About reality check, I posted this before but it didn't went through:
If you give people 2 items exactly the same and tell them to compare them without telling them they are the same, people will find differences that aren't there because you have told your brain to find differences so it finds it even if it has to make them up. Therefore that test proves nothing.
@whirlwind12: the humans alive today, come from the ancestor that appeared in Africa and then migrated but since we are all the same species the hypothetical genetic information on expressions is there. beside in the article in wikipedia supports me (that why the gr8 b8 m8), even chimps have the same base expressions, meaning the "genes of expression" were conserved even back to the common ancestor with chimps. if you want to know more use google scholar to search for articles about human evolution and migration. I'm not going to explain it all here.
I had a class called human biology about human evolution in university and although some things are forgotten i clearly know more than you in the subject.
chad28_69's comments