Community Spotlight
by cell_dweller on Comments
I am going to warn you right now this blog is going to be a bit long ;) Well, I somehow managed to make it into the Community Spotlight here on Gamespot. If you don't know what that is, click the forums link at the top of the page, and scroll down and look to the right. I am there for everyone to see! I have to say that it definitely came as a surprise to me. I never expected to be there at all. Heck, I don't even know how you get there. Anyway, since I am in the spotlight, I figured I might as well take the time to tell everyone a little about me. Let's see now. I am a 22 year old Network Administrator, and I reside in Southern California. I have been all about games and computers since I was a little kid, and it's only fitting that I made a career out of one of them :) So, the main types of games that I like are FPS and RTS, and my 2 main gaming outlets are my 360 and my PC. I am a HUGE fan of the Command and Conquer series, but not so much into Starcraft for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I still play Starcraft, but it doesn't have the appeal to me that a C&C game does. I love all of the Unreal's and I can't wait for UT3. Of course I already have Halo 3 pre-ordered, but then again who doesn't? I also like a good RPG now and then. I also enjoy some handheld gaming. I have a PSP and a DS, but I really don't play my PSP that much at all. I'm thinking about getting rid of it since I already beat MGS: PO, and Daxter, and Syphon Filter like 3 times a piece. Nothing else on the PSP really catches my eye. Well, there are a few games that I am really excited for. Halo 3 and UT3 obviously as previously stated, but also RE5! Finally a Resident Evil game on 360 :) Definitely excited for that one. What else now? Ahhh, new Zelda game coming out. Love Zelda as well. Something you might not expect now....I can't wait for the new Lego Star Wars game to hit in November. I have both of the other Lego games, and I am all over them. I have like 300 hours combined on the two games. There is also a Lego Batman game coming, and rest assured I will be getting that. Alright, on to Gamespot and what I do here. I figured since I am in the Community Spotlight, I might as well tell you what I do around the community. Makes sense huh? Lol, anyway, where do I spend most of my time you ask? Well, most of my time is spent between 2 unions. Those two unions would be SSU and The Emblems Union. I am an officer in both unions, so I have to keep order over there! :twisted: No no, I am a nice officer, and I love my time in each union. When I joined GS a year and a half ago, I never expected to do anything besides suck in all the game news I could. Well, that didn't last long. Damn you and your addicting nature Gamespot!! :) That isn't where I spend all my time though. I visit all kinds of different places. I like to help in Welcome Newbies, and SE and Tech Support when I can. I have a decent knowledge of HTML and coding, and of this site, so it's only right that I help out others. I never really went to WN when I first joined, I like to figure out everything on my own, and so far so good. I recently got into posting in OT as well. You can probably find me in Roll Call, and a few other random topics around there. I only post in random topics when I have something good to add, so you won't see me spamming up the place in every topic :P I also participate in tournaments when I can. Recently, my team and I made it to the semi-finals in the Gears of War tournament. I made a seperate blog about that, so I won't go into details. That was definitely a fun tournament. I also drop by the Wrestling and Sports discussion forums every once in a while. Alright, well I guess that's enough reading for now huh? If you guys have any more questions, go ahead and leave a comment, and I'll do my best to answer them!
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