Recently I got into playing some hacked versions of some old games after watchin some Let's Play people on youtube do ROM hacks of Mario and Metroid and stuff like that. I wanted to try some out and one of my friends over on the anime forum sent me a hack that seriously confused the hell out of me, yet got me completely addicted. Originally I was lookin for some action game hacks, but this was just too crazy to pass up. One of my freinds sent me a emulator and a a game called Touhoumon. lol
This game is exactly like it sounds like it would be. Its a Pokemon Fire Red hack, but instead of Pokemon, you use Touhou characters. Thats not the only change. Elements are thrown out the window. Your character might be Steel type, but she can still learn fire, lightning, water, rock, and even steel moves. lmao. The learn sets make no sense at all. Also the evolutions still work out in this game, but in a weird way. Instead of having 3 forms, they have 3 phases of the characters. For example, Reisen starts as cRSN (stands for chibi Reisen), then at lvl 28 she turns into Reis (short for Reisen) and if you give her a moonstone after that, she turns to ERSN ( EX Reisen). Most of the characters have 3 forms also, but some stop at just the egular form after the chibi one. I think it still works out to 150 though. The thing that makes this game so much fun is that they jumped the difficulty WAY the hell up. The 6th gym leader has lvl. 100 characters. lol. You need to grind like crazy in some of the later updates of the game.
So like in all the other games, you get to pick one of 3 starters. You get to pick from Reimu, Sakuya, or the fan fav. Marisa. None of them are the usual fire, water, or grass types though. Your pick either comes down to what element you want to start with, or who your personal fav out of those 3 is. lol. At first I started with Sakuya, cause i thought it would be awesome to beat everyone with a knife throwin maid. Then I found out that save states crash the actual save file. So after losing 5 hours of data and not being able to use real saves anymore, I had to wipe out everything of the game from my comp and start over. This time I picked Reimu. I personally dont really care about Marisa at all and I really wonder why she's so popular. Maybe its just the Master Spark ability she stole.
This game goes out of it's way to throw in inside Touhou jokes at ya too. Locations of alot of the characters really depends on where they apear in the actual games. Also all the moves are re-named so they are more apropriate for the characters. Sakuya starts with Pound, but she learns Knife and other stabing related stuff in her later lvls. I didnt get to use her long before my data was corrupted, so I dont know the full move list for her. ALso this entire game is in moon speak. lol. There are english updates available, but they didnt really translate anything over than moves and abailities. Some of the stuff in the ability descritions still glitches into the original languages though.
I think its a fun hack to play, and you know at some point you were all into Pokemon. Unless you were already in high school back then, chances are you played the originals. If ya liked those, you should check it out since this one is way more challenging, and has alot of new stuff to it. But if ya dont like Touhou (the majority of you I guess)the inside jokes, the great character sprites, and the over all presentation will probably be worthless to you. I just really love a game where I can knife Alice for all the sh*tty songs IOSYS made because of her damn fan doujins. lol.
Also the majority of the Touhou cast are female, so all the random encounters are usually with female forms of the characters. The problem is there is actually a 5% chance of finding a male version of a female character, and the other way around for the entire 1 male character who is supossed to be in the game. lol. I have no idea how the breeding system works in this hack, but I really wanna find out who is supossed to be the equivalent of Ditto in this one. lol. If anyone wants a link to the game, let me know and Ill get it to ya.
Anyway, there hasnt been a ton goin on lately. Ive been kinda sick for a while. I had some stomach virus that was goin around, and Im startin to think that those are the only kinds of sickness I get these days. I never get colds of flus or anything, but stomach viruses hit me immediatly. I never even realize I have them till Im goin to the bathroom more times in one day than I usually do in an entire week. lol. I only had it for like 3 days, but one guy I work with had it for like a week. I guess Im just really immune to everything now. I always told people not takin medicine was better for ya since you get way more immune, but no, no one wants to listen to me when Im right for once. lol. So now i never get most illnesses, and everyone else wastes all their time bein sick. lol.
One of my friends from my last job came back to town last week. I was really happy cause we used to be each others like work best friends if that makes sense. lol. Plus we havent seen each other in like a year so she wanted to hang out while she was still in town for the holidays. When she was here one of our freinds we worked with at the same place invited both of us over so we could all hang out, but I think he was kind of regretting it. The guy that invited us over is gay but he thought it was some huge secret. He's one of those people where its pretty obvious after the first few minutes of talkin to them. He doesnt talk weird or anythin, but you can just tell. lol. Anyway, he was givin Tiff some cover things for a wii remote since her and herhusband just got a wii a week ago, and she was like "are you sure I can have the pink one? i dont wanna take that one away since ya swing that way now" or somethin like that. And after a few more mins she made another joke and he got all upset and was like "thanks Tiff, Zach didnt know till just now" and before I could even say anythin Tiff was like "He already knew since forever ago." lmao. He starts freakin out and was like, "who told you?!" and I had to explain that I knew since back when I met him, but since he had a gf at the time i was really confused about if he really was or not. lmao. I couldnt stop laughin cause he swore no one but Tiff knew, but the entire store he works at knew, and Im gonna assume everyone who ever met him already knew too. lol.
So yeah, that was probably the funniest / most amusing thing that happend over my holidays. lmao. Plus now he at least has an excuse for suckin at games so bad. Also hes totally fine with al lthe jokes so we dont hate gay people just to get that clear, me and Tiff just could pass up an oportunity we waited all these years for. We seriously went on with jokes for at least 2 and a half hours messin with him. lmao. Besides, that what he gets for spamin unblockable attacks at me when we played Castlevania: Judgement.
So what else is goin on? Uh... I think I need to find a way to get used to not sleepin again. lol.My schedual is always so random, so sometimes I have to work at 4 am, and sometimes i have to work at 1 pm. Its really f*ckin with my body. It's seriously losin it's concept of time all together.Some times on my days off I'll wake up at 7 and im like ill just sleep a little longer. next time i wake up its 2 pm. lmao. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me lately. Im just used to whenI was in between jobs and went to bed at 4 am and woke up at like 11 am. But that was a year ago so I fugred id be used to this kind of stuff by now. I think Its actually startin to affect my health. One of my friends was sayin I looked kinda sick, but I think its just cause I literally dont have time to eat anymore. I get about one real meal in a day, and then I just eat random stuff along the way. I'm no doctor, but Im pretty sure that is gonna catch up to me pretty soon. lol. Oh well. If I dont have time to eat then I just cant do anythin about that.
So yeah, not much else is goin on. Im still waitin till next year for the next volumes of all my manga to come out. The wait is literally killing me inside. lol. Dont the Japanese understand how hard it is for me to wait 4 months to find out if Dark Schnider can beat Porno Diano or if she will kill him instead?! lol. If only I could read Japanese. Also Im kinda bummed out. We are reaching the end of the Bastard!! series. I have no idea what Im gonna do with myself once its all over. I mean I love the series, and eventhough its been out since the 80's I still think its the best manga Ive ever seen. I mean sure Inuyasha has at least 30 somethin more volumes left, and who knows when they will feel like makin another volume of Hellsing with their literally 1 volume per year idea. Its just gonna be weird for me to not have another part of the story to look forward to. I just keep thinkin of the ending to the unfinished OVA where they have D.S. standing on that mountain and it said somethin like see you next time Dark Schnider. Theres never gonna be a next time though. lol. The only good thing is that in one of the last volumes, Japan got a package where it came with an exclusive figure. I have no idea who the character is, but some people told me her is supossed to be Lilith or somethin like that. lmao. With the way the story is going with D. S. trying to kill God to save everyone, it really wouldnt surpise me if THE Lilith showed up as the final character or as the final opponent or somethin. It would be strange, but a fitting end now that they have the whole angels destroyed the world and God was really the demonic one the whole time thing goin on. lol.
Theres only 25 vol. total, and we are on 18 (I think) so theres only a few years left to enjoy Bastard!! before its finally over 2 decades later than the original release. lmao. Damn translation periods. I just reallyhope our final volume has the figure with it. I dont care if its double price, I just want the full package like the original with the special cover design and everything. I guess well find out in a few yars when Im like 23 readin the final volume and still talkin about how strange the series got compared to how simple it started.
Anyway, since this blog was probably a huge waste of time for anyone who actually reads mine, here are some special bonuses for stickin through to the end.
*WARNING* These special bonuses do not reflect the views and opinions of child_of_lileth. They are intended for comedy purposes only. If you seriously find any problem with them, you need to remeber that the dude that made them is just doin it for the comedy value. Also I dont endorse rap in anyway, and neither does he. He just does it to prove how easy and pointless it is and how its about the same thing with the same beat for every "song" they ever made in that "genre".
Special Bonus 17!
Also here is part 2 in Special Bonus 18!
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