i was looking but i couldnt find anything that answered my questions. the only reason i am worried is because i dont want it to end up like halo3 in which case you need all the map packs to play team slayer or doubles. i might end up getting the entire collection anyways though.
hey guys, i just have a couple of questions about the gears 2 all fronts collection. i know that all fronts is 1600 points and comes with the snowblind, combustible, and the flashback aswell as the new map pack and the deleted chapter of the game. also, the dark corners is 1200 points but only comes with the chapter and the new maps. so my question is that once those come out (july 28 ), in order to play online will i NEED all the map packs,(like with halo 3- team slayer and doubles) or can i still play online without those maps. if i can play online without those maps i might just get the regular dark corners instead of all fronts collection.
hey guys, the title is a little confusing but i have a couple questions. ill be going to vegas in a couple weeks (ufc), and i wanted to purchase the 4000 microsoft point card there. the only question i have is, will it work when i come back to canada? or does it only work in the usa? it may seem like a stupid question, but can someone please answer this.
You can do what ever comparison you like, KZ2 is a far better game both SP, MP and Graphics. All the sales numbers show is people seem to like average shooters. The scores for Halo3 were far to generous.djsifer01
spoken like a true fanboy. THERE IS NO WAY KZ2 HAS ANYTHING BETTER THAN HALO 3. sp sucked, mp is average and the story of the entire game is absolutely terrible (i have the game so dont judge me). halo 3 pwns kz2 in every catagory.
[QUOTE="pyromaniac223"][QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"] im a pc/ps3 gamer... sony should charge more for ps3, its worth alot more than $400 dollars.ZoomZoom2490
Raising prices would hurt Sony. It would sell much less than it does now. dont matter, 360 is choking right now, and wii cant catch a break. soon, people will relize that both systems were a mistake and that sale wars is not fun when there is nothing to play.
why do u talk nonsense for? the 360 is not choking at all. its still selling more than ps3 every month. get REAL facts before writing that.
you should not worry about your 360. microsoft covers you for 3 years after the date of purchase. just call them up if you have a problem and you will get a working one back very soon. btw, 360 is the best system this gen.
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