football around, chilling. After that we came back to my friends place, played some basketball and HORSE for a while. Then we ate, and back outside for some catch. All in all, that's a bad ass day right there. We have all become so dependent on technology for our entertainment, we easily forget how much fun we can have with Mother Nature. So, next time your find yourself on the couch, and are bored.....get your butt up, call a few friends, and GO OUTSIDE!

GS is starting to scare me...

Yes, they really are. There have been what, 5 or 6 editors that have left in the recent months, and I haven't heard, or seen any new ones being hired. To be honest, it worries me. There are only a few editors left, and they can't do all the work themselves. They are strained right now to get reviews out (Granted they are busting their asses, and I am definitely applauding them for that). I realize that finding quality reviewers is a hard task, but still, it's been quite a while now since the whole Jeff thing happened. I hope they have something planned, because otherwise, the future doesn't look good...and that make me sad, because I love this place.

The 2 year anniversary!

Well, it's been 2 years here on GS. Much has changed since I started coming here, but then again, a bunch has stayed the same. Let's have a little run down of my time here. First off, I just became a global GS mod. That was definitely unexpected, but yet a great honor. It's been a good experience so far, and I think I am doing a decent job. Honestly though, everyone that gives the mods a hard is way harder than you think to be one. I have the utmost respect for the g/m-mods now. Let's see....Emblems union is still going strong. Close to 2,500 members, which is pretty darn good if you ask me. It's still decently active for being close to 2 years old. I've been an officer for close to a year now, and it's been fun that's for sure. I helped re-organize and update the new Emblem guide. That took a ton of work! Anyway, I'll be working on next year's guide throughout this years, so there's not so much work to do the last week in December. I'm kinda a perfectionist, so I'm going to be making everything look just right :P Well, I've been in a few tournaments as well. I made it to the semi-finals in the 2nd Gears tournament, and that was sweet :D I plan on partaking in many more tournaments in the future as well. Kevin, and now Jody (plus everyone behind the scenes ;))bust their ass to bring us good stuff, and it is much appreciated! I think one of the best things about being here for 2 years is the friendships that I've made. Whether it's playing UNO with Andi, Lucas, and Paul on XBL, or discussing all the juicy news about the C&C series with icy, or just hanging out and posting with fastest, carstairs, Sid, and's been tons of fun. When I joined this site, I figured I'd come here once or twice a week. I had no clue it would turn out that I am a moderator, and have made some amazing friends. Life is full of surprises, you just have to make the most of them :) One thing that I haven't done that I've wanted to is write a few reviews. I started a Bioshock one, but I always seem to get side-tracked for some reason...Hopefully one of these days I'll get to it! I can't forget to thank dbz345, and the good folk over at the SSU union. If it wasn't for them, I probably would have never started to be active here. So, thanks to all the guys, and Rocy :P Here's to a few more years!

Go Vote NAO!

So, if you don't know, the Legacy Forum doesn't have a little icon on the main forums page. Well, to solve this issue, they are having a challenge, and users submitted their work to see who would rain supreme! Well, we are down to the final round, and it's time to vote. Therefore, go vote for the D-Pad! This is the thread that the voting is going on in, with example images included of course. The D-Pad is made by carstairs, who if you don't know is the freaking master of GIMP. He has made my banner and avy, and done so for several others. Anyway, his reasoning for making a D-Pad is in his blog. (You can find a link to his profile in my blog header ;)) I totally agree with his choice, and the D-pad looks sweet! It represents almost ALL the older systems, since they pretty much all have D-Pads. The 2nd NES controller is badass, don't get me wrong, but I personally like the D-Pad. VOTE FOR D-PAD!!!!