"The universality hypothesis is the assumption that certain facial expressions are signals of specific emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust) that are recognized by people everywhere, regardless of culture or language."
"Darwin argued that the expression of emotions has evolved in humans from animals, who would have used similar methods of expression. Darwin believed that expressions were unlearned and innate in human nature and were therefore evolutionarily significant for survival."
also at the of the end of the article there's an angered non american kid photo.
no dude, they express emotion in their faces. they might not jump around but there's little things that allows people to tell if someone is happy or sad, etc, micro expressions. the expression is the same everywhere. but i see that its pointless to continue this discussion so ignore me, microsoft and science.
@whirlwind12: actually emotions are expressed in the face in pretty much the same way globally. some more open and expressive others you can't tell as much, but the base expression is the same. body language is a global thing and you can't control all of it, i think even with training you can't control every inch of you subconscious movements, including anger. you should watch Lie to Me (tv series). that's also how most "psychics" can guess stuff about people because they can read people really well.
@Kusann: I know who he is and what he has done. but his most recent ones are Mickey games that weren't well received by critics. So maybe he shouldn't throw stones if he has glass roofs. (its an expression, i think its a pretty clear one).
Besides it is not the first time he criticizes games in a way that annoys people.
I don't even remember which comment and to what game he made anymore but I don't like him for a while now.
I feel because he made Deus EX, he thinks he, as someone said in this comment section, "owns" video games as a medium and can set directives for it, of what is better for it. All of what he says sounds to me: "I'm a genius and so right, everybody else is wrong".
I don't like FPS, its not my kind of game, but I would never if I had his position say this: "Did the world really need another Wolfenstein game?" He did. Imagine the developers of the game, that even maybe looked up to him. I mean he was just a jerk. And here he just doing it again. Maybe he wants press coverage or something.
Also this: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/warren-spector-clarifies-gta-critique/1100-6139443/
"The ultraviolence has to stop. We have to stop loving it"
After each one he comes out and explains what he means, AKA makes up excuses.
@cranston53: not sure if you are trolling now. "He said certain types of game don’t make the most of the creative medium that gaming allows." which means that there is a correct way and a wrong way to do it. the correct way being with most interactivity possible. he does it well and others don't. that is what that sentence signifies.
Besides it is not the first time he criticizes games in a way that annoys people.
I don't even remember which comment and to what game he made anymore but I don't like him for a while now.
I feel because he made Deus EX, he thinks he, as someone said in this comment section, "owns" video games as a medium and can set directives for it, of what is better for it. All of what he says sounds to me: "I'm a genius and so right, everybody else is wrong".
I don't like FPS, its not my kind of game, but I would never if I had his position say this: "Did the world really need another Wolfenstein game?" He did. The developers of the game, that even maybe looked up to him. I mean he was just a jerk. And here he just doing it again. Maybe he wants press coverage or something.
Also this: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/warren-spector-clarifies-gta-critique/1100-6139443/
"The ultraviolence has to stop. We have to stop loving it"
After each one he comes out and explains what he means, AKA makes up excuses.
@cranston53: he expresses himself by saying that all games should be a certain way, it is natural that people feel a bit irritated by his words. i didn't even noticed they were sony exclusives until you mentioned. don't turn this into a console war. nobody even mentions sony besides you in this page of comments.
chad28_69's comments