I really enjoyed all the ME games, with probably ME2 my favourite. It is VERY difficult to create yet another SciFi Universe these days but BioWare managed to pull it off and with really good ideas, characters, locations and story.FelipeInside
I enjoyed ME 1 and ME 2, looking at my steam profile I have something like 200 hours on ME 1 (probably closer to 600 hours because I already owned the game before it was on steam) and ME 2 I have 800 hours clocked in the game. If I had to say which is my favourite though I would say ME 1 because that made me FEEL as though I was in the Mass Effect Universe something ME 2 lacked a fair bit with it's shooter focus.
In contrast ME 3 I have 20 hours, I managed to finish it ONCE and never wanted to touch that sorry excuse for a game ever again. I am not talking about just the ending here (as if that wasn't bad enough) the game was incredibly poor from start to finish with only a few moments ever approaching ME 1 and ME 2 levels of excellence. The pointless fetch quests were extremely annoying and didn't fit "hey Shepard get me a fridge, it doesn't matter if the Universe is being destroyed". The whole story felt so rushed and nonsensical at times. I also found the "side" missions to be extremely luck lustre cos they were basically MP maps with bots. The whole crucible thing was beyond moronic and then there was that ending.
I don't want to hate the Mass Effect Universe, I used to love it with a passion, but Bioware just crapped all over the universe with ME 3. I honestly do not want a prequel or a sequel. I would actually prefer if they just moved on and left the universe alone But right now I am not going to invest any more of my time or money in anything from Bioware because they clearly cannot provide a "pay off" with any of their games.
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