EA does not support SOPA.
If only people would bother to check their facts after they hear something.
Perhaps I should have been clearer they only just recently withdrew open support for Sopa only after enough people kicked up a fuss about it (seeing a pattern here). However a case can still be made that they clandestinely support SOPA because the ESA is in support of and EA is a member of the ESA.
Isn't SOPA to fight piracy? And we don't know what SOPA is going or not going to do yet, so let's not jump to conclusions. Might be bad, might be not so bad.FelipeInside
Perhaps you should read up on SOPA and find out why people think it is a bad thing rather than going "meh it might be bad it might not".
Destroyed? As you mean BOUGHT? The developer has to sell for them to be able to buy u know.FelipeInside
It doesn't change the fact that EA ran PC devs into the ground and destroyed alot of cherished PC developers along with a lot of PC franchises.
If ur being an idiot on the forums and u get banned, then u deserve it. I agree loosing ALL the game is a bit harsh, but penalties need to be enforced. Same applies to anything, if I'm being an idiot at a gym, I'll get banned and my account deleted, even if I paid a whole year.FelipeInside
I am not arguing that they shouldn't be banned from the forums. If you cause problems in a forum yes you should be banned. However you should not be banned from playing the games you paid for. This isn't about the punishment fitting the crime here. When you are banned from a forum it is not a "punishment" it is a mechanism to remove you from the forum so you no longer disturb other forum goers. However EA by involving people's games collection in this ban have over stepped the mark and it is a douchebag policy that I can't believe any gamer in their right mind would defend.
.Questionable being the key word. No one had prove and people went all crazy about it, same thing happened when Steam was released. Now Origin is out, nothing has happened to anyone who has used it.FelipeInside
There were plenty of videos, snapshots and plenty of people analysing what Origin was up too and there was a clear consensus that Origin was snooping where it shouldn't. This caused a huge fuss and since then EA has changed the way Origin works.
You have proof of this?FelipeInside
Proof of what ? That they raised their games to console level pricing for PC games ? There have been many threads and topics about it. Proof that they have kept DLC at artifically high levels because they can ? Well check the DLC for Mass Effect 2 that has never recieved a price cut or sale on the PC ever. As for proof that EA does not think PC gaming exists outside of the EA well next time EA have an Origin sale pay attention to how many countries can access that sale.
Guess u don't read much of the forums hey? It's not trolling, but every time someone here says something good about EA, Blizzard or BioWare, the hammer comes down on them. BUT when either of those companies make a mistake, or get "greedy" in the business, they get slaughtered. Don't tell me most people here don't hate EA?FelipeInside
I haven't seen EA do anything good in a long time. You have to ask yourself though WHY do people hate EA ? Just what is it that EA does that makes people hate them yet at the same time a lot of the same people have praise for Valve. This isn't just fanboyism here there is a reason why EA is "hated" and Valve isn't. Do you honestly think people wake up in the morning and go "hm I will hate EA today" ? No people develop a dislike for companies based on how those companies treat them and right now a lot of people feel like EA is treating them like crap.
Now I honestly cannot be bothered to keep this going. If you have no problem with EA and Origin then that is your take on things I really cannot be bothered to try and change your mind about it. I on the other hand do not like the way the company has behaved in the past and I do not like the way the company is behaving now and as such I tend to not reward those companies with my money.
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