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cell_dweller Blog

I'm a big fan of sweet deals

You know, every once in a while there comes a deal that's just too good to pass up. I recently discovered this when taking a trip to Best Buy. Walking in the door, I immediately went to the games isle to see what kind of sale they had going on. To my amazement, they had buy one, get one 50% off video games. Seeing all the previews, and watching all the videos for the new Batman game, I knew I had to get that one. Snatching that up, it took me about 20 minutes to decide on RE5 for the next game. There were so many choices I could have made, but I've always been a fan of the RE series, so I had to get it. I tell you what though...I'm SOOOO glad to be getting back into gaming. I bet I haven't turned on my 360 in a few months, and it doesn't feel right. So, I'm off to enjoy me some Batman! I'll be sure to tell you what I think :)

Motorcycle accidents hurt.... case you didn't know that. I'm doing alright, just incredibly sore and cut up. Basically, I was riding west on a 2 lane road. On my right was an SUV at a stop sign going to turn east. I don't have a stop sign, she turned left right in front of me, and I went right to avoid her. Unfortunately there was a ton of gravel right there, so down I went. Taking the bike in Saturday for a quote, and hoping it's less than my deductible so I don't have to go through insurance. Luckily the cop wrote it up as her fault, so even if I do go with insurance, my rates won't go up because it's a fault state. What pisses me off most....NO ONE STOPPED TO HELP. WTF. There were a couple cars behind me, and a few people on the sidewalk. What is this world coming to?? So yea, I'm pissed, need to get my bike fixed, and generally tired. Hope all of you are doing well though! I'll get some pictures uploaded once I get them.

Transformers 2

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO unbelievably amazing I don't know how to describe it in words. I will be seeing it at least 6 more times. In the next week. That is all.

Who likes new blogs?

Well hello there peoples, it certainly has been a while hasn't it?

First let me start by saying the reason that I haven't been around much lately is that I got a new job. Yes, the economy sucks, and in the middle of Feb, the company I was working for went out of business. I was EXTREMELY lucky and got an interview and offer the next week, and within 3 weeks had started the new job. After training, vacation, more training, another vacation, and getting settled in my own office, I'm finally back into a normal routine, and able to spend time here :) Other than that, nothing new with me. Just been enjoying the NHL playoffs. Red Wings are once again 4 wins away from a Stanley Cup victory, and of course I'm stoked. I'm going camping this weekend because I thought the finals weren't going to start until next weekend, but apparently they moved them up. O well, can't win them all! E3 is just around the corner, and who doesn't love that? I can say that I'm highly disappointed in the decision not to have subscriber chat rooms. Last year's E3 was EPIC. I was not only there in person, but I was in the chat room the whole time. Nothing but fun. I hope they reconsider that, but I will still be watching press conferences. I haven't been following much gaming news lately, so I'm looking forward to being surprised. And with that, it's time to go watch the absolutely slanted in Lebron's favor officiating in the NBA conference finals.

It's been a while!

So, what's new peoples!? I hope you all had good holidays, and are back in your normal routines. Whether it be school, work, or just hanging out, hope things are well! I'm finally back into my routine after one hell of a holiday season. First off, the broken hand kept me out of commission for a while. After that it was school. Then, I got snowed in, and couldn't leave to come home for Christmas!! That sucked. Either way, that's all done now, and what's new with me you ask??? Lets find out: First off, college is completely done. I never have to step foot back in a school again! WHOOO! I'm stoked about that. I will continue to work at my current job a while longer. I've been looking at a few other things in robotics and such, but haven't made a decision yet. We'll see what the future holds. It's all up in the air at the moment! Gaming. Well, I haven't done much gaming lately. I did however get together with a bunch of mods and play some TF2. That was really fun, and hopefully we'll be gathering again for more gaming. For Christmas I got Too Human and Dark Sector. While they didn't really get amazing reviews, everyone I've talked to said they were fun games, and enjoyed playing them, so I'm looking forward to that. Now, the only problem is getting the time to sit down and play them! Seems like everytime I try, something comes up. Went to a hockey game yesterday. Red Wings vs. Ducks up in Anaheim. Red Wings won of course. They are a pretty good team. Hockey is my favorite sport, and there's nothing like going to a game in person. Of course, I has a picture: [spoiler]  [/spoiler] Few of the shows I watch are making their return. The 2-night, 4-hour premiere of 24 was fantastic. It was much better than last year's premiere. It definitely left me wanting more, and I can't wait to see next weeks episode. Smallville is back tonight, and Bones returns next Thursday, and I look forward to watching those. That leaves Chuck, which doesn't return until the 2nd of Feb :( Not too much reading going on since I don't have time. Just finished my 2nd readthrough of Watchmen in preparation for the 6th of March. I can't wait for the movie! I'm hoping it will be fantastic. The more previews that I see, the more I want the movie to just come out already! Speaking of movies.....Gran Turino was amazing. Probably the best movie I've seen this decade. Clint Eastwood is a genius, and one hell of an actor. I was also glad to see that Heath Ledger got a Golden Globe. It was a good tribute to his fantastic performance as the Joker. I think that's about it. See you guys and gals around the forums, and hopefully in the OTS chatroom when it returns!

You know what we need more of??

TIME! Dear lord, there never seems to be enough time in a day. By the time I get everything done that I need to, it's time to go to bed and start over again. Because of this, my gaming time has severely suffered. I haven't even finished Gears 2 yet, let alone get into RA3 :? I is sad. One of you really smart type people need to figure out a way to lengthen days, or pause time, but not us, or something crazy like that. I'll pay you in beer :) In other gaming news.....SAY WHAT??!!?!??!?! Anyone want to start the rumor mill?? Either way, the text message alert for my cell is now the alert you get when you get spotted in MGS. I changed it today before I ever saw this new development, so how appropriate :)

What did I do?!

So, apparently I pissed God off or something, because no sooner did I get my cast off my right hand, than I break a finger on my left. Say what?! The good thing is that I don't have to get a cast this time since it's just a finger. The bad news is that I have to wear a damn splint, which I find to be MORE annoying than a cast. Seriously now...I'm a nice person, WTF!?! Anyway, rant is over. 360 is currently updating, and I'm waiting to play some Gears 2! I haven't even installed RA3 on the computer yet, and I'm kinda pissed about that, but I've waited for so long, what's another few days. I'm hoping now that I can use a computer effectively that I'll be around more. If not, be sure to send an army of squirrels after me or something...

Where do we go from here?

That's a good question. Well, I for one am interested to see what happens. With Obama being elected, I'm glad we have a well-spoken and smart person in office for the first time in 8 years. With that being said, it remains to be seen how he does. I think he'll do just fine. I'm not too sure about some of his plans though. Some may have been just for the campaign, but he does have some decent ideas in the pile that he threw at us. Regardless, as long as I'm still able to make money and live like I have been I really can't complain. I just hope that we get things straightened out here in the US. It's been quite a mess for a while now.

Apologies for not being around

Yea, so I kinda broke a hand playing soccer last week so I haven't been spending much time on the computer at all. I apologize for not being around that much. The cast doesn't make it easy to type at all. Hopefully I can come around more next week, but we'll see...

Don owns promised!

So, a while ago at E3, I promised you guys that I had a picture of myself getting owned by Don. Well, I finally got it. So, without further hesitation, here you go:  (In case you are wondering, yes that is a Bionic Arm, and no my head hasn't fully recovered yet)