So once again, I'm doin another blog. Well, this week im kinda happy cause on tuesday Castlevania: OoE will be out. Ive been waitin a few years for the 3 games they announced back then, and 2 of them will be out by the end of the year. Also LittleBigPlanet will be out next Tuesday too, but I'm extremely disapointed that the main disk based levels will only last 6 hours. Why are there so many games that cost full price with half the content? First SH:H and now LBP too?! Oh well.
I've still been goin to that dpctor alot. I just really hate goin cause i never really know whats gonna happen when I'm there. That place made me hate ultra sound machines. It seriously hurts so much to have that thing done on my back. Plus it makes stuff that wasnt hruting hurt more than anythin else. For some reason when they use it on one of my sides (I have no idea why they do that to help my back) it hurts liek hell and I cant really think of anythin to describe how it feels. My whole body starts to tense up, and I think thats makin it worse. My back has been gettin better, but I'm just worried about some of the stuff the doctor was talkiin abou the other day. He mentioned that if whatever the problem was he saw in my x-ray doesnt get better soon he's gonna send me to get an MRI. I'm scared about that cause I'm afraid of what the MRI might show. I have no problem with gettin it done or the process to do it, I'm just worried it might lead to me needing surgery. If it gets to that point, I will absolutely refuse to have surgery done. I've had one in my entire life and I will never willingly let it happen ever again. Id rather live in constant pain than ever have another surgery. I dont care how severe of a problem I might have in the future, surgery is just never gonna be an option I will take.
When I had the last one done, the person doin it aparently never even talked to the people workin at the place i had to egt it done. I'm illergic(sp?) to certin kinds of metal (we still have no idea exactly what kinds affect me and what kinds dont) and before the guy put the IV in i was tryin ever excuse I could to get out of it and told him about that, and he was like "Oh, good thing you told me. I'll have to use the other one instead." I cant believe they didnt even tell him somethin that important. Plus my blood is messed up from missin certin chemicals and theres really no permanent cure for it, so the stuff they used to put me to sleep took forever to get out of my system. It seriously took 3 days after the surgey for it to fully get curculated out of my blood. I think I legally died from it because a few days after I went home, I was laying in a bed under 3 sheets and a really heavey winter sheet on top of the other 3 that were on me and i was covered up to my neck. I passed out without knowin it and woke up 4 hours later and my body was freezing cold. Theres no way I could lose that much heat under those blankets unless my body stoped makin heat all together. It had to be from that stuff not bein out of my system yet, because nothin liek that ever happend to me any other time in my entire life. Plus where he put the IV in started to randomly turn like corpse purple every now and then. It did that for about 2 years after the surgery. I think the guy still used metal.
So yeah, after all the sh*t that happend after the surgery for as long as it went on, I will never let myself go through anythin like that ever again. But like I said, I am gettin better. It's just taking a long time. I've had to go to the doctor place every week for about 4 days every week. It kinda sucks to be there that much, cause I'm gettin really tired of always bein hooked up to those damn machines all the time. It makes me feel like some exparament or somethin. I had to go there straight after work this week. One of the days i was there this week, that one girl I mentioned in the last blog was doin all the stuff for me for that day. I was still in my scrubs fro mwork since I barely have enough time to get between the 2 places, and she was like "So are you a nurse's aid?". I really thought about lying. lol. In my mind I was like just say "Sure. I'm a very rich and extremely important doctor guy". lol. It's not like she's ever gonna know. lol. I would have felt bad about lying about somethin like that though so I didnt say it.
Also, on the subject of work, one of my buddies there actually Rickroll'd the entire hospital. lmao. I have no idea how he got them to do it, but he got them to play that song on the PA for the entire hospital. I know alot of people think Rickrollin their prom or whatever was impressive. *sarcastically* Cause we all know how hard it is to get a dj to play a song, but i think Rickrolling over 200 patients and all the staff in the building at the time on 9 floors is waaaaaay more impressive. lmao. Thats about 300 people all at once. So yeah, he's officially the man now. lol. I told him to do the I-roll instead, but he said no one would get it. He's probably right.
Ive been workin a ton of daylight shifts lately. I hate doin those. My body is so used to bein nocturnal. lol. The only good thing is i leave for work around 6 am, which means [adult swim] is in the odd parts of their run. They just throw out the desperation move at 5-6 am. lol. It used to be filled by Gigantor (awesome ancient old-school anime. watch it dammit!) and Astro Boy. The real Astro Boy at that! it was awesome! Now they fill it with Inuyasha, which is still cool and all, but to a way lesser extent. lol. Im a pretty big fan of the manga, but the anime just pissed me off so bad. Why would they make an anime and then just stop makin it half way through the story? I mean sure, 6 seasons is a long time for one story, but come on. Now they let any overrated piece of sh*t run for however long it needs to cause thats what the kids are into. I love Inuyasha cause it had somethin for every interest. There was action for people like me, and there was a ton of character development archs for people that look for stuff like that. I'm still tryin to finish the mange, but it just finished in Japan last July, which means it wont all be translated and shipped here till at least 3 more years with the rate they translate. I also started tryin to finish the 2 Inuyahsa RPG games I have. The one on the DS is just horrable. Theres so many random encounters that i was halfway maxed out before I even got to the 3rd boss. Plus if youforget where you are going, theres no way to find out what your current objective is ever again. Imalso tryin to restart one I have for PS2. Its alot more fun, but it just moves kinda slow plot wise. I'll probably review itwhen i finish it.
Oh! Before I forget. I wanna try the union thing again. Im tryin to find people for a unjion I want to make dedicated to underated and non-mainstream anime and J-RPGs. I figure if we have the games aspect of it, it will be a little easier to keep people active since a ton of them are always comin out. If anyone wants to help and become a charter member, regular member, or knows people who would be interested in joining, please let me know. Most of the anime unions on here are about the ones with "pokemon syndrome" and I cant find a real anime union that isnt dead already. If enough people say they wanna help or join, I'll send out the invites for the members and such. So yeah, feel free to comment about that here or PM me or get a hold of me somehow to let me know if you are interested. I'm off the next few days so I'll be around to see anythin you guys leave about it. I guess thats enough for now. This is turnin into another blog that went on for way too long and had way too many random subjects covered in it. lol
If you read all this, then please enjoy Special Bonus 11!*
*Special Bonus 11 may contain extreme Death Note spoilers. Or it may not.
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