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child_of_lileth Blog

Last Blog of 08 (kinda behind on this one)

What happend to 08? Like seriously. I really wanna know where that year went. oh well. I have alot of free time right now cause Im technically on vacation from work, but Im also suspended at the same time. lmao. So now i get like an extra 3 days added on to my vacation days. Im so excited about it though. I cant even explain how much I needed the time away from that place. I actually got 2 suspensions in the same week .The first one is just for one day, and the second if for 3 days. The first time it was on accident though. I knew I f*cked somethin up, but then when I realized it I just kinda made sure I wasnt seen by anyone of importance untill it was time for me to leave. That way it wouldnt have been as obvious. The second time I did it on purpose just cause I cant stand how much some of the people there have to act like spoiled little c*nts. Im just so tired of bein there. If the pay wasnt so good Id just quit and never think about it ever again. lol.

So yeah, christmas was last week. lol. I got some random stuff here and there, and I got something for myself here and there too. I ended up gettin a resin model of Marisa from Touhou project. lol. Its about 7.5 inches tall if you count the full height from her hat and everything. Here is a pic of what it is suposed to look like whenever I get it done. I could only find models of Marisa and Reimu, and I wanted to buy the Reimu one, but they were sold out. Here is a pic of the Reimu model for anyone who is interested. I think eventually Im gonna have to shop around and get the Reimu one imported for myself since i like that model and that character more than Marisa. lol. I just wish they would make models like that of Reisen since she's my favorite in the series and all. lol.

Other than that I got some more manga and stuff. I also ended up findin somethin that I had no idea even existed. I was lookin around an import site and I ended up findin a 2 book set of concept art for the Bastard!! series. The first book is called somethin like "Bible of Bastard!!" and is basically a guide / art book for the series. Its has concept art and final art of every character and every area in the entire series form back when it was still called Wizard!! up till the final chapter of the manga. And when I say every character, I mean every single character down to the zombies and lizard men. lol. Plus it comes with a second book with a really odd cover to it. The second book's title transltates to somethin like "The Nude Book". This was of course a double meaning since the book's cover was done in a nude art design and also the book has nude and non-nude drawings of all the female characters through the series. It also has compaisons of all the design changes to all the characters through the 4 acts. I never realized how many different thing Dark Shcnider actually wore untill I saw all of them put together like that. lol. Im a huge fan of art books and stuff so when I saw that set i had to immediatly buy it for myself. Plus these are striaght out of the 80'sso I cant even imagine how rare they must have become at this point. They are also completely in Japanese, so Im still workin on getting both books translated.

I finally got around to finisin Sonic Unleashed on the PS3, and I cant even begin to explain how much better the full game is than the Wii version. The final level kinda got old fats though. My final time was like 47 minutes or somthin around that. and thats not counting all the game overs I got from not realizing the enmies werent suposed to ever stop spawning or in the areas where snic decided not to respond to me repeatedly smashin the jump button because he felt it would be better to just ride off the rails and die over and over again. Over than a few bugs here and there the game was really fun and I hope they keep goin with the idea of makin Sonic games about Sonic like they did back when I was a kid. Ya know the best part of the game? NO EMO HEDGHOGS ANYWHERE! lol. I was so excited. No male hedghogs in eye liner and no emos in the entire game. It was great.

I also finally got around to tryn to finish ValkyrieProfile:Lenneth again. I was stuck on chapter 4 for a long time. I played it earlier and finally realized i never upgraded anyone's equpiment other than weapons. lmao. After I fixed that it went way easier and I ended up gettin like 30x the experience I was gettin in all the other dungeons in the chapter for some reason. It wasnt an equipment effect or anythin, but for some reason usin better armor and stuff gave better experience. Now Im stuck on the last dungeon of the chapter cause theres some event character there and I really dont feel like frustrating myself with that sh*t right now.

Other than that, I dont really think there was any new gaming stuff goin on. I was gonna put a special bonus at the end of this blog, but I really couldnt decide on a video to use. I'll try to have somethin really good the next time I actually throw one in though. lol

Another Chirstmas blog to add to the list of who all did one.

So yeah, merry christmas to everyone who celebrates it, or for the people that just give the gifts and such like me. lol. Also happy holidays to everyone who celebrates anything else or also. Im honestly not sure exactly how many holidays there are in this month so I have to kind of keep it general.

This blog is extremely short compared to my usual blogs just because I worked from 6 am - 8 pm today and Im tired as hell. In this area there is a stomach flue that has been goin around, and workin at a hospital I get instant acccess to all illneses beofre they get to the comoners. lol. Anyway, the point being I had this same stomach problem once a week every week for the past 3 weeks. The good news is that I am almost immune to it at this point since each time i get it, it lasts a few days less each time.

Anyway, except for the bein stuck at work literally from before sun rise till after sun set, my holiday was pretty good, eventhough i dont really celebreate christmas for the traditional sense. I still give gifts and all that, but Im not really into the whole celebrating it for the Catholic faith stuff involved in it. But yeah, Im gonna go eat and then go back to playin some more Touhou. lol. Bet no one saw that comin. lol. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil is so damn addciting and so immposible to beat with no continues in EX mode. Also in the next blogI'll list some of the crazy stuff I got this year.

I leave you all with a special holiday special bonus this time.

Here is Special Bonus 20!

You might have to rewind it a bit to catch all the sentence mixing, but its one of the best holiday vids this year. There is one that is waaaaaaaaaay better, but I am saving it for my year end blog when i post it after New Years. Trust me whenI say that it will make you sh*t your pants from laughing so hard.I sent it to one of my music buddies, and she said that she actually pissed her pants from laughin so hard. So I wanna save that one for a proper blog and not this quick one. lol.

Hope everyone had fun and got everything they wanted. :)

One Year Later...

So tomorrow will be the official one year mark for my time at GS. lol. I cant believe how fast this year went by. Time usually just crawls by for me, but these last few years just flew past me. So in one year I've gained 26 levels, and am almost up to lvl. 27, have 8 badges (not alot I know) and am an officer of a union. lol. For those of you interested in Megaman you might wanna check it out. We are currently not at our usual activity because out leader is havin comp trouble and we are waitin for him to come back so we acan start the next round of our union RPG. If you guys wanna join the union of the RPG or just wanna check out what we still have goin on currently, here is a link. We dont have a ton of active members atm, but its still a fun union for the people who do show up.

Ive had a ton of fun in my time I've spent here. I went through a bunch of unions, and quit most of them because I was gonna be inactive, so now Im only in 2, but I might re-join the others at some point. I've met a ton of new people here, and I have alot of fun playin online games with everyone who joins me and all that. At the same time Ive also had to put up with a ton of douche bags and a even more trolls. This site has more spam posters than any other site Ive ever been a part of, but whatever, people have a right to be a douche I guess. I actually left one of my favorite unions because I couldnt stand the fact that some random kid that just spamed the hell out of ever topic got almsot immediatly promoted to bein an officer even though this kid knew almost nothin about the subject of the union, but he was also treated like he was the best thing to ever happen to the place. It just sucked cause there was at least 4 other people that deserved to be officers waaaaaaaaaaaay more than that piece of sh*t. I went back to visit that union and the kid is gone now. Who knows what happend between that time. Also I officially hate the PS3 forum just because of the ammount of trolls.

Theres been alot goin on in RL durring this year also. Tons of stuff, but just way too much to cover in all my blogs. I still think the biggest thing was gettin to meet Wendee Lee at the anime convention. lol. Im still really happy / embarased about that. Happy cause she's my second favorite female voice actor, embarased because of the story that goes with when me and my friend meetin her. lol. But seriously, I got to meet a voice actor who played a main character from one of the Castlevania games, my favorite series of all time. I mean I cant even explain how happy I am that for once I actually got to do somethin I can brag about where someone cant just 1-up me with a better celebrity or somethin. lol. I mean Ive met a few famous muscians, but Wendee has done so many roles for so many years that I think she is probably the best celebrity I'll ever have a chance to meet. She's been in a ton of my favorite anime and games. Everything from the english version of the unfinished Bastard!! OVA (she played Yoko) to Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, to the .hack// games, to Cowboy Bebop. The list goes on and on. lol. I hope if I ever get into voice acting I can have a career as good as hers. I doubt Id ever get over 200 credits to my name like her though. lol.

So now that I got my shameless bragging out of the way, lets move on. lol. I've done a bunxch of reviews while I was here too. These were my favorite part of this site untill I realized how much hate mail you get from fan boys that spam the hell out of your account for telling the truth about Silent Hill Homecoming being utter sh*t. I said it a few times before, and I'll repeat it again since no one wants to listen. BOSSES GLITCHING INTO BEING INVINCIBLE AND REPEATING THE SAME PRESS X TO NOT DIE PHASES LIETERALLY 27 TIMES IN A ROW = BROKEN GAME!! Not only that, but it happend on 3 different bosses. I dont care how much of a fan boy you might be, you have to admit there wasnt a single thing in my review that wasnt true about that game. And Im so tired of these people talkin about how they got the lucky disks that have some miricle programing patch that makes the game work properly. Its sh*t. The game was bad, rushed, and American. Get over it kids. Not everything with a good name behind it will be good. I admit when a series I love has a sh*ty game or 12 (Sonic), so why cant they?

Anyway, my favorite review I've done on here has to be Splatterhouse 3. Check it out if ya want. Im too lazy to link it right this second. Also I pray everyday that the team makin Splaterhouse 4 just give up. Why ruin a great series like that? I dont want Gears of House, so dont make it. The series is over, so leave it alone. Or at least make it about different characters. They are suposed to be continueing the story, but the mask was destroyed once and for all in 3. The doctor was murdered in 2, and Rick and his family have no reason to go back to the currently destroyed house. Therfore, theres no reason to make this game. Its gonna be horrible cause its made by the same kind of people that thought turnin Silent Hill into resident Evil was a good idea. We saw how bad that turned out, so why continue to destroy things I love?

Im kinda workin on some special stages in LBP too. Im doin a whole set for everythin that inspired mein my life from the art side of things. Im makin a few stagesover time and I'll be puttin work into them off and on in my spare time till I get at least the first few done. Right now Im workin on a Megaman stage, and stage for the series The Maxx, a Touhou stage, and a few other surprises here and there. After writing all that about my reviews I also decided to start on a Splatterhouse stage too. lol. Ill post about the progress as it comes along. And Again, if people wanna play that or any other onlien game with me, feel free to add me or send invites or somethin. There were a ton of people that added me to PSN just for LBP but they never wanted to do anythin so I deleted all of them. lol. Im not gonna waste my time on sh*t like that.

Anyway, This blog is probably kinda short compared to usual, but Im kinda out of it tonight and just dont know waht else to put in this blog. Ill probly do another blog around the end of the year to have some updates about the holidays and all that. Also, one last special bonus before I start takin some tiem away form online stuff.

Special Bonus 19!

I think this one might need some explanation. Um...The only way I can explain this is, I think this was suposed to be kind of sybloic of what happens when Reisen uses the Lunatic Red Eyes on someone. In Touhou they refer to the demonic characters as lunatics, but they use a special word for it (yokai). So to this day Im not sure if Reisen's eyes were suposed to be demonic or not since she isnt from the same place as where the main story takes place and she sint a yokai. Anyway, her eyes can make anyone metally snap and lose all sense of sanity within an instant. I think this was suposed to kinda give an idea of the insanity that ensues... I think.

Hope everyone enjoys their holidays n at. I also hope we have another good year here. lol

New Gaming Addiction and Some Updates

Recently I got into playing some hacked versions of some old games after watchin some Let's Play people on youtube do ROM hacks of Mario and Metroid and stuff like that. I wanted to try some out and one of my friends over on the anime forum sent me a hack that seriously confused the hell out of me, yet got me completely addicted. Originally I was lookin for some action game hacks, but this was just too crazy to pass up. One of my freinds sent me a emulator and a a game called Touhoumon. lol

This game is exactly like it sounds like it would be. Its a Pokemon Fire Red hack, but instead of Pokemon, you use Touhou characters. Thats not the only change. Elements are thrown out the window. Your character might be Steel type, but she can still learn fire, lightning, water, rock, and even steel moves. lmao. The learn sets make no sense at all. Also the evolutions still work out in this game, but in a weird way. Instead of having 3 forms, they have 3 phases of the characters. For example, Reisen starts as cRSN (stands for chibi Reisen), then at lvl 28 she turns into Reis (short for Reisen) and if you give her a moonstone after that, she turns to ERSN ( EX Reisen). Most of the characters have 3 forms also, but some stop at just the egular form after the chibi one. I think it still works out to 150 though. The thing that makes this game so much fun is that they jumped the difficulty WAY the hell up. The 6th gym leader has lvl. 100 characters. lol. You need to grind like crazy in some of the later updates of the game.

So like in all the other games, you get to pick one of 3 starters. You get to pick from Reimu, Sakuya, or the fan fav. Marisa. None of them are the usual fire, water, or grass types though. Your pick either comes down to what element you want to start with, or who your personal fav out of those 3 is. lol. At first I started with Sakuya, cause i thought it would be awesome to beat everyone with a knife throwin maid. Then I found out that save states crash the actual save file. So after losing 5 hours of data and not being able to use real saves anymore, I had to wipe out everything of the game from my comp and start over. This time I picked Reimu. I personally dont really care about Marisa at all and I really wonder why she's so popular. Maybe its just the Master Spark ability she stole.

This game goes out of it's way to throw in inside Touhou jokes at ya too. Locations of alot of the characters really depends on where they apear in the actual games. Also all the moves are re-named so they are more apropriate for the characters. Sakuya starts with Pound, but she learns Knife and other stabing related stuff in her later lvls. I didnt get to use her long before my data was corrupted, so I dont know the full move list for her. ALso this entire game is in moon speak. lol. There are english updates available, but they didnt really translate anything over than moves and abailities. Some of the stuff in the ability descritions still glitches into the original languages though.

I think its a fun hack to play, and you know at some point you were all into Pokemon. Unless you were already in high school back then, chances are you played the originals. If ya liked those, you should check it out since this one is way more challenging, and has alot of new stuff to it. But if ya dont like Touhou (the majority of you I guess)the inside jokes, the great character sprites, and the over all presentation will probably be worthless to you. I just really love a game where I can knife Alice for all the sh*tty songs IOSYS made because of her damn fan doujins. lol.

Also the majority of the Touhou cast are female, so all the random encounters are usually with female forms of the characters. The problem is there is actually a 5% chance of finding a male version of a female character, and the other way around for the entire 1 male character who is supossed to be in the game. lol. I have no idea how the breeding system works in this hack, but I really wanna find out who is supossed to be the equivalent of Ditto in this one. lol. If anyone wants a link to the game, let me know and Ill get it to ya.

Anyway, there hasnt been a ton goin on lately. Ive been kinda sick for a while. I had some stomach virus that was goin around, and Im startin to think that those are the only kinds of sickness I get these days. I never get colds of flus or anything, but stomach viruses hit me immediatly. I never even realize I have them till Im goin to the bathroom more times in one day than I usually do in an entire week. lol. I only had it for like 3 days, but one guy I work with had it for like a week. I guess Im just really immune to everything now. I always told people not takin medicine was better for ya since you get way more immune, but no, no one wants to listen to me when Im right for once. lol. So now i never get most illnesses, and everyone else wastes all their time bein sick. lol.

One of my friends from my last job came back to town last week. I was really happy cause we used to be each others like work best friends if that makes sense. lol. Plus we havent seen each other in like a year so she wanted to hang out while she was still in town for the holidays. When she was here one of our freinds we worked with at the same place invited both of us over so we could all hang out, but I think he was kind of regretting it. The guy that invited us over is gay but he thought it was some huge secret. He's one of those people where its pretty obvious after the first few minutes of talkin to them. He doesnt talk weird or anythin, but you can just tell. lol. Anyway, he was givin Tiff some cover things for a wii remote since her and herhusband just got a wii a week ago, and she was like "are you sure I can have the pink one? i dont wanna take that one away since ya swing that way now" or somethin like that. And after a few more mins she made another joke and he got all upset and was like "thanks Tiff, Zach didnt know till just now" and before I could even say anythin Tiff was like "He already knew since forever ago." lmao. He starts freakin out and was like, "who told you?!" and I had to explain that I knew since back when I met him, but since he had a gf at the time i was really confused about if he really was or not. lmao. I couldnt stop laughin cause he swore no one but Tiff knew, but the entire store he works at knew, and Im gonna assume everyone who ever met him already knew too. lol.

So yeah, that was probably the funniest / most amusing thing that happend over my holidays. lmao. Plus now he at least has an excuse for suckin at games so bad. Also hes totally fine with al lthe jokes so we dont hate gay people just to get that clear, me and Tiff just could pass up an oportunity we waited all these years for. We seriously went on with jokes for at least 2 and a half hours messin with him. lmao. Besides, that what he gets for spamin unblockable attacks at me when we played Castlevania: Judgement.

So what else is goin on? Uh... I think I need to find a way to get used to not sleepin again. lol.My schedual is always so random, so sometimes I have to work at 4 am, and sometimes i have to work at 1 pm. Its really f*ckin with my body. It's seriously losin it's concept of time all together.Some times on my days off I'll wake up at 7 and im like ill just sleep a little longer. next time i wake up its 2 pm. lmao. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me lately. Im just used to whenI was in between jobs and went to bed at 4 am and woke up at like 11 am. But that was a year ago so I fugred id be used to this kind of stuff by now. I think Its actually startin to affect my health. One of my friends was sayin I looked kinda sick, but I think its just cause I literally dont have time to eat anymore. I get about one real meal in a day, and then I just eat random stuff along the way. I'm no doctor, but Im pretty sure that is gonna catch up to me pretty soon. lol. Oh well. If I dont have time to eat then I just cant do anythin about that.

So yeah, not much else is goin on. Im still waitin till next year for the next volumes of all my manga to come out. The wait is literally killing me inside. lol. Dont the Japanese understand how hard it is for me to wait 4 months to find out if Dark Schnider can beat Porno Diano or if she will kill him instead?! lol. If only I could read Japanese. Also Im kinda bummed out. We are reaching the end of the Bastard!! series. I have no idea what Im gonna do with myself once its all over. I mean I love the series, and eventhough its been out since the 80's I still think its the best manga Ive ever seen. I mean sure Inuyasha has at least 30 somethin more volumes left, and who knows when they will feel like makin another volume of Hellsing with their literally 1 volume per year idea. Its just gonna be weird for me to not have another part of the story to look forward to. I just keep thinkin of the ending to the unfinished OVA where they have D.S. standing on that mountain and it said somethin like see you next time Dark Schnider. Theres never gonna be a next time though. lol. The only good thing is that in one of the last volumes, Japan got a package where it came with an exclusive figure. I have no idea who the character is, but some people told me her is supossed to be Lilith or somethin like that. lmao. With the way the story is going with D. S. trying to kill God to save everyone, it really wouldnt surpise me if THE Lilith showed up as the final character or as the final opponent or somethin. It would be strange, but a fitting end now that they have the whole angels destroyed the world and God was really the demonic one the whole time thing goin on. lol.

Theres only 25 vol. total, and we are on 18 (I think) so theres only a few years left to enjoy Bastard!! before its finally over 2 decades later than the original release. lmao. Damn translation periods. I just reallyhope our final volume has the figure with it. I dont care if its double price, I just want the full package like the original with the special cover design and everything. I guess well find out in a few yars when Im like 23 readin the final volume and still talkin about how strange the series got compared to how simple it started.

Anyway, since this blog was probably a huge waste of time for anyone who actually reads mine, here are some special bonuses for stickin through to the end.

*WARNING* These special bonuses do not reflect the views and opinions of child_of_lileth. They are intended for comedy purposes only. If you seriously find any problem with them, you need to remeber that the dude that made them is just doin it for the comedy value. Also I dont endorse rap in anyway, and neither does he. He just does it to prove how easy and pointless it is and how its about the same thing with the same beat for every "song" they ever made in that "genre".

Special Bonus 17!

Also here is part 2 in Special Bonus 18!

Top 11 and 1/2 Bosses / Boss Battles

So for once in my time here on gs, Im gonna do a blog about games. lol. Crazy, but it might turn out good. Also, I really ment 11 and 1/2. Why 11 and 1/2? Because 10 is just way too over done at this point. Why 1/2 instead of 12? Because theres on boss who will be on the list that is so insanely overpowered that we cant even comprehend its truest form yet. No, Im serious. So yeah, I HAVE NOT PLAYED EVRY GAME EVER. If you dont see a boss you liek more, thats too bad. This is just a list of my fav boss characters and most memorable battles. The bosses here had to do somethin pretty awesome to make it this high on my list of stuff. Ill try to include pics and videos for all the lesser known bosses. The point is, this is just for entertainment purposes and I decided to do this while I was at work today and just started it for fun. I might do other lists later on, but probably not. No one should get upset over who all I think were my favorites and all that. If you do, seriously, why get that upset over some one's picks? Thats just a waste of your life. Also this isnt a list of the hardest bosses ever. Just a bunch that i really had fun playing, unless stated otherwise. So anyway, heres the list.

#11 and 1/2 - A boss with no ture name yet.

So far we only know it by the name it was dubbe, "The Final Boss of All The Internets". lol. Here is a vid showing Konata Izumi in the middle of her epic strugle to defeat him. She even uses his elemntal weakness, but he just seems to have an inifinate restoring ability. Heres the vid. FIGHT KONATA, FIGHT!!!!

#11 -  Dracula - Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.

Thisboss is nowhere near as toguh as his level leading up to the final fight. The crows alone will destroy you. Anyone who has played the first 3 Castlevanias know how unforgiving those games can be. But this was just insane. I never beat that level until I was 20 years old. This was mainly due to thinkin my NES was broken for so many years, but the level is one of the toughest levels in any game ive ever played to this day. Once you finally make it to Dracula, you have about 1 bar of health left to fight with. Good luck surviving all 3 forms. Spirit partners or solo, this is an insane strugle. Good luck when ya get there.

#10 -  Rival - Pokemon Series.

What a douche. You finally make it past the dragon master who destroys you because back then nothing could beat dragons, and you couldnt get your own dragon cause you were like 10 and didnt care about anyone but Charizard. Then ya finally beat the dude, and hes like grats 10 year old boy, your the pokemanz master... PSYCHE!!! your rival just beat you to this! SUCKER!!! And you know you were devistated the first time you beat pokemon red / blue and saw that. Then you have to fight the dude, but you only have liek 1 guy still alive and its just some stupid bird. The rival will always be a horrable boss that will do the same trick in probably every game they make in that series. 

#9 - Arshes Nei - Bastard!! - Ankoku no Hakaishin (SNES)


Everyone knows I am a huge fan of Bastard!! Everone also knows fighting games can be tough when theres a gimick. I played this game on a real super famicom once. This game is imposible on its own. You have to fight your way through the story of the series. You start fighting you generals from before Dark Schnider was killed. After that I have no idea what happens. I never made it past Nei. This game is just so damn impossible to play. you have to fight like a camera behind D.S. and then you cant use close combat. Only magic and sh*t. It makes it so hard to play when they dodge everything. I beat Gara, but cant get past Nei. I fail as a fan of the series. lol

#8 - Liquid Snake - MGS1

So ya destroy Metal Gear and Fox is dead. But its ok, you got a friend to ehlp you escape. But whats that?! Its Liquid!! There you are shooting the mounted gun, while Otacon drives the jeep becuase you couldnt save Meryl. And then out of nowhere, here comes Liquid, doing both at the same time! Truely he has the dominant genes. lol

#7 -  Alfa Lay Wa Layla ( i think that was his name) - Sonic and The Secret Rings

This dude took forever to beat. The worst part was you had to shake the wii remote like crazy. By the time you're done, you feel like you are gonna have a heart attack from all the spazzing arm movemnts and stuff. It seriously make me tired as hell to shake for liek 5 mins straight. The only good part? Darkspine Sonic. lol. Hope he shows up in Sonic and The Black Knight. 

#6 - Reisen Udonge Inaba - Touhou


Reisen is a lunar rabbit in the Touhou series. She isnt tnat difficult of a boss, even on the harder modes. Why did she make my list? Because shes awesome. lol. She has so many weird abilities. She has the "Lunatic Eyes"  (the luna part might be another moon refrence) which can make anyone instantly metally snap just by looking her in the eyes. She has the power to control all waves of all types. Sound waves, light waves, micro waves. I mean seriously, how many bosses do you know that can mess up your Hot Pocket and then you? Bad joke. Sorry. Also she has one of the most unique and weird powers of any boss Ive seen. She can shoot bullets just by makin her hand in the position of a gun (index extended and thumb up). She can shoot as many as hse sees fit. Also these bullest just happen to shoot people up the butt. Im not makin that part up. lol. Eventually in the series she is adopted by Eirin the nurse character that can make any kind of medicine or drug imaginable. From what Ive seen Reisen works as Eirin's aid. Anyway, here's a vid of the boss fight with Reisen. She shows up around 2:38 in the vid. Also check out her ISOYS created songcalled Overdrive.

#5 - The L Block - Tetris.

Everytime sthings seem to be goin good and you think you are gonna have a pretty easy run. Then he shows up. The L block. That thing is so hard to fit sometimes. I mean if it wasnt for that one square, you could just throw him in the smal open spaces. But no. The thing is so awkward to fit in so many places. lol. The T block is so manuverable. The I block is fine. The square block is toguh but not too bad. But that L block is just there to make your life misserable. Ive lost so many times because of a chain that guy starts. 

#4 -  Skeith - .hack//

This dude is super easy. The problem is, you are extremly under leveled for this fight. Its just how the game works. Hhis means you wont even be in the 20's by the time you have to fight him. This makes him seem way too strong to beat and his super moves do alot of damage and stat effects. One move gives you every negative stat effect possible all at once. Plus right before the fight he kills off Aura. SOrry for the possible spoiler for the entire 3 other .hack// fans on gs besides me. lol. 

#3 - The card with the image that turns into that skull and back - Taboo: The Sixth Sense.

If you played it, you know what I'm talkin about.

#2 - The Dragon from Megaman 2 ( I forget if he has a real name) - Megaman 2.

This boss isnt that hard either. But he does something so horrable that he makes you want to murder him as quickly as possuble. He inturpts the best video game song of all time. You're just runnin along enjoyin the music jumpin some blocks and then bam! He shows up and ruins everything. PLus the sprite limitations make it so Megaman is basically invisble for the majority of the fight. You have no idea how many times I messed up jumps because of this guy's spirte. Here is a vid of the level so you can hear the music Im talkin about and then the actual fight. 

#1 - Scarlet Flandre - Touhou - Endless Winter


OH MY F*CKING GODS. You have no idea how tough she is on the most intense mode. Even on some of the easier modes shes still tough as hell. Then You get to her shadow form. You dont win, you just do a little better each time. She makes every game ever seem like Super Mario Bros. 1. Her back story is that she has the power to destroy everything in existance anytime she wants. Her sister also keeps her locked in the basment. lol. The music is amazing. It also spawned its own HUGE fad in Japanese culture starting the U.N. Owen was (item)? fad. She is also one of the most recognized characters in the Touhou series. Anyway, if you want a really tough boss fight, she's the one you're lookin for. Here is a link to her boss battle. Also 9 health bars?! Really?!

So yeah, I just wanted to do an actual video game related blog on here for once. After this I think I'll try to holdo ff on blogs for a while and just do one or 2 a month again or less if I can. Ive just been doin way too many lately. lol. Hope everyone who actually read all this enjoyed my list and is you saw anyone you dont recognize, I hope they inspire you to try some new games. Have fun everyone. Also, is Sonic Unleashed any good? Im waiting for the PS3 version before I buy it. lol

More FCs than you can handle *Updated*

Recently I got a bunch of new Nintendo games, which means a bunch of random number paterns to use if anyone whats to play any of the games with me. I really wish Wii would just get an online id system just to make things simpler. Anyway, if you add me on any of these, you'll have to let me know your code too, because if you dont, nintendo wont let us play, because thats just the kind of security they want to have. Maybe next gen they will not only finally have working internet, but simple acces to playing games with your friends. We can only hope.

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - 2320 9462 9645

Animal Crossing City Folk - 3051 1068 0405

Name: child

Town: Gensokyo

Castlevania Judgement - 0431 1805 9044

There was some others, but I honestly cant think of what they were right now. 

also for anyone who wants it -

Wii number - 6698 8013 4864 6083

This blog is kinda short cause Im in a really distant mood right now. Sop to make up for how short this was, I'll throw in some extras.

This is kind of different than what I usually post, but this vid was really cool since it kinda played on somethings the anime negleted that have been hinted at many times in the manga. The whole song is in Japanese, so if you dont know the charcters' personalities, or how to undertsand spoken Japanese, this vid probably wont make much sense at all. It uses the same melody as "Air Man Will Not Die" (if you like megaman check out that vid). Anyway, here is Special Bonus 16!

For those of you who did check it out, I'll do my best to give you what basic translation I can. The song is mainly just about Kagami and Konata's relationship, and how Kagami starts to get jelous of Konata not giving her as much attention once people like Patricia (an exchange student from America) start showing up. So from what I could undertsand, its about how Kagami doesnt wanna lose Konata's affection? That or Kagami cant beat Air Man on Japan mode either.  Also worth pointing out, the anime scenes were edited alot by whoever made it. For example, theres a part where Kagami pulls panties out of her closet, but in the real version, she pulled out her school uniform and you could see she at least had a bra on and wasnt nude like in this edit. The "cotton undies" were a joke from one of the episodes.

Also worth pointing out, no, they are not in a relationship. The manga just had alot of moments where konata kinda joked around with the idea, and theres times in the anime where they kind of hint at it with a more "under age viewer friendly" kinda of way. I could point out all the examples, but Im way too lazy to find the episode numbers.  For those of you not familiar with the series, Patricia is the blonde cosplaying as Mikuru. Also yes, that is really a Lucky Star version of Yuki and Kyon in there. They show up in episode 16. Oh! The whole song is also sung by Miku Hatsune. Im just pointing that out for anyone who doesnt recognize the voice. 

If you add me for any of those games, please let me know in a comment or a pm so I can add you back. The games wont let us play unless we both have each others codes and all that. But if you own Nintendo systems you probably know that drill by now.

I don't like what I see.

So who here is gettin hyped about Castlevania: Death Note edition!? Oh yeah! I think its kinda odd to put Kira in bondage and to give him Vampire Killer, but whatever. Also why is misa represented in this game in some chibi / loli / pedophile trap? I mean she was over 18 by the end of the story, so why make her look like she's 10? Also, I forget the woman's name, but she was the one Kira pretended to be interested in that worked for the media in the second half. Anyway, why did they make he transgender and try to make her Alucard? some strange choices for this game.

So yeah, if you havent noticed by now, I hate the character designs for Judgment. It wouldnt bother me so bad if they didnt all look exactly like Death Note characters. And dont even try to tell me Grant doesnt look liek one of the Shinigami (no clue how to spell that anymore). I mean hes a mummy now liek Rin looked. Can this dude seriously not draw anything else other than the same characters over and over? Did he really use up all his creativity as an artist on the whole like 12 different characters in that series? What a rip off. I havent seen Trevor yet, but Im really hopeing he doesnt look too bad. Him and Sypha will be my mains, since Trevor is my fav. Belmont, and Sypha is my fav. character from over the series. I think adding the CV III cast was a nice touch, but why dont they look right? Oh wait. Now I remember.

So anyway, I finally finished all the quest in CV: OoE last night. I have had no time for games lately. I have a ton of time off comin up ay work soon though. And I have the day Judgement comes out off, so I'll be playin that all day. lol. Im still stuck in OoE though. I got to the last boss (tryin not to spoil it) and im only lvl. 48. one hit gives me 109 damage, but i got way better equipment since then from finishing the secret areas, and rare enemy drops. Also on the forums I saw a way to beat him in 6-10 hits with s special glyph union I never would have thoguht of. lol. So Im gonna try to beat it again tonight when I get some more time to just sit around.

Also I have a new manga series Im currently into, the problem is that Im kind of embarased to admit I actually liked it. lol. Like I said in an earlier blog, my birthday was a while ago, and one of the things one of my friends got me was the first vol. of the Haruhi Suzumiya manga.They just now got it in english in the end of October. So at first I though "Well, I'll at least read the first few chapters, and if i dont liek it, I'll just give it to someone who wants it." cuase I had no idea I was ever gonna have somethin like that. I told one of my friends about andshe was like "You should seriously read it, you might end up likin it."So I stuffed it into the manga pile I still have, and i put it after the vol. of Inuyasha I was workin on. A few nights ago I finally got around to readin it, and I have to say that I honestly liked it. lol. It was alot better than I was expectin it to be. I really thought this would be just anothe rone of those overrated series that just got way too popular for nothin. It's mainly a comedy thing from what Ive seen so far. I guess theres suposed to be an ongoing plot, but Im really not far enough into the story to tell where its going yet. 

I havent finished the entire first volume yet, but from what I read so far, this seems pretty original compared to alot of the stuff I see. I mean seriously, Ive never found any other series bfore this that was about some dude who gets forced into hangin around some girl who just happens to be god, who also does the same thing to an alien humaniod survalance thingy (not sure what else to describe Yuki as), a time traveler, and an esper. Plus the comedy actaully made me laugh out loud a few times in each chapter.  Im seriously about to pre-order the next volume since its an quarterly manga. lol. Since I was now interested in where this series waas goin, I decided hey, why not watch the anime to get some more story? I was once again tricked by anime. Its not only very different from the real story, but the characters look kinda different too. Yuki looked way btter in the manga, Haruhi looks about the same, and theres somethin about Mikuru that makes her look different, but Im just not quite sure what it is yet ( and yes Im talkin about her face, and no this isnt a huge boobs joke). Even Kyon looks kinda different. He looks older or somethin in the anime.

Also THE ANIME IS OUT OF ORDER. Who the hell decided that was a good idea? I watch episode 00 and its really suposed to be like part 12 or so. It made me laugh my ass of, but I had no idea what was goin on. The Mikuru beam, the talkin cat part, and the part where Mikuru has the ak all made me laugh though. Then I watch the next one, and its the first part of the story again. They were in oder for a few more, and then it starts skippin around again! lol. I wasnt sure if I just did somethin wrong or what. Then someone on one of the anime forums pointed out to me that the anime ran in order that they were rpduced, so they are completely out of order. They told me everyone accepted it as an insde joke that "Haruhi got bored and messed up the order." which made me laugh once I got the refrence. I watched the first season in Japanese (the way I watch most anime), but it just bothers me that even this series has its differences form the manga's original story. 

I also watch anime in Japanese because the English dubs just take the story even further away from the real thing. People always wonder why I love manga so much more than anime, this is why. I guess Id just rather know the real story than just some dumbed down, bite size, fits in a time limit version or it. Also theres a Castlevania manga out now, but dont worry, it sucks ass. its based on Curse of Darkness. Anyone still interested in the details? Didnt think so. lol.

So yeah I guess the point of this blog was just to complain one more time about the Judgement art, and to mark the point of me losing my mind once and for all by actually liking the Haruhi manga. lol. Oh well. Im not gonna recomend the manga just yet, since theres only one volume out in english right now anyway. But I just hope theres more bunny girl suit jokes later on. lmao. one of my friends that I met at an anime convention were dressed like Haurhi like that doin a stage show thing, and the bunny girl suits in the manga made me laugh my ass off just cause it always makes think of that. lol. And just for anyone whose wondering, no, I will not be joinin Haruhiism. lol. At least not at this point in time (plays the "Gutsman's Ass" jingle on guitar). lol.

Have fun with Castlevania: Judgement everyone, and I hope to see you all online there. lol

I'm 21 years old already?

Where have my years gone? lol. I can't believe I'm already this old. I seriously dont feel like I'm as old as I am. It feels like Im a different person all together than i was when I was a kid. lol. I guess that makes sense though since I had a lot of growin up to do as a person (not like physically). But yeah, for those of you that don't know me in RL my birthday was Nov. 3rd. And in case ya missed the title, I turned 21 this year. lol. I just still cant believe time went by so quick.

So as we all know, the best part of a birthday is the free stuff. lol. I once again couldnt think of anythin cheap to tell peopel to get when they asked me what I wanted, so this year I decided to just tell everyone one volume of a manga that I needed. I eneded up gettin a ton of manga added to the collection because of that. lol. I was missin about 13 vol. of Inuyasha and now i just need like 8 more till Im caught up. I got 1 more vol. of D.Gray-Man. And of course, I got 2 more volumes of Bastard!! (because I cant pass up free manga without filling in the gaps in my Bastard!! collection. lol.) Everyone who has been to my room knows I keep this pile of books on a table in my room as a pile of what I need to finish reading and what order Im gonna read them in. lol. That pile has about 9 books in there right now. Most of them are manga, but about 3 or 4 are light novels peopel got for me. lol. The light novels are at the bottom of the pile though. Not because I dont liek to read (im not a big fan of it thoguh) but because they are light novel versions of some .hack// games I already played though earlier this year They tell missing parts of the story, but the manga is waaaaaay more tmepting to me so I have to finish all those first. lol.

So yeah, I just read another chapter of Bastard!! before I started writing this. All I can say is Holy sh*t that was intense!!! lol. I just got to the start of act 3 (of 4) and it blew my mind. I was lookin at the back of the manga before I started readin it and it said "How can so much awesome violence be contained in one volume of manga?! Buy it, rip off the pesky shrink wrap and find out - if you dare!" lol. They werent kidding about the violence part. This is one of the most graphic manga Ive seen to date. The sad part is that the english version is actually heavily censored. lmfao. So eventhough we get words like "c*nt"kept in there and people being torn apart while every singe detail they could possibly draw of the inards are still there, somewhere in Japan, theres the uncensored version. I cant imagine how much more gore and language they could have possible put in to make it so bad that they couldnt even sell it as adult only material. If you guys havent checked this series out yet, I highly recomend you look into it. dont buy it right away,because the first few volumes are really slow compared to the actual story. Butif ya like extreme violence, metal music refrences out the ass, and nudity / sexual humor, you will love this series. lol

Anyway, I feel alot better now that thats out of my system. lol. Everyone keeps askin if I was gonna go out drinkin all night on my birthday since it was the first night I could legally do it, but I didnt. Why? Cause I literally didnt have the money for it. lol. I forgot to get my pay check, and since the place I work is in the next state over, I really didnt wanna waste the gas since Id be there a few days after that anyway. lol. But yeah, when I did go to work, they thought my b-day was a day latter than it actually was. So they actually made a small cake for me. lol. The only problem is that I keep forgeting about it and its still sittin in my fridge as I type. I dont really like the taste of icing(sp?) people use on birthday cakes much either so I was just gonna let someone have it next time people come over here. I dunno why, but somethin about that specific type of icing makes me gag. No other kind does though. I guess I'm just weird like that.

So yeah, on to general updates. Im still goin ot the doctor about 3 times a week for my back. lol. Its to the point now where It just a regular thing for me. Like how I hated goin to school, but I went every day I had to anyway without really considering skipping, eventhough I could have. Getting my spine adjusted doesnt hurt as much anymore either. Plus it doesnt scare me when the doctor starts crackin my neck and sh*t. lol. But it still makes me nervous as hell. You never know when he might f*ck up and break you like Solid Snake.

Also I have a ton of money out of nowhere right now. I didnt get much actual cash as presents, so I have no idea where the majority of it came from, but there was almost $1,000 suddenly in my wallet. lmao. I had to use a few hundred to pay bills and renew my driver's license thing (I hate sitting in the DMV for 3 hours) but theres a ton of it left. I wanna spend it on games, but i already have a tonI havent finished a first time through yet because Ive been so busy with LBP and CV:OoE. I think one night Im gonna go to Pittsburgh and just have one of those nights where if I see somethin I want, I'll immediatly buy it no matter how stupid it is, and jusyt keep goin like that till I only have a few hundred left. lol. I honestly cant think of anythin else of interest to do with it right now. It could get me a new guitar, but I really wont need a new one for a few years, if that soon. Im gonna try to think of somethin really out there to spend it on though.

Well, since this was about a special event for part of the blog, Im gonna include a Secial Bonus, eventhough Ive been putting them in way too many blogs lately and they arent technically special anymore. lol. But first, Special Boonus 13 was removed recently. So HERE is the same thing, just uploaded by someone else who hasnt been forced to remove the vid yet.I just thought Id re-post it for anyone who might have missed out on it, since it has literally become a nightmare factory for me (Im not even jokeing about that).

Already watched the last 2 bonuses? Well heres Special Bonus 15!

Also I just this moment was told that it was confirmed that Jewel Man from MM9 is literally gay I had no idea there were even rumors about that. lol. Oh well. I guess if they had a female Robot Master a gay one wouldnt be far off in the series.

Happy Halloween / Happy Festival of The Dead!

Its fall!!!! That measn its my favoite time of the year. I dont mean the hollidays, I just mean I love the fall. This time of year is great for so many reasons to me. I love the feeling of the season for some reason. lol. I love how the weather is kinda cold, but not cold enough to be uncomfortable with it. Plus I get to wear my hoodies again, and I really start to miss them since its only cold enough for them for a few months. lol. Plus theres just a ton of events goin on in this few months. Too much sometimes. lol.

So yeah, today is a holiday and I get my one day off of the week today which is awesome cause I didnt even have to beg for it to be Plus I get my birthday off without askin too, which really surprised me, cause I thought theyd make me work that day and think it would piss me off or somethin. It wouldnt if I did, but its kinda nice that my one day off next week is on that same day. lol. Im gettin really sick of the job, and my injuries from there are startin to get a little worse the more I go. My buddy Kathy was talkin to me there one day askin what the doctors do for me since she has a similar problem. At one point she just kinda threw in there "How old are you anyway?" and I told her and she just immediatly got this look of shock on her face. She was like "I thought you were so much older than that. You're too young to be hurt like that. That's never gonna get better." I was like yeah, but Im used to stuff like that. She was like "Zachary, you're still just a baby. Thats not right for you to have that kinda thing happen at such a young age." At first I thought she was like makin fun of me callin me a baby, but I am reallly young compared to how long most people live, so I get what she means. Als, I think she's one of the only people that i would actually let call me by my full first name liek that. lol. I usually hate it when peopel do that.

So anyway, I got Little Big Planet last saturday (I think)and I love the game. Its really short, but the ammount of stuff to do really makes up for it. Im workin on my own stage right now, and when its up Id like people who also have the game to try it out and let me know what they think. I dont wanna give away the surprise, but it's somethin from one of my fav series. If you guessed Castlevania, your close, but I'm saving that for stage 2. lol. Also, I did end up finishing CV: OoE the other day. this game is officially my second fav in the series. CVIII will always hold the number one spot in my heart though. Oh. before I forget, I know I said this liek a million times, but if anyone wants to play Little Big Planet with me online, send your PSN id and i'll add ya, or just snd me a request. My id is child_of_lileth (big shock, I know).

Theres alot of other stuff goin on lately too. In my guitar lessons, my teacher got a magazine that had actual note by note guides to 5 Iron Maiden songs writen by the guys in the band that wrote the songs back then. This is huge for me cause it means that I get the chance to learn the songs the exact way they are ment to be played. Not learning it by ear, not from tabs, not from some kid's translations online, but from actual note for note sheet music from Steve Harri, Adrian Smith, and Dave Murray. Im so excited.:D My teacher let me pick out what song I wanted to learn first, so I picked out Phantom of The Opera. It's really fast, and I can only play it at half s[peed at best, but I'm just way too excited about it to let that bum me out. lol. The next one Im gonna learn is gonna be The Prisoner. These are both really good songs, and if you have never listened to Maiden before, I will have to question our friendship and also I have to highly recomend you at least listen to a few of the songs from the GOOD Bruce Dickenson years. None of that No Prayer For The Dying sh*t. lol. Also I'm jk about the friendship questioning part.

Ive been lookin into the whole touhou project thing more, and I found out theres about 70 somthin different Touhou manga. lol. They are all doujin, and most of them are hentai (of course). I played the first game in the official series, and holy sh*t those are hard to beat. It makes me feel like I'm one of the people who couldnt beat one boss in MM9 since its so easy for the people who have been playin them since they came out, yet I can barely beat one stage. lol. Its crazy. I was trying to make a sack girl of Reisen in LBP, but I cant get her jacket and the skirt at the same time, so I had to just settle for her not having any kind of waist clothes. Plus the only wig her color isnt long enough. But maybe they will gove more costumes as DLC later on or at least let people change the color of stuff. I had so many ideas for what I wanted to make in that game, and none of them will owrk withwhats programed in there. I really at least wanted to be able to make Maxx, but theres nothing at all that would make that even close to possible. Thats the one thing I hate about that game. Theres such a limit to the customization. Oh well.

Anyway, since Im in a really good mood for once, Ill throw in a few special bonuses this time. lol. Here is Special Bonus 13!

Dont like Ronald MCDonald, or are as scared of the Japanese equivalent as I am? (the japan one scares the sh*t outta me. I'm not even jokeing.) Then here's Special Bonus 14!

Also is the new Spider-Man game for PS3 any good, or is it just fan service of the black suit fans who dont mind hwo ungodly messed up the cannon has become because of it? Just as a disclaimer, Im not in the second vid, and I really think whoever made the first vid did a really good job animating Scarlet like that. lol.

Hope everyone enjoys thier holliday(s), whichever one(s) it may be for all of you.:)

New games and new blog.

So LBP is delayed for another week. Whatever. At least I'll have some time off when it comes out now. Castlevania Order of Occlesia still came out this week though. I LOVE THIS GAME. lol. Its anpther RPG one, but it has a few differences to it. Instead of being able to just pick up weapons and use them, you have to use a Glyph system. Its kinda odd to get used to, but ya learn it fast. It reminds me of the soul system form the Sorow games. The only thing that sucks is you cant attack in any way without it taking MP unless you do the jump stomp thing to do like 2 damages of course. In the begining of the game ya run out of MP pretty quick when ya get ganged up on. The MP restores as fast as if you had a Maganus (sp?) ring equiped fro mthe other games, so thats always a welcome touch, especially since MP is so vital in this one. You actually get to travel around the country and can return to any area anytime you want. I made to Castlevania and I last saved in the library, so Im gonna assume Im near the end at this point. Ive played most of the games in the series (just havent played the arcade exclusive and Kid Dracula games) and this game is officially my second favorite Castlevania game in the series.

Also on the subject of Castlevania, Im getting slightly more excited about Judgement. I found out theres gonna be online fighting, but I just hope Nintendo can actually handle online this time. We all know they constantly fail when it comes to anythin that was around since Dreamcast. How sad is that to think about. Dreamcast could do what Wii cant. Ive seen some more of the fighters that are gonna be in the game, and Im getting more disapointed by the selctions. I mean who seriously wanted Eric? Next thing you know they will just trow in Grant de Nasty for some fanservice for the entire 3 fans he has. This is all just really reinforcing my "I will never f*cking understand you Iga" idea.

I finally found out where Touhou came from. lol. It turns out it started with the Touhou shoot em up game. Thats where the majority of the characters and songs came from. The bosses all had their own themes, and thats where thier themes from the cds came from. So it didnt start as a mnaga or as a recording thing like I thought they did. I guess eventually the series got popular cause the creator made a ton more games. I know there were at least 9 official ones. Now theres even parody games like Megamari and Touhoumon. I watched a ton of their animations, and I listened to alot of the music they did, and some of it was actually pretty good. Reisen is officially my favorite now just cause she has the best songs and she has an interesting voice compared to the rest of them. Her theme 'Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon' sounds really good, and they did like a ton of remixes of it. I seriously found at least 6 different versions of it they used for different stuff. Theres even a version where she sings along with the theme, but I have no idea what she's saying. lol. Heres a vid of it for anyone who wants to listen to it. Also the face she makes in the vid clip they show at 1:53-1:56 makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it. It seriously makes my day for some reason. I might have to try to make an avatar of that. It would at least keep my theme of avatars of people no one recognize. lol. I just cant remember what vid that was in. I know Ive watched it, but I think it was one of Eirin's vids since the surynge is stabed in the dude's head. lmao. Their humor is so weird sometimes, especially the DeathNote parody where Eirin rips out Reisen's ears to prove she was kira or somethin. Im still kina losin somethin in the translation of that vid so Im not even sure if thats what the joke was.

I havent been doin much else lately. Ive been workin alot more. I only get like 1 day off a week now. I hate it. I make a ton of money that way, but Id rather have time to be alone than be there that much. Also everyone is startin to ask what to get me for my birthday this year, and I always hate that cause I have no idea what to tell them. Theres stuff I want, but I never know if it cost too much to actually ask for it and not sound like a dick. lol. I think I got it all worked out this year though. I stoped buying the Inuyasha manga a few years ago cause i decided it would be easier to just watch the anime for free. Well, the anime f*ckin quits at the half way point of the story. So I sat and watched 300 somethin episodes for nothin. I was so pissed. So now Im a few years older, and about 14 volumes behind on the manga. So my plan is, I'll buy the newest 4 volumes, and just ask everyone else to get a specific volume that Im missing inbetween, that way, I'll be caught up. lol.

Since were on the subject of anime now, I was lookin for some info on why the .hack// series went to sh*t after Legend of The Twilight Braclet. Turns out a diffirent company bought out the company that made the series, so they decided to try to continue it with a new story like. This is where the god awful G.U. series comes from. The weird thing was that they wrote in the merger from reality into the story of the series. The reason Im bringing this up, was because I finished another one of the games and actually payed attention to the credits this time. I was interested in the voice cast. It gets to Blackrose, and guess who played her. Wendee Lee. how many of my favorite series is she gonna show up in?! I feel bad enough for what happend when I met her, but now its just gettin rediculous. I mean seriously. Thats just more to add to the list of sh*t I could have got signed or at least asked her about workn on and all that. I swear, I fail as an anime fan. Oh well. I think it might be easier on the people who update her credits and un-listed credits to just write "She was every female voice ever". Its semi-true to a point.

Im kinda out of it at this point. Its only 12 am, but I havent slpet much the last week cause of my work schedual. Usually Im up till around 3 am without bein tired at all. Now its like I cant make it past 10 pm without wantin to go to bed. lol.

Well, I was gonna hold off on another special bonus for a few blogs, but this one was probably kinda boring. So here Special Bonus 12!

Also, if you dont get the majority of this video, read the description. If you still dont undertsand it, feel free to ask me and I'll explain it to ya. I dunno if anyone will actually think its funny or not since its kind of an inside joke, and if ya havent seen the anime ya probably wont get it at all. And yes, this is where I stole the idea for special bonuses. lol.