That it's at least decent.
chaplainDMK's forum posts
The Last of Us was wicked, both the story and the production quality was great. As was the world building.
But I think a lot of people sort of "mistake" a game with excellent world-building to a game with a good story though. Like I wouldn't say Fallout 3, or really any Fallout game for that matter, had a great story, but the world they create is so captivating that you sort of start imagining stories. It's a world that you surrender to and make stories as you go, which I think is the greatest triumph of "storytelling" via video-games. You can't really do that in any other medium. Generally the actual stories games tell aren't good, but through world-building they stand out.
They are milking the franchise without new ideas, Dark Souls was the best. DSII seemed poor, and I doubt DSIII will be anything really special except just a few additions to the same DS formula.
That bolded part can't be said enough. Bungie is and will always be one of the most important game developers of all time. Whether or not 343 will reach that plateau is yet to be seen, but it's a long ways up to the standard Bungie set.
Making Halo is somehow enough to be the "most important game dev of all time?" Oh right, forgot about Marathon and Apple, now I see why you worship them so much.
You misquoted me, and your memory is too short.
How exactly did I misquoute you? Or are you going to go anal about me foretting to type "one of the most important"?
You don't think "the most important" and "one of the most important" have different meanings? Curious that you asked how you misquoted me, and then explained how you misquoted me... Means you probably typed before you thought about what you were typing.
Now you've misquoted me, as in my previous post I obviously said that I know not typing "one of the" was a mistake. But hey, let's go completely by the point of my first statement.
I mean, its Bungie. Bungie is one of the most influential and important developers of all time. Something 343 will never achieve. 343 now is better than current Bungie though.
That bolded part can't be said enough. Bungie is and will always be one of the most important game developers of all time. Whether or not 343 will reach that plateau is yet to be seen, but it's a long ways up to the standard Bungie set.
Making Halo is somehow enough to be the "most important game dev of all time?" Oh right, forgot about Marathon and Apple, now I see why you worship them so much.
You misquoted me, and your memory is too short.
How exactly did I misquoute you? Or are you going to go anal about me foretting to type "one of the most important"?
I mean, its Bungie. Bungie is one of the most influential and important developers of all time. Something 343 will never achieve. 343 now is better than current Bungie though.
That bolded part can't be said enough. Bungie is and will always be one of the most important game developers of all time. Whether or not 343 will reach that plateau is yet to be seen, but it's a long ways up to the standard Bungie set.
Making Halo is somehow enough to be the "most important game dev of all time?" Oh right, forgot about Marathon and Apple, now I see why you worship them so much.
@chaplainDMK: They were all built on ideologies and how that ideology should affect society. Its pretty much the core theme of the franchise. At least through the 3 good games (1, 2, NV). This theme also reflects real life, where some societies in the world is heavily built on a single ideology. Such as the soviet union and Stalinism :P
What double standards? The thing I have bringing up all along is that while Fallout 2 did it as well. It was still to an acceptable level as opposed to an unacceptable level. Its like the difference between an E and an F. One Passes, albeit does it still poorly, the other one fails entirely.
Anyways, I denounce Fallout 3 because it got everything wrong and nothing right. The combat, the art style, the consistancy, with the most offensive being the writing. Sure the combat might not have been great in the first 2 games, but it ultimately served the goals of the game. The combat in Fallout 3 achieved nothing.
That's just such a stupid generalisation. Apart from totalitarian absurdities like North Korea and Democratic Kampuchea, you'll never have a society that is as cut and dry as what Fallout 2 had.
Fallout 1 is the only game in the series I'd go out on a limb to say had a world that would hold up to any sort of scrutiny. The other's just went into such absurdity that it's pointless to even attempt to delve too deep. I mean New Vegas as I pointed out just throws a MacGuffin about a missile defense shield somehow being only available in New Vegas, made by a private citizen, then you have Hoover dam somehow working after a century of neglect, also stupid stuff like the freaking Legion (yes I know they'd come in Van Buren, but Van Buren had an insane plot) etc. etc.
Just be serious. The world of Fallout 2 was such a cut and dry cookie cutter social commentary theme park ride that was completely unbeliveable if you paid any attention. Every town wasn't there because it was an organic settlment, it was there because social commentary. It was constantly breaking it's own rules, the rules Fallout 1 built up, the rules of just common sense etc.. Somehow that was okay while the second Fallout 3 did it, it came under huge scrutiny. I mean how was it to an acceptable level? It was just as absurd with the Enclave, the sudden insane vault experiments, the oil tanker being driven by a tribesman in a society where nobody drove ANY vehicle for over a century etc.
Okay cool, great for you.
@chaplainDMK: How many Americans could name any german states? Yeah, thought so.
You do understand that California is bigger than all of Germany, and has 40 million people? Why do you expect that Americans should even care about Europe? They have 50 states with over 3000 counties overall, with a land area over twice the size of the European Union and a compareable population. They live 5000 kilometers away, over an entire ocean, on a seperate continent surrounded by other countries. What does knowing countries in Europe have to do with anything?
It's just stupid Eurocentrism, everyone should know about Andorra and all the countries of Europe because #whiteraceĆ¼beralles, but you don't need to know about American states because they're only like stupid states you know.
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