Not really surprising considering how little we've seen of the game. Really, thinking it was actually come out this holiday season is pretty damn silly. Now Evolve--that I can see coming out soon; we've seen tons of footage of it, including highly polished, playable demos for the press.
cfisher2833's forum posts
You should include AI.
@Gue1 Wolfenstein has some amazing lighting, but the horribly low res, non-filtered textures and terrible aliasing ruin the image quality. Lighting isn't everything. Personally I'd put framerate over all those other graphical elements, but then again, I just really love high framerates. And yes, I mean for EVERY game! It's a myth that some games just don't benefit much from it. They all do--even turn based strategy games.
Regardless of how the game looks (and it does look good, but I think they should ditch the MSAA and switch over to high quality SMAA--could allow for twice the framerate and barely any loss in image quality), the gameplay looked ridiculously boring, with some of the worst looking AI I've seen in a TPS.
@W1NGMAN- Not really. Technically it might look good, but artistically it's very drab and grey. You could attribute that to the setting if you want, but the developers are the ones who chose that setting, and as such shouldn't think themselves free from peoples' criticism that it's an ugly setting. Dishonored had a similar setting, yet ended up looking quite pleasant due to its art style even though it wasn't remotely impressive on a technical level.
This game just caught my attention
Is this in game?
Yes with the exception of the cockpit which wasn't complete at the time
Damn that looked good. Fuckin tingles from it.
hahahaha!! Megaton? That looked boring as ****. That has to be some of the worst AI I've ever seen. They literally just stood still, exposed on a rooftop, missing constantly as that guy fired his pistol at them. The enemies didn't seem to hit him once, and whoever was playing that game was fucking shitty at it--constantly missing. It has a nice depth of field effect, but otherwise it just looks drab and grey.
Really fucking sad that in 2014 the gaming industry still hasn't surpassed the original FEAR's AI.
Actually those screenshots look really darnypoo good. Lots of crisp detail.
Yeah, the thread title was based off the first batch of screenshots we got in, which were pretty compressed due to imgur. The game actually looks quite good and even better in motion.
I understand why the are attaching the Battlefield name to the game but it's entirely unnecessary as the game will not resemble a Battlefield game at all.
Oh well, could be good.
well the game has to sell somehow. Wont be getting many headlines if they called it..called it SWAT 5 *runs and cries in a corner*
I don't think they'd even be able to call it that given that Sierra (who owns the IP) was bought out by Activision-Blizzard.
That'll be badass if it's anything like Swat 4, but I really doubt it. Even a dumbed down Swat 4 would still be better than nothing though. Hopefully it's not just Battlefield with cops or something stupid like that.
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