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chaos-SD Blog

I should have stayed locked in my room...

I was arrested....nuff said...

*pause for laughter*

Ok, so with that, you all know what this means...thats right! There is no delay, to the six (I'm pretty sure it was six...i didn't take the time to count...) I'm going to have the release for you guys, but have to delay the rest of it for the public. I'll have the site ready by then and the teaser will just be in black and white...but it's better than nothing right?


Drop the Bomb...

or Join it....then probably fall to a fatal death accompanied by what I could assume would be a rather large explotion...but who knows :P

So, moving to giant bomb from here sounds rather pointless...but to have both accounts, for more PR it sounds awesome! especially since they have a comic book counter part! So I'm JOINING this bomb that is rather large and you can add me as a friend under chaos_SD


Sometimes I feel Miniscule...[also with an update for new readers]

Bleh, sometimes it hurts when I see so much of this...

The list that causes pain...

The list that molests ...

The list that rips out your soul and sits down to a fine dinner in front of you and slowly devours it...

I decided to go over the lists just to see how other creators do...and...Ouch. Sometimes I forget how many people do this, and I'm reminded how tough it will be to just plain enter into this field...

Whats more is, seeing so many hits on the top comics; especially the one that just crushed my soul. It's rough, and it has me thinking "how the hell am I going to do this?!" I know my art s-t-y-l-e [gamespot! stop censoring this!!!] isn't as great, or original as some of these, and that drives the nail in harder... it's possible that the only thing that I'll be really differentiating myself with (I hope) is the depth or everything. I like to think that I'm putting more depth into my plot and action sequences than others will be; yet, who knows? It's kind of hard to look at all of those comics thoroughly...

Guess the only thing I can do, is hope and continue these pre-date PR tactics here (and maybe start some elsewhere). I guess I can take to heart the fact that I'm pushing to have things ready before everyone else. It's obvious that those that update frequently are very successful and popular...but still...

UPDATE FOR NEW USERS [and those that just wanna catch up]

Hi, I'm Scott Deisner!

I'm currently working on an online graphic novel that I hope to launch soon [maybe by the end of september]. It's going to be seven books in total and each book will probably contain somewhere between 25 to 30+ chapters. You can view a couple teaser images in my images tab here on Gamespot. I plan on differentiating myself as an online comic creator by having massive, intense, off the wall action sequences, by trying to have a proper balance between drama action and humor, having a great deal of depth within my plot, and most importantly: UPDATING ON TIME AND 2 TO 3 TIMES A WEEK. What is coming up next week is what will probably be the biggest reveal about my book series, a four page teaser [that I refer to as an action strip], and something else...

Feel free to view the first time I revealed info about my book in these guest blogs by Thomas-Crown and theycallmeryan:



Thanks, and hope you guys enjoy reading my blog!


Progress Report...(7/16pt2 and 7/17)

Two Points to Cover:

1. Update on Site Construction and the Date in which The Big Day is...

2. Something to Admit...

Here Goes:

Alright, site construction is going better and I can see only one forsee-able migraine left in my future with this [but who knows]. I expect to have an inactive mock up ready by monday! This will pave the way for everything to be ready for "THE BIG DAY" on the 26th. BLOGGERS BE READY, you know who you are!

Now, the second part is that I owe all of you an appology. I have come to realize recently that I severely overestimated my own abilities and underestimated the difficulty of everything I am doing, so i'd like to appologize to all of you for all the delays. Thank you for all of the support all of you have given me; expect more accurate information on everything I do from here on out...


Post Script- That reminds me...I'll be posting an update as to what exactly is going on within my blog so no one is lost...

Progress Report...(7/16)

To those of you wondering how the progress is coming with site construction; I will use this blog to keep you informed.

7/16: Html is still the devil! :P but I'm starting to understand dreamweaver, and it IS starting to help. The biggest issue for me, thus far, is creating links and the content that follow from those links...When i get into that stuff, i see many sever migranes and possible brain hemoraging in my future :P

I'll keep you posted!


To Squeltch This Uproar Over FFXIII (my first gaming blog in awhile)...

Yeah, I said I'd be away for awhile...but this is honestly ridiculous, NOW PAY ATTENTION!

FIRST NOTE: I am not targeting anyone in particular. If you take offense to anything I say hear, I'm sorry, but deal with it. i'm doing this because I feel like people forget a few things every now and then, so i like to give a little reminder...I do care about your opinions, so please let me know what you think...

SECOND NOTE: I'm pulling a Symph, if you don't know what that means, there will be little things here and there that will be indicated to be marked within your comment if youll be leaving one. If you do not follow through in leaving these I will ignore your comment...sorry...

So, let's begin. If you somehow havent' heard the news: FFXIII has gone multiplatform; now my general opinion on this is whoop-f******-dee. In fact I'm glad that more people will be able to enjoy the game. I love the final fantasy series, and I could say i own a PS3 to play the game, but I still don't care. I've been working in retail for 5 years now (not in a f****** game store), I communicate with lots of people who play games on a regular basis (in and out of work), and know a well rounded deal about all systems myself. I'm not trying to say I know everything, but here are a few simple LOGICAL reminders:

Fanboys (all of them, whether they be for Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, or whoever else will come and go), almost all of them, use improper Logic. I know this because I used to be a fanboy, and I am a Philosophy Major that has been studying for two years [this means I am going for a degree in philosophy, which means I am also a Logic Major]. Once you understand logic, you can understand why almost all arguements by fanboys fail. [I believe Logic should be taught at a Highschool level, spell any one word backwords in your comment]

Fanboys constitute AT MOST 25% of consumers who purchase games, and not all fanboys dwell within internet forums. This means less than 25% of all those opinions you saw today or yesterday, barely make up a fraction of those numbers that seem to matter so much...

30% of the gaming market consists of "gamers" that use the 'inter-web'. That's right, most gamers who choose to use the internet ARE fanboys. Their ages normally fall somewhere between 15-20, their opinions are mostly biased and usually completely devoid of LOGIC.

SONY IS GOING TO BE AROUND FOR A VERY LONG, LONG, LONGLONGLONG (PUT LONG IN YOUR COMMENT!) TIME! Why? That's because they are one of the largest electronics manufacturers in the world. Last time I checked, they were Number 6 within the world. Microsoft does not even make it into the the TOP TEN! I know this, because I am also a digital communications major of two years as well (also known as telecommunications).

Sony, as they have proven over time will stand behind their product even if it's selling like a loaf of bread made of horses a**! Want some proof? The PSP sales were God awful, but due to recent support and updates for the product sales have jumped through the roof, just do a google search on PSP sales stats. Sony could have dropped support for this product a long time ago, but they did not...

End statements

Why are we hearing such rubish like: Sony is going to fail, and This is the End of the PS3? It's because fanboys have nothing to do with their lives! and here's the kicker, their opinions, don't matter! so just ignore them. Their opinions don't matter to Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and they probably don't even matter to their own mothers; their opinions barely make up any part of hardware or software sales. The opinions that should matter are yours, my readers. I refer to you because I've read your blogs, for all of you, more often than not, you guys have respectable opinions, otherwise I wouldn't be tracking you [i don't just track people to up my friend count, I'll gladly untrack anyone whos opinion is just ridiculous]. Sony is not going anywhere, and this issue with FFXIII will more than likely barely effect them; because they know, as well as I do that consumers just WANT the PS3. More and more devs who were supposedly 'on one side' are going multiplatform and there are barely any exclusives left on the Microsoft, or PS3 side. Yet it doesn't matter, because consumers are not buying the product for specific games more often then not. They buy the products because they prefer one brand over the other, they had a preferred experience with one over the other, OR they plan on buying both because they are not fanboys and they don't need an attatchment to one or the other just like me!!!! not...STUPID! They have been doing this for years, and much longer than Microsoft. There is no need to wonder what they are thinking, and no need to insult them for not doing anything about it, because the only one who looks foolish or ignorant is the one making the statement. Sony is composed of some of the greatest CEO minds in the world, they know what theyre doing and don't worry about it. If they choose to ever leave the gaming industry [which is unlikely], that sucks, but they know what they are doing, because they are more often than not smarter than all of us...put an asterisk in your comment...


EDIT: by the way, WHAT THE **** is this loyalty garbage I keep hearing about!!!! PEOPLE! these are businesses! Their job is to make MONEY! If they did anything else everyone who works within them should be fired! The only reason companies kept games exclusive, EVER, was because they felt their game would not make sufficeint profit on another system! *GRR*

Metal Geezers Solid... freakin...God...It finally posted!!! After about 4 days of trying to post the ******* image, it finally worked!

Alright, so this is Metal Geezers Solid; when I originally thought it up I thought it was hilarious...I hope you guys find it funny too. Note, that I didn't take the time for coloring or high quality editing, in turn its basically still a pencil scetch, just penned over. Ill take the time to color it, shade it, edit colors, drop backgrounds, and more when I choose to open up a funnies section on the site...[the speech bubbles also turned out rather small, but theres nothing I can do about that right now since GS compresses pics further...]

As for work on the site...well, I'm pretty convinced that HTML, XHTML, Javascript, Adobe Dream Weaver, all other website editors, and the internet, were all created by the Devil; and they are just tools to make our brains try to flee from our bodies in an attempt to kill us...but thats neither here nor there I GUESS .


Even though I'm starting to get the hang of DreamWeaver, it's still really rough, so I'm taking this week to do nothing but learn web editing, and even if I don't have a website up by the end of the week, Ill have a rough mockup site created so I can have a release for teaser 3 pt1 and the site and all the other crap, for the beginning of next week...

...I think thats about it...(expect Edits)


Ridiculous Just Evolved...

It's now Ridonculous...What triggered the evolution? Well the fact that the flippin images still will not upload!!!

Edit: Alright, it's almost been 24 hours since this started, could someone else try uploading a photo and let me know what the outcome is?


Post Script: Check your messages my friends!

One more hour...

I'm going to take another hour, i'm having trouble with speech bubbles...and i don't want them to look bad...