@Max_160 @cf_Kage They basically want something to come back to for Forza 6... No reason for example (Since Xbox One is online and all), and they couldn't add weather and night/day in an add-on DLC for free. They won't though, because they are probably already at work planning Forza 6 with this in mind.
No doubt some physics won't be used either for Forza 5, because again, they need to improve on Forza 6
I get what they are saying, and it is ultimately true, but its also the fact that if Nintendo want to stay in the hardware business, they cannot do what Sega did. Doing what Sega did would take away what Nintendo does in the hardware world, because they rely utimately on first party titles like Mario, Zelda, etc.
Quite sad about the fact they couldn't do night/day cycles due to time :( That would have been so nice due to the added lighting, but, I guess that is something for 6
@Dr_Umbreon @cf_Kage Its not really about that. I have many games and tend to switch between them rather frequently. Not having to worry about scratching a disc is something great. Its like having a digital copy but you also own the original. Well... "own"
However many people hate Microsoft right now, in my eyes, not having to put a disc in is a pretty good idea. The having to connect online is just incase you have sold the game and are still playing it.
The cloud could be used for all kinds of processing, but only when games require it. This game for example playing Single Player, looks to need to be connected for this, unless it substitues fake A.I when not connected to the net?
But yeah, a lot of games could use this to their advantage, but because not everyone can connect or will be connected all the time, games won't soley be able to use this, which is a shame, if say a game can process hundreds more things over the net than your console can natively.
I really like the new particle effects/smoke etc which is possible on next gen, but not entirely sure on that floaty thing. It seems too heavily used; at least in this demo. The ziplines suddenly appearing for example and then vanishing seems a bit...odd.
cf_Kage's comments