It is a pretty shitty gen, not due to performance though, just the games. There's so few really interesting games out on both consoles.
2 years into the life cycle of the Xbox 360/PS3 you already had Gears of War 1, Forza 2, Halo 3, Mass Effect 1, Dead Rising 1,Metal Gear Solid 4, MotorStorm 1 & 2, WarHawk, Uncharted 1, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 1 & 2, Valykira Chronicles, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, GTA4, The Orange Box, BioShock, Call of Duty 4, The Elder Scrolls IV, Fallout 3, Unreal Tournament III, Colin McRae DiRT, GRiD, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1 & 2, Rainbow Six Vegas, F.E.A.R., Skate 1, Rock Band, Guitar Hero II & III, Command and Conquer III, Battlefield Bad Company etc. etc. etc.
What do you have right now? No really excellent exclusives on either console (lol @ The Last of Us remastered, Gears of War remastered, Halo remastered) , and the most interesting games I can think up from the top of my head are Bloodborne, Metal Gear Solid V, Witcher III, GTA V, Alien Isolation and Shadow of Mordor.
And I remember how much whining was going on during 2008 for how little games the PS3 had.
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