Yea, it's about that time again. Seems like the years just keep rolling by faster and faster. Just yesterday I could have swore it was Halloween. Apparently time flies when you are having fun huh? In any case, I'd have to say that there are a number of things that I am grateful for. I think I'm going to just list my top 3 instead of spitting out a bunch of random stuff. 1) My family and friends 2) My health 3) My job/Computers It's easy to take any of those things for granted. I have friends who are my age (mid-twenties) who do not have jobs, yet they have a college degree just because of the economy. I have a few friends that lost a spouse/sibling/parent this year. I'm lucky that I have been fortunate enough to avoid any of those tragedies. You may also ask why computers is #3, and that one is simple. Without them, I would have no job, and I'd have no clue what I'd be doing with my life right now. We DEFINITELY take computers for granted nowadays. I dare you to not use one for a week. Probably can't do it huh? I know that I can't. So, even though this is a holiday only in the US today, it's nice to take some time to reflect every once in a while. It helps keep things in perspective for you. When you are complaining about that paper you have to write for school, be sure to remember that many many people don't have the opportunity to even go to school. In other news, I'm almost done with Assassin's Creed finally! I'm on the last mission right now. It's only taken me like 2 years since I've had the damn game, but hey, I'm just glad I'm getting to it. Mainly I want to finish it so that I can play 2, which I have bought, but have not opened yet. I've vowed to not wait 2 years to get to the 2nd game. First one is fun, but does get repetitive. No way I would spend all the time just to run around and find all the flags, so I won't get 1000/1000, but I refuse to do "busy gameplay."
You may have noticed my new theme here is red. That's because yesterday I was promoted to Master Moderator, which is a red emblem. Totally unexpected. When I joined this site back in 2006, I had no idea what a moderator even was. It's quite an honor, as it is the highest rank of moderator. With it comes a ban hammer which I will wield without prejudice. So don't piss me off :P Well, I think that's about it for now. If any of you are going shopping tomorrow morning, please be safe! Hope you get what you want. Happy Thanksgiving all in the US!!! :)
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