if microsoft brings out a handheld, ill buy it. i bought all the handhelds so far and love all of em. imagine, an xbox handheld that connects to live anywhere in the world with wifi using the same amazing service.
charomid's forum posts
i think it looks a lot better than gta 4 (and i loved gta4). just wondering how good its gonna be for consoles, since the first one for xbox did fairly well, but the one for pc did amazing!
i was so hyped for gears 2 ever since that first trailer came out (the all red one, where he runs with the chainsaw against the other locust!!!!), and the online i dont think is a disapointment at all. the only problem i have is with other players who lag and glitch! i hate them, and epic should try to get rid of all of them.
thanks for the vid. i am so hyped for this game its not even funny. i cant wait to get this and the xbox racing wheel!!!!!
went from level 1 to a level 15. i did pretty good for my first time playing since the new ranking system came into effect. the double XP was good for the weekend
hey guys. i just got off the phone with microsoft but i couldnt get a straight answer from anyone over there. i just have one simple question. if i send my 360 in for repair for rrod and then receive another one from microsoft, does the 3 year warranty start all over again from the day i receive it and register it with xbox? so basically im asking if my warranty starts all over again (the 3 year warranty). can anyone clear up my questions regarding the warranty for the 360
The day you register your original XB360. They keep a record of the original SN and all repairs/replacements that fall within that one particular warranty.
so its only 1 warranty? it doesnt start over from the day you get another 360? thats kinda crap
for sure its only 1 warranty? so if i get a console from ms (from repair) it doesnt start the 3 years over?
[QUOTE="charomid"]Gosh sorry, I'm not a lefty so I wouldn't know. Well maybe it's differnt because depending if you're a lefty and righty, maybe you have more conscious, strength, dexterity, on your dominant hand.i dont understand????????????? everyone that holds a gamepad MUST use both hands equally in order to be able to play. regardless if your a lefty or a righty, you have to use both joysticks, and use the triggers. (btw im a lefty and have no problem)
im definitely not trying to be mean (sorry bout it). im just thinking of how it can be different? but i see no other way, we use both hands for gaming. so they have to be equally good
[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"]Can you please explain what exactly make those PS3 exclusives more "current gen" than the rest of games? play mgs4, lbp, kz2, go see some Uncharted 2 videos, nuff said. if im wrong plz post some multiplat games that are on par or better.i think most of you who are mentioning crysis and pc are the ones who favor the 360 and the wii, so plz stop hiding behind the pc.
the biggest wannabe sony fanboy there is. im not even gonna try and argue his silly and ridiculous statements.
i dont understand????????????? everyone that holds a gamepad MUST use both hands equally in order to be able to play. regardless if your a lefty or a righty, you have to use both joysticks, and use the triggers. (btw im a lefty and have no problem)
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