As some of you may recall, NCSoft will be making PS3 and PSP games in the coming future. Well, they just signed a deal with Double Fusion to bring in-game advertising to provide revenue for Dungeon Runners and their upcoming Exteel game on PC. Looking at NCSoft and their games, this gives us four possible ways to play possible NCSoft games online when they hit...
1) Subscription. Practically all their MMO's follow this model. Rates for Lineage II, City of Heroes, etc., start at $15/month and go down if you buy in bulk.
2) Free with Microtransaction. The game is free, play is free, but they have things for you to buy; things to customize your character with, equipment for in-game use so you don't have to play 5 hours just to get that new sword/gun/whatever, temporary bonuses to stats/abilities, etc.
3) Free with Advertising. Free to play but the game has companies sponsoring it through advertising. Maybe they're on billboards, maybe you'll see a "This game has been brought to you by Coke," whatever.
4) Combination of any and all of the above. Exteel was slated to being just Microtransaction, but is now Microtransaction and Advertising. Dungeon Runners was Free with perks for Subscribers ($5/month), but now is Subscription and Advertising (don't know if subscribing will turn off the ads or not, though).
The trick with PSN is "how is online paid for?" I personally feel that question lies behind Blacksite's dimished online play with the PC and PS3 versions, and can point to a number of games on the PS2 and Dreamcast that had online functionality in Japan but not here. Sony's partnership with NCSoft, a company that is already successful in Korea with multiple online revenue models and is attempting to bring them to the mainstream US gaming industry bodes well for all gamers.
Long term I would like to see PSN and Live follow a combination model similar to Gametap; free basic online with paid subscribers getting perks that non-paying players don't get (plus revenue/profit sharing for publishers/developers). Best of both worlds for consumers and companies.
Originally posted in Shack's PS3 union by me with an additional ending paragraph on a revenue model I don't think they'd appreciate.
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