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child_of_lileth Blog

Been doin too many of these lately.

So once again, I'm doin another blog. Well, this week im kinda happy cause on tuesday Castlevania: OoE will be out. Ive been waitin a few years for the 3 games they announced back then, and 2 of them will be out by the end of the year. Also LittleBigPlanet will be out next Tuesday too, but I'm extremely disapointed that the main disk based levels will only last 6 hours. Why are there so many games that cost full price with half the content? First SH:H and now LBP too?! Oh well.

I've still been goin to that dpctor alot. I just really hate goin cause i never really know whats gonna happen when I'm there. That place made me hate ultra sound machines. It seriously hurts so much to have that thing done on my back. Plus it makes stuff that wasnt hruting hurt more than anythin else. For some reason when they use it on one of my sides (I have no idea why they do that to help my back) it hurts liek hell and I cant really think of anythin to describe how it feels. My whole body starts to tense up, and I think thats makin it worse. My back has been gettin better, but I'm just worried about some of the stuff the doctor was talkiin abou the other day. He mentioned that if whatever the problem was he saw in my x-ray doesnt get better soon he's gonna send me to get an MRI. I'm scared about that cause I'm afraid of what the MRI might show. I have no problem with gettin it done or the process to do it, I'm just worried it might lead to me needing surgery. If it gets to that point, I will absolutely refuse to have surgery done. I've had one in my entire life and I will never willingly let it happen ever again. Id rather live in constant pain than ever have another surgery. I dont care how severe of a problem I might have in the future, surgery is just never gonna be an option I will take.

When I had the last one done, the person doin it aparently never even talked to the people workin at the place i had to egt it done. I'm illergic(sp?) to certin kinds of metal (we still have no idea exactly what kinds affect me and what kinds dont) and before the guy put the IV in i was tryin ever excuse I could to get out of it and told him about that, and he was like "Oh, good thing you told me. I'll have to use the other one instead." I cant believe they didnt even tell him somethin that important. Plus my blood is messed up from missin certin chemicals and theres really no permanent cure for it, so the stuff they used to put me to sleep took forever to get out of my system. It seriously took 3 days after the surgey for it to fully get curculated out of my blood. I think I legally died from it because a few days after I went home, I was laying in a bed under 3 sheets and a really heavey winter sheet on top of the other 3 that were on me and i was covered up to my neck. I passed out without knowin it and woke up 4 hours later and my body was freezing cold. Theres no way I could lose that much heat under those blankets unless my body stoped makin heat all together. It had to be from that stuff not bein out of my system yet, because nothin liek that ever happend to me any other time in my entire life. Plus where he put the IV in started to randomly turn like corpse purple every now and then. It did that for about 2 years after the surgery. I think the guy still used metal.

So yeah, after all the sh*t that happend after the surgery for as long as it went on, I will never let myself go through anythin like that ever again. But like I said, I am gettin better. It's just taking a long time. I've had to go to the doctor place every week for about 4 days every week. It kinda sucks to be there that much, cause I'm gettin really tired of always bein hooked up to those damn machines all the time. It makes me feel like some exparament or somethin. I had to go there straight after work this week. One of the days i was there this week, that one girl I mentioned in the last blog was doin all the stuff for me for that day. I was still in my scrubs fro mwork since I barely have enough time to get between the 2 places, and she was like "So are you a nurse's aid?". I really thought about lying. lol. In my mind I was like just say "Sure. I'm a very rich and extremely important doctor guy". lol. It's not like she's ever gonna know. lol. I would have felt bad about lying about somethin like that though so I didnt say it.

Also, on the subject of work, one of my buddies there actually Rickroll'd the entire hospital. lmao. I have no idea how he got them to do it, but he got them to play that song on the PA for the entire hospital. I know alot of people think Rickrollin their prom or whatever was impressive. *sarcastically* Cause we all know how hard it is to get a dj to play a song, but i think Rickrolling over 200 patients and all the staff in the building at the time on 9 floors is waaaaaay more impressive. lmao. Thats about 300 people all at once. So yeah, he's officially the man now. lol. I told him to do the I-roll instead, but he said no one would get it. He's probably right.

Ive been workin a ton of daylight shifts lately. I hate doin those. My body is so used to bein nocturnal. lol. The only good thing is i leave for work around 6 am, which means [adult swim] is in the odd parts of their run. They just throw out the desperation move at 5-6 am. lol. It used to be filled by Gigantor (awesome ancient old-school anime. watch it dammit!) and Astro Boy. The real Astro Boy at that! it was awesome! Now they fill it with Inuyasha, which is still cool and all, but to a way lesser extent. lol. Im a pretty big fan of the manga, but the anime just pissed me off so bad. Why would they make an anime and then just stop makin it half way through the story? I mean sure, 6 seasons is a long time for one story, but come on. Now they let any overrated piece of sh*t run for however long it needs to cause thats what the kids are into. I love Inuyasha cause it had somethin for every interest. There was action for people like me, and there was a ton of character development archs for people that look for stuff like that. I'm still tryin to finish the mange, but it just finished in Japan last July, which means it wont all be translated and shipped here till at least 3 more years with the rate they translate. I also started tryin to finish the 2 Inuyahsa RPG games I have. The one on the DS is just horrable. Theres so many random encounters that i was halfway maxed out before I even got to the 3rd boss. Plus if youforget where you are going, theres no way to find out what your current objective is ever again. Imalso tryin to restart one I have for PS2. Its alot more fun, but it just moves kinda slow plot wise. I'll probably review itwhen i finish it.

Oh! Before I forget. I wanna try the union thing again. Im tryin to find people for a unjion I want to make dedicated to underated and non-mainstream anime and J-RPGs. I figure if we have the games aspect of it, it will be a little easier to keep people active since a ton of them are always comin out. If anyone wants to help and become a charter member, regular member, or knows people who would be interested in joining, please let me know. Most of the anime unions on here are about the ones with "pokemon syndrome" and I cant find a real anime union that isnt dead already. If enough people say they wanna help or join, I'll send out the invites for the members and such. So yeah, feel free to comment about that here or PM me or get a hold of me somehow to let me know if you are interested. I'm off the next few days so I'll be around to see anythin you guys leave about it. I guess thats enough for now. This is turnin into another blog that went on for way too long and had way too many random subjects covered in it. lol

If you read all this, then please enjoy Special Bonus 11!*

*Special Bonus 11 may contain extreme Death Note spoilers. Or it may not.


I'm bored and Im gettin frustrated with protoman in MM9. He's as awesome as i was expecting, but he has a hesitation with his buster. Like if you use a charge shot, you cant fire again till that shot is almost off the screen. It gets anoying, but its gettin easier to deal with the more I play. Also the shield was so pointless. It only works when you are in the air. And finally he can copy attacks. He couldnt do it in Powered Up, but in MM9 he copies everyone's abilities. I guess it was just because you cant finish the game without them though. Its kinda weird to see his sprite in so many colors too. lol. Overall I like him, but what I LOVE is endless mode.

Its insane. You just keep goin till you die. I've only made it to about 15 rooms so far, but in the rankings the top guy got 400 somethin rooms done. lol. Its tough, but its so worth the $3 ya have to pay for it. I havent beat the game as Protoman yet though. I got to the 3rd boss in Wily's castle, but I got frustrated from constant deaths from knock backs and just shut it off. lol.

I started goin to a back doctor finally the other day. He was checkin it out and said it was so bad that I actually had to keep goin back in for 4 days in a row. lol. Its so weird in there. They have to take x-rays and stuff just to see how bad it was. It was ok except for the upper part on my right side of my back. Also it was kinda weird cause they kept takin me into rooms and then I had to just sit there by myself for a long time till either one of the doctors or one of the nruses came in to do the next thing. When i got the x-rays done, they took me into the room where they had them on the wall and I was by myself in there forever so I was lookin at the x-rays and I was like my does my tail bone look so weird? Then I realized it was my zipper from my jeans. lol. Then I looked at the one of me fro mthe side and Im like what the hell is that? and thats when i remebered my crotch would show up in x-rays. lmfao!! I dunno why, but it was hillarious to see my crotch like that. I just dont get why it shows up. I mean theres no bones, and theres nothin but like muscle and stuff, so why does it show up, but nothin else does other than bones?

Anyway, after that i had to do all this stuff with these machines and sh*t. I have no idea what any of them are suposed to do, but they get really annoying since all I can do that whole time is just lay there face down. Today they used an ultra sound thing on my back. I had no idea that thing could be used for anythin other than lookin inside people. lol. Theres also this one girl workin there and holy sh*t! Im always so happy when she tells me shes gonna be doin the next things. lol. Also I think the nurses or whatever they would be called are just kinda usin some of the stuff they do as an excuse to touch my butt. At first I didnt really care cause I figured they wouldnt do it if they didnt have to, but now its like they are doin it on purpose. Its bad enough everyone at work is always starein at my ass and talkin about me and sh*t, but now I got these people that are suposed to be helpin me, but they are just takin advantage of the situation to like mildly molest me. lol. I do like the attention though, so its not like I'm ever gonna say anythin to them about it. lol. As long as its not the male doctor doin it.

Also gettin my spine adjusted is the scariest thing ever to me now. Like the actual stuff for my spine doesnt really scare me, it just hurts alot. The doctor is just like here put you arms like this. Then he just like snaps me around and it feels like my bones are gonna pop outta my skin. But today was the first time he thought my neck was loose enough to try to adjust that. And I swear I've never been more nervous of anythin in my entire life. I'd seriously rather take like 20 injections at once than let him do that again. (Im deathly afraid of injections for anyone who didnt know). He seriously was juts like lay back and put your hands behind your head. Then he took my head and just snaped it to the side fo f*ckin fast that I swore he was gonna break my neck and kill me. And then as if that wasnt scary enough, he had to do it to the other side. I seriously scremed every time he adjusted everythin. That is some scary sh*t! lol.

So yeah, a few weeks ago I found out they canceled Newtype Magazine. How can they do that sh*t?! I was lookin for a new issue for liek forever, and then I check the site to see if I could just get it mailed to me. When I got to the site it was liek he we quit in like febuary. I was so bummed out. That was the only good anime mag out there. I went lookin for some replacements after I got done with the back place. All the other anime mags suck so much ass. They're all like girly and sh*t That or they are just so horribly fake. Like one had on the cover "Speak like an otaku p. 97." That sh*t is the reason japan hates us. So basically Im gonna have to lear nJapanese one of these days. I understand enough to know whats goin on when I hear it spoken, butI cant read it for sh*t other than the symbols for 'chibi' thanks to a specific game, but I'll get to that later if I remeber. If anyone know any good anime mags that were as dedicated as newtype, please dont hesitate to tell me. Im desperate. lol.

Also theres been a ton of Mega man mods over the years. I think Ive found the most random one Ive ever seen. One this one anime forum Im on, someone recomended I try a game they had, since everyone else there thinks megaman is the hardest series ever and cant finish any of the original games. The game is called 'Megamari'. Its weird, but I kinda liek the boss fights more than anythin else in the game. Its based on the characters from TouHou Project. You play as Marisa and Alice. You switch between them any time ya want, they have seperate healt, but if one dies, they both have to start over. It plays like Megaman except Alice ha a constant beam that goes through enemy sheilds. Also when you beat a boss, you can only give the copy ability to one of them instead of both of them getting it like X and Zero in the later X games. All the bosses are set up liek the traditional 8 megaman bosses. They have the weaknesses and everything, and they are all based on the other Touhou characters. The only problem is, other than Marisa, Alice, and Eirin, I have no idea who the rest of these characters are. lol. I know the main bunny eared girl, but her name is so complicated that I can never remeber it. Its 3 words that are all names for stuff that relates to rabbit. Like her middle name is a name for a flower tha grows up and flops over at the top like her rabit ears. OI have no idea what the other words are or mean. Like I said, I cant understand too much Japanese yet.

That game is fun and all, but the boss fights are way beyond Megaman difficulty. They start like regular bosses, then hey go into desperation mode. They start to attack all over the place. It's liek those old arcaade shooters in space where theres a million bullets everywhere and yhou have to find the one tiny spot where your hit box wont egt you killed. lol. Thats what makes Megamari so much more difficult. If you have no idea what Im talkiin about, THIS video shows the majority of the characters. They have a bunch of songs they all do and stuff, but Im still not sure exactly what Touhou Project does. I know theres manga, cds, and I think a few animations other than the vids for the music.

If you are a megaman fan and wanna try a game like it with more difficulty, deffinatly look up Megamari. I cant find the link where I got it, but if ya google it, it will probably show up.

So yeah, this blog was just to waste time and just to be an update since the last one was more of a rant avbout how much I hate Silent Hill Homecoming. And everyone thought 4 was bad. lmao. Anyway, In the next blog I wanna talk about my theory about why and how the Vocaloids will eventually enslave and destroy us all. I would talk about it here, but this blog is a little too long already and has reached it's limit of refrences no one undertsands already.

Also just for the hell of it, here is Special Bonus 9!

If ya hate old scholl gaming references, check out Special Bonus 10!

Disapointment with games, and some other stuff.

Man, I hate the new silent hill. I was gonna forgive the majority of the games problems, untill I got to the boss Scarlet. The entire time Ive been playin the game I kept sayin to myself "this feels so unfinished", and then i got proof within the game that it still has bugs and glitches. When you damage Scarlet to a certain point you have to use the press x to not die gimick. Fine. Then she repeated the battle phase again. Sure, whatever. Then it happend again. And again, and again!!! I sat there for literally 20 mins before I realized the boss was aparently invincible. I was so pissed. Eventually I couldnt heal anymore. Thanks to the broken combat controls, I cant dondge worth sh*t! So i wasted 9 health drinks, 4 first aid things, and 2 Serums, just to survive the one invincible boss. Then I died. I had to repeat the same unskipable cut scene and then i had to fight the boss again. Thanks to the fact that Alex aparently failed his military survival training when it came to combat, I cant get him to dodge worth sh*t! I hit the button, and he waits about 4 seconds to stand up straight, stop what he was doing so the animation can reset, AND THEN, AND ONLY THEN he dodges! By that point Scarlet has enough time to thuroughly rape him and eat his face to the point where Im almost dead and need to waste yet another health item due to the games broken controls.

Why would they relese a game where the bosses glitch to the point of not dying?! F*ck this american team. I knew they would ruin the game, and they did. The music is broken, the controls are broken, and now i met the first broken boss. Is this seriously just my disk?! Anyway, Im in the attic section now. I saved last after the house turned into the alternate house and all that. I dont know if Im gonna finish the game tonight or just wait a few days. Another bad thing is in the graveyard a dog was tryin to attack me, but got stuck on the ground and was frozen in the running animation and couldnt move until I moved closer to it. Ive also had 3 Needlers trap me in a corido in the sewer and couldnt get out of the small space cause they all glitched together and none of them could move either. And what the f*ck is wrong with alex's face?!!?!? The development team must have been really proud of how thewy made his bottom teeth, cause every time he talked in the first half of the game, he would sit there with his mouth all contorted so his entire set of teeth would be out for everyone to see. It looks like lazy animation bugs that could have easily been fixed. I know Im ranting a little too long, but f*ck! This game is horrable. Now Im sure Konami will cancel it. Seriously. No reason at all for any of that to happen. Just delay the game if its not done yet. Its that simple.

So anyway, other than playin my beta in a full game package at full price of Silent Hill Homecoming, Ive been workin on Sonic Chronicles. Easy, Short story, but fun for an RPG that you can pick up, and put down literally any time you want. Im so happy it has a save anywhere feature. Sorry, now Im in a pissy mood cause of silent hill. The rest of this blog might be a little sarcastic at times. Overall, I really liekd sonic so far. Im only on chapter 4 though, but its pretty fun to just play a simple rpg for once compared to the 98797 hour rpgs they put out on everythin else.

I went to the interview for the other position I was tryin ot get at the hospital today. I think it went really bad. lol. The woman seemed kinda like she was just tryin to do the usual thing without tellin anyone they already have the position filled and just have to do the other interviews anyway. Honestly, the more she told me about it, the less excited I was about the idea that I might get it. lol. Im guarunteed more hours in the dept. I'm in right now though, but i still hate bein there. My buddy Jack just got fired cause he had to take time away to take care of his son that was just born a month ago. They fired him for reporting off 8 times in one year, but him and his wife both have to work and they can just leave the kid alone, and they had no one else to help them. Im just pissed about that cause he was one of my fav peopel there for so many reasons. Its so quiet and broing without him around there now. Plus theres a girl that calls off more often than she works, but shes still around. I wish they would have just got rid of her instead. She never does sh*t when she actually shows up anyway.

Also I just finished watchin episode 22 (i think) of Code Geass.The end of the episode just blew my mind. lol. I really wish theyd hurryup with releasing the manga here though. As far as I know theres only 1 volume out so far. Since my birthday is like a month away Im gonna try to wait and just get whatever volumes are out for free since I never have any idea what to tell my friends when they ask me what I want. lol. I usually just panic and say to get those Kit-Kat candy things.

Oh! while were on the subject of anime still, sort of. I found this today and Im seriosuly jelous of Japanese Pizza Hut.

Awesome Pizza

I cant believe they made a pizza dedicated to C.C. (she's the girl in the second pic for anyone who doesnt know). I want one now. lol. Maybe Ill ask for that and a Megaman E-tank for my b-day this year. I hear the E-tanks take like crap though. lol. Also I learned that Haruhiism isa serious thing. I thought it was just a joke, butthere are people who take that stuff seriously. If it wasnt just some anime girl, id probly at least check it out. I was gonna post a pic, but i cant post them without havin a link to somethin online with the pic. If anyone knows a simple way to fix that I'll put it in here in an edit. If not, thats fine too.

Sorry for this blog being so long and probably full of spelling errors. Im just too lazy to readi t all again right now to fix em all.

Beat Megaman 9 last night.

So yeah, this game is addicting as hell. Im on my 3rd run through the game now and have 40 somethin % of the accomplishments done. Its not near as hard as all the "gamers" here will tell you it is. Sure, at first its hard to know theres spikes below you on the next screen when you are falling, but thats the fun of Megaman. You just have to memorize the stages and avoid stuff and its easy. Also I saw some kid sayin he had mm9 on NES and its harder now that its on wii. I wish I would have quoted that guy. Its people like that that make me hate the forums. That and trolls.

So yeah, not alot else is goin on right now. I did some more reviews, and I was the first person to review MM9 on PS3. lol. I might add more to the review eventually. When i wrote it it was like 2 am so I couldnt think of much else to say and i was kinda out of it. Theres alos some gramer mistakes in it that I need to fix at some point. lol. I did some other ones here and there too. Im half way done with my quest to review all the CD-I games featured in YTP fads. just 2 more to finish.

Oh, for anyone who read the blog where I was talkin about the junk yard cat on that one show, my dad didn't keep the cat that was showin up at his house. Turns out it belongs to the peopel across the street, I guess. I wanted him to keep it, but if its someone elses than Im just happy its not starvin to death like it acted when I fed it.

Also Silent Hill Homecoming is out tuesday along with Sonic Chronicles. I really dont know if Im gonna like Silent Hill since they changed it so much from when it was still 'V' and everyone loved the previews. Also Sonic should be pretty fun. Even if it sucks, I'll probly be happy just for the RPG elements of it. After those i just have to wait till next month for Little Big Planet and Castlevania: OoE. Then after that, Sonic Unleashed and Castlevania: Judgement


Judgement is gonna suck ass.


At my job, theres a chance I will get to move into somethin else and have more hours n at. Its one of those things where ya have to put in a bid sheet. I just hope I can get it so I never have to be around any of the people I hate there every again. Plus I wont have to lift sh*t all the time anymore and I pretty much cant get injured again if I get it. lol.

So yeah, Im gonna go back to playin Megaman more and wishin the Protoman DLC would be released a bit sooner. "The week of October 6th" is a long wait for me. Also Im tired of everyone b*thcin and moaning about how hard that game is. I got to the final boss without ever using any sub tanks. I used like 3 on him though. The point is, if you played real games you wouldnt suck so much. I can't wait till hard mode. At least if people complain about that it would at least be somethin I could understand bein too hard. Then again its not out yet so who knows how much worse it'll be. As long as its not like 1 where the bosses killed you in 3 hits. That was a little too much to get used too. lol.

Also just because Im doin this blog out of boredom, Im gonna trhwo in one more special bonus. Special Bonus 7! I hate the pengas fad, but i think this was truely a master level mix. He put so much work into getting all the pitches to match the real song. Also got flag the video it's a response to since that dude sucks at life.

If you don't think that video just won all the internets, then enjoy Special Bonus 8!

I have to have at least one Megaman themed bonus in this blog since the new one is such a good game, I hate how short it was, but thats how the NES ones were too, so I can forgive it.


I literally just now saw that air_wolf_cubed was banned. That sucks. He wasone of the only cool people on the forums. Plus now everyone misses his sig gifs. lol. From what I saw people said he got a final warning mod a few weeks ago and I guess hes gone now. I hate how only the people ya like to see get banned, but the people who just spam and troll are around forever with no problems.

MGS Flash Colab Disk 2

Just a quick blog. As you saw in the title, its here now. Also, theres no penis jokes this time, which is a huge plus since the first one had way too many. Its way longer of a flash this time too. So thats always awesome. I think some of this one was better than alot of the last one's jokes. Also see how many times you can spot Egoraptor and Rina-chan since they got a lot of work in this one. lol.

Anyway, here it is.

So yeah, enjoy. Now I'll go back to waitin for Megaman 9 to get to PSN. lol

The Most Awesome Automatic Mario Level Ever!!!

Im bored again so I'm doin a new blog. I really was gonna hold of on blogs till the end of this month but theres just nothin else to do with my days off. Plus walrus guy got baned because of Colgate so theres less poops on youtube now. lol. If you dont know what Im talkin about then just ignore it.

Anyway, I saw this video aloooong time ago and i completely forgot about postin it. I just found a parody of it and then it reminded me to post it here. This is the best Automatic Mario level i have ever seen. The guy that made it said it took him about 6 months to make. Im sure evryone has heard of Nico Nico Douga at least once before. I was just so impressed the first time I saw that video cause it was just so amazing to see how someone could actually get all that to sound that close to the song (and yes I know a track of the song is playing, I just mean how the sounds go along with it). Also if you are anime challenged, here is a video that shows where most of the songs come from while they play. This video has about 3 mistakes so far that I could find.This song is awesome cause of all th refrences. it has everything from Air Man Will Not Die to Motteke! Silor Fuku.

So yeah, seein this level is just makin me think about how awesome the levels in Little Big Planet are gonna be. lol. I got the game reserved and Im so ecited about it. I wont know if I have the day it comes out off or not till thursday when i got back to work, but I really hope Im off that day so I an just go home and spend the day messin around with the developer levels and stuff. Im just really excited to have another game to play online with everyone. Also, if anyone from gs is plannin on gettin the game and wants to play with me or share levels or whatever, feel free to add me on PSN. My name is in my profile on here or if ya need me to send it to ya I can. If ya send me a friend request on there please make sure you send a message with it sayin your gs name so I know who you are. If i get random requests and I dont know them, I usually end up just deletin them. lol.

Other than that not much is goin on. I went to visit my voice actin buddy since I had time off from work and she wanted me to do some more recordings and stuff. While I was there I found out she had Mario Paint which has one of my favorite music composers ever! lol. I was messin around with it and eventually we got on the subject of Vocaloids. lol. Lately I've been more into how strange the Miku voices can really be. My friend was sayin the better the person usin Vocaloid is, the more human Miku will sound. Ive seen like a million videos of her singin, but she was right. Also, theres just way too many damn vocaloids now. last time i checked there was only like 4 countin FL chan. Now theres about 12. lol. Maybe even more that I dont know about. I mean seriously, was it really that important to have 12 different voices? I mean i guess it helps alot when ya wanna make some more comlicated stuff, but still, 12 is alot. Here is a vid I found of the vocaloids in a parody of the intro to the anime version of Azumanga Daioh. I think it has most of them in it, but who knows. I dont know why they didnt just have the vocaloids sing it. I mean its not like there arent enough female ones to sing the thing. lol.

But yeah, other than that I dont really have much else goin on. I went to my Dad's house and theres this crazy cat hangin around on his porch and I'm tryin to convince him to keep it and take it inside. lol. Today when I go over there Im just gonna ambush him with a ton of stuff for takin care of it like a water thing for it, a cat condo thing, an old gift card I have for a pet store, a bunch of tuna cans I have here and didnt even know I had till last night (lol), you get the idea. If he ends up keepin it Ill probly put somethin about it in the next blog. It reminds me of the junk yard cat from 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' (my favorite show ever by the way). But I dont think the porch cat is invincible like 'Special agent Jack Bouer' (sp?) was. And Im almost posotive this cat wasnt born in a pile of barbed wire and battery acid like the one in the show was. And Im really sure he wouldnt survive a car exploding and still land on his feet after the explosion threw him out of the car. LMFAO!!! That cat really was the man. Good times. Again, if you have no idea what the hell Im talkiin about, just ignore it.

So anyway, my best friend is comin back to town to visit for a week next week, and I work every day next week, so I wont be on gs much other than to stop by the Megaman union Im in to do the trainin for the rpg game we are playin. Ill try to still post in the forums and stuff if i have time. Also Sonic and Silent Hill come out at the end of the month so I might not be around cause of those after next week. lol. Anyway, enjoy this next special bonus. All credit goes to Kirbopher15, Zetto, Rina-chan and the others.

Special Bonus 6!

Updates, and then I'm done with blogs for a long time.

Since no one actually asked any questions in the q&a blog, this one will have no answers. lol. But yeah like the title said, im gonna do some updates and then i have nothin else to blog about till somethin new comes up.

Games: I started re-playin the first .hack// game. I bought it along time ago. I think around the time the first one came out, but I never had the patience to finish it. I re-started the game so I could finish the story since its the only part in the .hack// series that i dont really know much about. Turns out that I only had a little further to go in the game when I gave up cause when I got back to that point I only had like 2 more story dungeons to finish and then i got to the finla boss. By the way, most people say the final boss is imposible since you are so low leveled by the time you reach him, but I was only level 27 and beat him on my first try with no probelms at all. So I dont see what everyone is complaining about. The f*ckin dragon in the bonus dungeon is twice as hard as the final boss of part 1. Anyway, the problem with finishing that game was that i only owned part 1. But I found someone on ebay selling all 4 parts, the dvds that go with them (they show a simultanious story that runs paralel to the games called .hack//Liminality), the strategy guides, and a free grunty doll. lol. I ended up gettin all that for like $150 and free shpping. Everything was in perfect condition so I was really excited about it, and now i can finish the damn story without having to take long periods of real time to track down the other games in the set since they are extremely rare and getting rarer by the day.

Also Ive been playing Valkyrie Profile on psp. Its a re-make of the original on the psx. I had this game for years. Played it once, and got confused by the hero value system and gave up once I started to fail with the valhala thing. I started pplayin again about a week ago and now that i know what Im doin I love the game. lol. Its a semi-different style RPG. Its different compared to what Im used to playing, but i recomend it if ya see some gameplay and like those types of rpgs.

Work: My back still hurts alot from the injury, but its geting better. It just hurts more the longer I stand up and eventually it makes me feel like Im gonna vomit. But other than that its doin good. lol. Also i realized that my sick pay is the worst thing about that job. I get basicly $2.10/hr for sick pay. I make $8.60 in normal pay so i fugured sick pay would be at least $5. guess I expected too much from some rich hospital. lol.

Manga/Anime: A few weeks ago I finished reading the manga .hack//Legend of The Twilight. I didnt really like the chibi art style at first, but the story kinda makes up for it. Its only 3 volumes long, but each one is progressively longer. This one was a weird set in the series though. The main people this time are a brother and sister playing as special character models, and evetually the boy meets Aura, gets a new version of the braclet (which looks exactly like the one the monster that followed Tsukasa had inside it during .hack//SIGN), and then he finds Aura's daughter. The whole Aura being able to have a daughter threw me off, but the second half of the story maily is about them helping her find Aura. I just didnt really like the ending. The last few chapters felt rushed and the ending is just too fast. I wish they would have put more time into that one. Theres also an anime version of it, but its crap.

Im still tryin to finish Code Geass. I think Im on episode 17 or 18. I only watch it on [adult swim]'s website since they show it a day earlier there. Im just gettin tired of all the cliffhangers. lol. Im also still watchin Fullmetal Panic!, but I also only see that once a week since thats the only time the anime network has another episode on, and Im too lazy to look it up online.

I guess thats pretty much it for now. I wont really have much else to blog about unless there more megaman 9 news or somethin else like that goin on. Also I think this is the least Ive ver cursed in a blog. lol

Q and A with child

Ive been thinkin alot lately. Eventually I thought about how most people dont really know much about me. My 3 best friends know pretty much everything there is to know, but even my regular friends in real life dont know much about me. The I thought even more and realized my online friends probly know almost nothin about me. lol. I try to give an extremely short bio anytime I join unions, basically what games I like and my real first name and things like that. Other than that and what limited info I put into my blogs people probly dont know anythin at all about me. But for some reason on other forum sites I always end up being some realy well know person and people treat me like Im some legend or somethin. But as everyoneon gs knows, Im far from that.

So I figured Im gonna try somethin to let everyone on gs get to know me better. Im officially gonna have a q&a thing with anyone who wants to ask me anythin.

The questions can be about anythin you want. Fav stuff (food drinks you get the idea),anime/manga Im currently into, music stuff, what characters i relate to the most, fav. pokemon. lol. Anythin you want. Your imagination is litterally the limit. I will also give a legitiamte answer to anythin anyone asks. the only things i wont answer are things liek whats my social security number and stupid sh*t like that. lol. All questions that asking things like that will be ignored for obvious reasons.

You can ask as many questions as you want, and there is nothing too personal or awkward for me to answer. Also if you ask stuff and think of things to aks latter feel free to double post new questions that you wanted to add to the list. Ill leave this up for a week or 2 and wait for everyone to have time to ask what they want. I wont read the questions untill the moment i start answering them in the next blog. This way, you will get my first reaction and it will be more entertaining and wont sound as planed out, if that makes sense. Anyway, Im really lookin forward to the questions and I hope I get a bunch. lol.

Also if you felt this blog was a waste of your time, check out special bonus 3!

If you hated that, then you might be moderatly amused by special bonus 4! now with more robo spider action! (if you are a megaman fan youll get a few lols outta 4)

If you also hate robo spiders, check out special bonus 5!*

If you didn't enjoy any of those... Im not sure what to say. Id probly have to question or friendship. JK. lol. so yeah, ill answer the questions either in 1 week or 2. Depends on how patient I can be about not readin them ahead of time.

*At 1:41 you can clearly see that Haruhi sucks at using the portal gun as much as me. lol. Also this one goes pretty downhill after Yuki's predictions and the cosplay cafe scene. but the first part is still good.:)

Forming a union and I need help. *Huge Edit*

Lately Ive been geting a ton of union invites. I usually dont get many so it was kinda starnge. But anyway, I didnt join many of the ones i was invited to. Any time I do get invited I take the time to actually look around the union and see if it is somethin I'd actually participate in and not just join and forget about it. I got a ton of invites from a ton of different unions. Im mainly only active in around 3 unions though.

So heres the main point of this blog. All these invites got me thinkin. I wanted to join a spacific kind of union, but I couldn't find any on here that were like what I was trying to find. I wanted to join an anime union, but most of the ones I found were all dedicated to the mainstream garbage that they remake every other week like Naruto and all that. Im sorry, but that deffinatly goes under the list of things that ruined anime after the 90's. Theres way too many series out there that are just around to make money off of kids and thats it. So I looked around for a while for a union that was dedicated to real anime that actual had art and deep stories and things like that. Or at least originality. For example Cowboy Bepop was an amazing anime becuase it stood out so much. The music was great and always fit, the art style was great, the storys were good, and so on. So you get the idea here. Thats when I decided to look into makin a union again.

When I last checked it was forever ago and I thought you had to pay for your account before they'd let you make a union. I found out you only have to be past lvl. 6 and Im 22 right now so im definatly past that requirement. I was thinkin about what kind of union I wanted to make for a while and instead of just makin another anime union, I wanted to make one dedicated to a spacific series that has been around for a long time, has a huge fan base, but has been extremely forgoten once the American hype wore off. So Im going to try to make a union for the ".hack//" series. There was one already but its officially dead. The place it moved to is also long gone.

Theres been at least 6 different series in the story as a whole, and the series is still running to this day. Its still pretty big outside of America, and i think since its no longer the current fad here like it was back when .hack//Sign came out in America, the fact that there are still huge numbers of fans of the series proves its still popular among people who dont just get into a series cause its the next thing to suffer pokemon syndrome.

I know most people I meet on here hate the series cuase gamespot hated the games, but so f*ckin what. Just cause one site gave some games a bad score doesnt mean the games are actually that bad. Also the 2 game series are only 2 parts of the story as a whole anyway. I mean theres still at least 5 other series out there that are better than the games. Most people think since they hated the games they are gonna hate the anime, the manga, and the novels. And I'll admit, the games are hard to get used to and are unforgiving most of the time, but people just take it as an rpg, but its a game where you are playin as the character playin a game in their world. I know that probly sounds confusing to anyone who doesnt follow the story, but its not as complicated as it sounds.

Anyway, Im trying to make the ".hack//Legacy Union". I used 'legacy' cause the seires' names are always .hack// and then the title for that part. Kinda like the manga ".hack//Legend of the Twilight" and all that. Also I used legacy cause theres so many series and the story just keeps growing. I also thought this would be a good thing to use cuase its not limited to one style of media. Theres a series for everythin people might be into. One part takes place in anime, another in manga, another in games, and theres been novels and anime/manga made for most parts. So if you dont like the games but wanted to get into the story, they have light novels that cover the stories and also a set that covers the story from another main charcters point of view so you can see what wasn't covered in the game.

I guess my main point is, this series really goes out of it's way to cater to everyone and doesn't limit itself to one style of story telling. Thats what makes it unique among the sea of garbage thats forced on us. So if anyone reading this is a fan of any part of the seires, knows anyone who is, or are just interested in learnin more or how to find the series, just PM me or leave a comment sayin so and I'll do everythin I can to help. I need charter members for this union so I'd really apreciate any help anyone can give me with this. Thanks.


So after one of my friends on here brought up the idea, I realized this union would be waaaaay too hard to create if it was dedicated to just the .hack// series. So instead of that, I will change it so it can be dedicated to all non-mainstream anime/manga. It will officially be a place for any series that wasnt created just for the trend factor if that makes sense. This will be liek the kind of union i was complaining about not being able to find. Basicly it will be for real anime that isnt the generic kind that comes out every other week with the same ideas re-used a million times just because it works. I know theres tons of people on this site that know what I'm talkin about and if anyone wants to join or help out please feel free to let me know. Ill answer any questions anyone may have about this. Everyone is welcome to join as a charter member as long as you are gonna be serious about helpin with this union. Thanks to everyone in advance.

General updates, usin a second PS3, and work injuries.

I dunno if anyone has had this problem yet, but there seems to be a "yellow light of death" goin around on the PS3s out there. Ive seen a vid where a guy couldnt get his disk out, couldnt turn the game on, and when it did start it would just crap out and die before the warm up stage was finished. I had a slightly less severe problem with my old 40 gig PS3. I updated MGO one night and from then on it was nothin but sh*t. The system had to restart and it wouldnt do anythin. I put it away for a few weeks and forgot about it. Then Soul Calibur came out and I wanted to play it since I havent played one since 2. lol. I put the game in, and it was fine. Beat arcade once and one story mode and ook a break. I came back after I ate and the system wouldnt do sh*t again. Eventually it would do everythin except play games. I ended up returning it and just got a 80gig the next day at a different store. Im gonna upgrade it to a 250gig as soon as i get some money, which wont be for awhile and the reasons will be here later.

So anyway, on to the updates.

Games: Right now Ive been re-playing all my PS3 gamesto get everythin all over again. I got the Big Boss Emblem in MGS4 with a time of 3:32 and some number of seconds. It only took me about 10 hours of constant reseting to get it. lol. Also I have almost every emblem but I dont have the time for stuff like Cow and Frog. Of course Ive been playin Soul Calibur 4 now. I like it, but I hate online mode cause every douche bag out there uses the damn power pole trick and unless you step to the side the entire time you cant even get one hit in. If you are one of those people that do that trick and you think you are good because of it, youre not. Youre a cheating f*cker and I hate when people play that way.

Work: ...I f*ckin hate work. Last night I was workin and I had to get a ton of sh*t to one of the other floors. So Im liek ok, why not take it all at once to save time. So I had to put it all in this one big thing to take it in somethin with wheels to make it eaier. And of course I figure even if its heavey itll only take a few secs. to move it. When i tried to lift it, it was way more than i thought, and then it got stcuk on the top of the thing I was putin it in and I was stuck tryin to force it over the edge so it wouldnt fall. Long story short, I f*cked up my back pretty bad.:lol:

There werent any supervisors workin so my freind Kathy was basicly in charge. So I went to her to get one of those injury claim sheets and she asked what happend. I told her all about it and she just stared at me for a sec. and was like "why didnt you get anyone to help you?" and I told her it was cause I was just far too stuburn to ask for help and started laughin. She just looked at me with a face like she was dissapointed and shook her head. I guess it wasnt as funny to her. lol. Anyway,Im off for a few days and I wasgonna call of the next day I work anyway. This just gives me a legitimate excuse to call of sick though. So I guess it all worked out in the end. The only thing is that Im still not sure if I just tore the muscles or if its the bones. My bones are all kinds of f*cked up already and my spine was kinda bad before this anyway, so Im just gonna be happy if its only the muscle.

Manga/Anime: I found out that they didnt cancel the Bastard!! series in America afterall and I cant even explain how happy I am about it. But now im like 5 vol. behind so I got a lot of catchin up to do when i can afford it. lol. I also started readin D.Gray-Man. I love it so far eventhough Im only like half way through vol. 4 right now. My friend I went to the convention with suggested it when I was talkin about how I dunno what to start on next. I had no idea what it was gonna be about, but I played an RPG style game where Linali Lee was an unlockable character and I like usin her i nthe game since her specials were really good so I figured Id try to get into the series. Anime wise, Im still watchin Code Geass. I have no idea what episode Im on but I love the sh*t out of thise series. I'll eventually get the manga since they are almost always 100x better than the anime versions of series. I also started watchin Full Metal Panic! since the anime network started runnin it from episode 1 again. lol. I know Im like 10 years behind on this one but I just never thought id like it much till I watched the first episode. I might get the novels eventually, but only if they were light novels. I hate readin normal ones.

Art: Ive been missin a ton of guitar lessons cause of work, but now I can just call off sick on those days cause of my back for a bit. Ive really been neglecting my guitar and I feel horrable about it. Im also startin to get a little slower and stuff so Im deffinatly gonna have to start workin my ass off again to make sure I dont get any worse at it. I also started my voice acting stuff. I really liek doin it, but it gets kinda hard at times. My friend that wants me to do the voices for her has a bunch of ideas for flash style stuff shes tryin to make. The only problem is she doesnt want it to look like flash. So shes putting insane amounts of effort into every tiny animation. Its basicly like how it takes like a thousand cells to make one second of a cartoon but they are all only so slightly different that you cant even notice unless you drew it. But Im doin voices for a few characters for some parody stuff shes workin on with less animation quality. The only one Im done recording for is this thing about a bunch of over rated anime stars. It kinda made me die inside to admit some of my favs were over rated but I cant really deny that they are either. Im also gonna be doin the voice of a recuring character in her main thing that shes puttin all that work into that I mentioned earlier. But since i cant be there to record at any moment, Im gonna playin one those characters that just kinda shows up and then they dissapear for a long time in the story. Kinda like Sesshomaru in the Inuyash manga (which by the way, the anime was one of the over rated anime thats gonna be in the parody. I dont really think the manga was over rated though, since it didnt have horrable voice actors involved. lol.)

But anyway, thats basicly it for now. Eventually I'll end up seein a doctor and I need to see an eye doctor too since I realized I havent been to one since like sophmore year in high school and my eyes are gettin really bad. lol. Overall, Im just happy to have an excuse to take time off from work after workin for 13 days in a row. At least now I can catch up on games and manga:D