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child_of_lileth Blog

New Reviews *Updated with more reviews*

Ok. I know I said in the last blog I was gonna review Mario Kart Wii. But heres whats happend. I thought to myself, "mario kart is somethin everyone on here is gonna review and no one will see mine just like when i did brawl." So I did a review of the most random game I could think of. I already did the most obscure I could when i reviewed Taboo for the NES. So what game did I review? Hotel Mario. Yeah, thats right. Hotel f*ckin Mario. Playin this game has made me wanna pull my hair outta my head. But I had to finish it from start to finish so I could give it a fair judgment.

I swear Im never doin another game this bad ever agaian. Anyway, Im gonna work on a few more reviews throughout the week. Not sure what all I'll do yet, but Im sure I'll find somethin crazy. I wanted to review the Samurai Pizza Cats game for the NES but they dont have it listed on Gamespot so I couldnt do it. :( And yeah, I seriously was upset about that.

Also its 1:12 am on sunday here so happy mothers day to anyone readin this who might be a mother (as far as I know, no one I talk to on here is a mom, but ya never know. lol)

Anyway Im goin to bed cause Im waaaay to out of it to be online right now. Hope you guys enjoy the review. lol. Also if youve never heard of Hotel Mario watch all the vids and parodies of it on Just type in the game's name and youll find hours of junk about it


*EDIT* I have just finished my review of Splatterhouse 3. I would have done a review of all 3 but im too lazy for 3 in one night. Ill try to go back and do the others soon. This is in honor of the anouncement of splatterhouse 4 comin to PS3 and 360. It looks like its gonna be a god of war rip off and its gonna ruin the series for me. It always seems like video game creators just want me to kill myself or somethin so i dont have to see the things i love destroyed so badly. Splatterhouse is the only thing Namco ever made that i liked besides Pac-Man. Please, if you must insist on ruinin a great series by makin a next gen. version of it, DONT F*CK UP SPLATTERHOUSE 4!!!! Im a huge horror fan and this series has a ton of value to me because it was the first story I ever saw liek it as a kid. Why cant they just leave good games alone. Look at what happend to Mega man. He was awesome till they had to ruin it by makin Megaman X7 and 4 other pointless spin offs in the series that have nothin to do with the cannon story of the original. But like i said the main point of this rant is to let everyone know to check out the new reviews and to beg Namco to STOP THIS GAME FROM BEING BAD. I just cant see this ending well.:cry:


Its been awhile since my last real update and I havent been active in any unions for a while because my comp was messin up alot and it took me forever to fix it. Alot has beeen happendin since then though. Fist off I realized that no matter what, whenever i try to do somethin for people it always ends up goin bad. Last week one of my friends called me and told me all this sh*t about how she has like almost no money and she cant even afford to eat lunch and stuff like that. She still lives with her mom and she said that they cant even afford the rent at where they are stayin. So since she used to be one of my best friends a few years ago I felt way worse hearin that than I would if it was any of my friends that Im not really close with so I decided I wanted to send her money for the rent and extra so she could and all that. So I figured Id send around $500 cause its $250 for the rent and then theyd have money for food and all that for a bit. Then she waits till the day she was gonna tell me her adress for where they moved to so I could send this to start talkin about how she didnt want me to send the money anymore. She went on and on tellin me stuff that just made me feel like sh*t about the whole thing. So now Im not sendin the money cause of what she was tellin me and they still arent gonna be able to afford anythin. I was so pissed cause its like no matter how much I try to help people I care about, they always find a way to just turn the sh*t around and put me down and treat me like sh*t. I think Im finally to the point where I just dont give a sh*t about anyone at all anymore. Everyone that meets me in real life always wonders why Im always so distant with everyone and its probly just because I cant take it anymore.

Anyway, I started the pychology meetings or whatever ya wanna call em. Theve been goin good so far. But just like all the other ones from when it was manditory, she cant find anythin wrong. I dont think Im ever gonna get what the point of all this is if theres never anythin wrong. And just to be sure I decided to be copmpletely open to anythin she asked or wanted me to tell her about. But Im kinda happy about the pych im goin to. This is the first time ive gone to a female psych because a different psych said that im more open with women. I really dont get why he thinks that since im extremely distant with new people no matter what gender thay are. lol. But whatever, its his call. The only thing he based that on was if im closer to my mom or dad. And since I could go on for about 2 hours about why I hate my dad and could never trust him, I said I was way closer with my mom. So that means I trust women more acordin to that guy. lol.

Im just really excited cause the psych im goin to is a paranomal psychologist. For those of ya that dont know that means she specializes in psychic children and things related to the occult. Im just happy about it cause Ive wanted to talk to someone like that for years. And i know shes not just full of sh*t cause she was askin me about someone who came in there with me. lol. I know exactly who shes talkin about but i just dont wanna go into the details right now cause it might cause alot of problems for me with people who might read my blogs. Maybe later on I'll make another blog just dedicated to what she was talkin about but right now Im just too unsure of if I really wanna start postin stuff like that here.

Other than that I havent really been doin much else. I havent played any new games other than Mario Kart Wii. Its a fun game but its easy compared to the other ones. Also it has the worst case of "mario kart syndrome" I have ever seen. Ill do a full review of the game as soon as I finish the mirror courses which should be about another week or so. lol.

My brawl fc has changed

This is just a quick update to let everyone know that my Brawl fc has been changed. I had to erase all my brawl data and couldnt just copy it. I wrote down everyone's fcs so unless anyone else has a new one I still have you all on mine.

my new fc - 3308-4949-6141 my sn is still CoL

It says everyone is on the awaiting registration list untill my new fc is updated on your rosters. So yeah, this was just to let everyone know about this and to make sure the people that still wanna play online with me can update my code so we can still be registered and all that.

Also I wanna say thanks to everyone from gs that has played with me online so far. Its been alot of fun :)

Feel like I've been here before.

I seriously cant stand the summer anymore. I dont think its actually even spring yet acordin to the calendar year. Today was really hot out. But the sad thing is it was probly only in the 80's outside. I dunno how I can stand the heat every year when it gets into the uper 90's. Im just happy I dont live in a country with heat in the 110's or anythin like that. Plus I always get physiclly il from any kind of heat. I have a probly with my blood that makes me get really sick from sunlight and really hot heat. I think the thing I have is called somethin like profusa (I know im prbly spellin that wrong) but its basicly like when some people are born their blood is missin certin chemicals that make you more imune to strong heat and stuff like that. So most of the time if its only in the 80's I can only be outside in the direct sun for an hour or so before I get really pale and start to throw up everywhere. lol. Its seriously gota be the lamest disease ever. It cant even be passed to other people in anyway. lmao. How worthless is that? (Im jk about that, I wouldnt want to spread it even if it was possible). Plus there are 5 symptoms of this thing. I always forget what the 5th one is though

But yeah, not alot is goin on lately. I went manga shopin the other day and I realized they tried to sneek some new Hellsings past me. The manga only has one new volume a year which means it should reach the end by the time Im in about my late 30's which will be great since I'll probly be too tired of readin mangas by that point anyway. lol. Im still really p*ssed they cancled the english translation of "Bastard!!" half way through the series. Its like my fav. story ever. The anime sucks so much ass, but the mangas are awesome. And it didnt even get to the real start of the story till around the volume it got cancled. Im just so depressed that I'll never find out what happens with the invincible god of death they had to beat or any of the stuff that got started near the last volume unless I learn to read Japanese. They even had 3 games made about the series too. One on SNES, PSX, and PC. All 3 games were different genres and all Japan only (of course). One was a fighter, one was an rpg, and one was a mmorpg. lol. I really hate america's censorship. If americans didnt have such a problem with nudity and stronger curse words than what we are used to usin we would have finished the seires and we'd have waaaaaay better anime brought here.

Other than that not much is different this time. I have to start goin to a psychiatrist again. *sarcasticly* Big suprise there.:roll: But at least this time its not mandatory so I guess that means I can quit anytime I want. I had to go to 8 straight years of manditory sh*t like this when i was a kid and all of them told me they cant find whats wrong and stuff like that. What I dont get is, if there was nothin wrong the first year, what was the point of forcein me to go to all the other ones for 7 more years?! And it wasnt my family forcin me to go. It was people runnin the school I went to. The only reason Im goin again is because I want everyone to shut the hell up about me havin anxiety. I mean I know I have it, and I have no problem admiting it. But I just dont think its necissary to go up to ever person I randomly see when Im out and start tellin them my life story. So what if I like bein alone. People act like I never do anythin with anyone ever. Its kinda hard to do anythin with my friends when I work so much and only have one friend left within a 20 min. drive from here. lol

New stuff goin on

So hows everyone doin lately? Generally the answer is not well this week. But i got alot goin on that im pretty excited about. First off, i literally just now found out Bruce Dickenson has his own radio show over in Britan (of course). Its online on a BBC site. Ill try to link it in a bit. The best part about this is that right this second im listenin to a recordin of his last show where he interviewed Alexi Laiho. lol. I never thought somethin like that would ever happen, but its gonna be awesome once i finally get to where he gets to the studio. lol. The actual show isnt too bad so far. Its mainly just British rock/lighter genres of metal with Bruce comin in every few songs talkin about general updates in music. Listenin to him just go on and on by himself is hillarious sometimes.

EDIT: I tried to put a link but it said there was an error because the link was "a word over 80 characters long" and somethin about how this would confuse some browsers. Im sorry to anyone who wanted to hear this. :(

Other than that theres still a few other things ive been kinda excited about. Ive been gettin way better at guitar. It didnt really hit me till one day when i was at lessons and i realized sh*t i couldnt do only a few weeks ago was just rediculously easy to me last week. My teacher says im gettin better really fast every week, so thats always good to hear. Im tryin to decide on a new guitar to get. Its come down to either a B.C. Rich Warbeast or a Gibson Explorer. I really love how both feel and sound, but i can only get one. I could eventually afford both but Id feel like a prick havein both at one time. The thing that makes it imposible to decide is that theres a $700 difference in price between the two of em. lol. Oh well. Ill probly just go to Pittsburgh and just have one of my friends rush me into gettin one so i dont have time to regret not gettin the other instead.

Theres always one more subject I wanna bring up, but anytime I start writin about what I wanna say, I just end up deletein it pretty soon after anayway. It just always seems like itll cause more negative things to deal with than Id have if I just didnt say anythin on here about it. I dunno why but I cant ever get myself to keep any kind of updates about spiritual stuff. Like if I get new pictures of spirits or other paranormal ocurances I wanna link them or at least talk about what happend. But I always feel like if I do it might cause people to start treatin me way different or people might think Im some satanist or somethin else that Im not. Maybe one day I'll be more confortable with it but for now its just gonna take sometime before I can wirte about all that in detail.

5 things

So I pretty much didnt think Id have to do one of these but I got named. One of the people on my friends list decided to name thier entire list as the next up. So now Im realy strugelin to think of at least 5 things to say about myself. lol. Since only one person i talk to on here knows me in real life, ill just go with things that my gs buddies might not know about me or care to know or whatever. So lets get this over with. lol

1. My eyes are 2 colors. Silver and green.

2. My favorite food in the world is cheese ravioli. I always feel like a stereo type sayin that since Im italian, but its one of the only foods I could eat for hours and not get tired of it. lol

3. My favorite manga is "Bastard!!", but the english translation got canceled literally half way through the story and ill probly never find out what happens. It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt for the fact that the main story didnt even get started till one volume before the last english one.

4. I still buy vinyl records of current albums. For example, if a new cd comes out next week, Im the the guy that goes online and gets the vinyl of it imported from whatever country the band is from. lol. I only like about 4 American bands.

5. Im addicted to psychological horror / real life unsolved murders and things like that.

I guess at the end of these youre suposed to tag someone from your friends list to do this next. I am officially tagin BodomBeachChild as the next to do this since your the only one on my friends list that hasnt had to do this at least once as far as i know. lol

So yeah, hopefully if anyone took the time outta their lives to read this I hope they had fun learnin some useless info about me. If I ever have to do one of these again I'll try to make it more interestin

Samurai Pizza Cats!!!

So as you all know Im a pretty big Smash Bros. fan. Not the biggest, but a pretty good fan. I entered a tournament the was started the night before the game was released. I trained for this thing for 3 months straight. I made it to the final round and I had to play against one of my best friends that went there with me. lol. So it came down to me as Fox and her as Zero Suit Samus. And she beat me in the sudden death round. lol. But any way we were talkin the other day about what characters we wish were in the game instead of the useless ones like Ness and Lucas etc.

So one of the characters we thought would have been crazy to have show up as a super hidden character would be Speedy Cerviche (pronounced "ser-vee-chay") or as hes known in Japan, Yattarō. Now by this point im sure all of you are thinkin somethin like "Who the hell is he talkin about?" or "What game is this guy from?" or "Is readin child's blog really how I wanna waste this time?" lol. Well to answer those questions, Speedy is one of the main characters from my favorite anime as a kid, Samurai Pizza Cats. This was one of the first animes I ever watched as a kid and I watched it everytime it was on. But the thing about thsi show is that theres 2 completely different versions of the show. Japan had the original version known as "Himitsu Ninja Tai Nyanki (Secret Ninja Team, Nyanki). In america we had the other version.

In the original japanese version it was an action/semi-comedy show. it started in 1990 and was soon bought by an american company to show on t.v. here for kids. The show is about a future city with citizens that are animaloids with chibi bodies. Yeah, its as strang lookin as it sounds. lol. There was a pizza shop owned and run by, of course, the pizza cats. They always wore thier metal armor even while working in the shop. The 3 pizza cats were Speedy, Polly Esther (Pururun in japan), and Guido Anchovy (Sukashii). This show was just strang but its still fun to go back and check it out even now that im an adult.

Now, i mentioned the 2 versions of the show for a reason. I talked a little about the original, but the american version was far different and weirder. When Saban bought the rights to show it in america, they ended up getting the tapes of the show and thats it. No scripts, no translations, nothin. So how did they get around the fact that no one understood japanese? They made new scripts of whatever they felt like the characters should say based on the animation. Im not even makin this up. The show often made fun of itself. One episode had Speedy and Guido tryin to read a sign that was still writin in japanese and the cats responded with Guido sayin "Whats that say speedy?" and Speedy says "I have no idea. I cant read squigles." Like I said the show had strange scripts and it often seemed like the characters lost all idea of what they were just doin 3 seconds ago. But this is also what made this show so fun to watch.

The american version also forgot to cut out japanese refrences. In one episode Guido was hittin on a girl him and Speedy both like and a giant letter H falls on his head. This was suposed to stand for hentai in the original version. But in the american version they had Speedy say, "Remeber kids, always mind your p's and q's or a giant letter h might fall out of the sky and land on your head." seein them say stuff like that just makes me yell out "who the f*ck wrote this sh*t!" lol. Like I said the japanese version had its comedy moments, but nothin as rediculous as some of the things they put in ours. The english theme song was actually recorded while the singer was completely drunk. So alot of the lyrics dont make any sense either. This show got so popular in japan that they actually made a game for the NES with the same title as the show. It was never realeased in america but a boot leg version was made called "Ninja Cat" lmao. The game was amazing though. The cut scenes looked just like the show. Even the sprites of the cats looked just like the anime versions of them when ya played as them. I wanted to buy it but its imposible to find, even on internation ebay stores.

So anyway, Speedy would have been amazing to see in brawl. He was on the NES so it would have fit in to the lie of "rewarding old school nes fans", and he could have done the cat's eye slash finishing move from the anime as his final smash. lol. You have no idea how much i could have loved to see this guy in the game. I probly would have laughed for a full hour after i saw the chibi body fightin sonic and mario. :lol:

Blogin Bout Brawl

This time I got a ton on my mind to talk about. I was tryin to decide what I wanted to write, and since this is on gamespot I'll try to keep this one video game related and save my updates about The Maxx comin back to comics for the next time. (maybe I'll write about it once the comic he's gonna be in is actually out. lol).

So like the title said, Im gonna talk about brawl for a bit and then some other things. Fist off, super smash bros. brawl comes out in america next sunday. Ive been waitin for this game ever since the wii was announced. I was still goin to college when that happend. I remeber talkin to my cousin in class about all the characters we thought would show up. Of course none of the ones we wanted are in it. I have seen the full roster for playable characters and there are only 35. Yeah, thats right. only 35! Im used to fighting games these days havein 50+ but no, only 35. I wont mention who all shows up just incase some of you havent spoiled it for yourselves yet. But the one thing I f*ckin hate about this game. THERE ARE NO CASTLEVANIA CHARACTERS ANYWHERE IN THE GAME!!!!!!!! Not even as a damn assist trophy. WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKIN?! Nintendo went on and on about how "this game will reward the fans of the old NES days of Nintendo." So what does that mean to them? Cause to me that ment there would be at least 1 cv character and maybe guys like megaman and things like that. Sure alot of the classics are there like Samus, Link, Mario, etc. but they were all there since the first smash bros. They arent rewarding us at all. So finally i relaized what they ment by that quote earlier. They were talkin about one spacific character from the NES days. I wont say who it is, but hes shown up in alot of current games lately and A TON of gamers are gonna be deeply upset when they see who it is. Im so tired of game developers gettin my hopes up over nothin like that.

Anyway, I got to try out the japanese version of the game a few weeks ago. My one buddy is from Britan and she has a PAL wii and downloaded the game and used "wiikey" to get it to work on her wii. From what i got to play the game is amazing. Im just still really pissed that they couldnt even just throw in Simon Belmont as an assist trophy or somethin.

So heres the main point of this blog. Im gonna be playin this game on wi-fi alot. and I dunno who all here is getting it, has it reserved, already has it, or any of that. But I just wanna let ya guys know that if any of ya wanna play against me or on a team online, id be more than happy to play with everyone. Just PM me your friend code and I'll send mine back to ya, or you can get it from my profile on here. (I think mine is listed so my friends can see it) So yeah, I just wanted to put that out there. Ive been waitin for this game for literally years and Im really excited that Nintendo is finally makin a game with online competition modes and all that. And like I said, Id love to play with or against some of my gamespot buddies. If anyone does wanna trade codes and sends it to me I'll try to get back to ya as soon as I can. I'm gonna be workin 16 hour days at work all thru the week the game comes out so I might be sleepin most of the time Im at home the first week but I'll be on constantly after that. I'm gonna stop writin this here cause I'll just keep repeatin myself if I dont. lol.

Death is the oldest entertainment out there.

Alright, this time i got alot of different sh*t on my mind. I've actually been in a pretty decent mood lately. Theres been a ton of good sh*t happenin too. At work i got an openin to move up to full time. This is huge for me cause i make $8.20/hr. and my average pay check is for around $550+. and im only extra help right now. So full time would be rediculous paying. Like Id be chicken rich if I had that sh*t. Id be able to buy a new guitar (which I badly need) and a nice one at that. I could afford an Alexi Laiho custom with that kind of pay. lol. My mind honestly can't comprehend what Id do with all that. I swear if I got a check for $1,000 or more id literally fall to my knees and cry tears of joy for at least 5 mins. lmao. But id have to actually get the full time possition first. It basicly comes down to me and 2 other people from the part of the hospital i work in. And as far as I know neither of them are even gonna go for it since one is lazy as hell and doesnt wanna work to begin with and the other just can handle that much. So Im really keepin my fingers crossed on this one. I guess I'll know by the week after the 22nd this month.

Also lately, Ive noticed somethin about myself. I think I have an obsession with death and morbid things like that. lol. I know that sounds really stupid and whatever, but it just kinda hit me one day when I was readin. Alot of people think thats just a stereotype about people like me (a long haired metal kid who plays guitar and such) but even if I didnt do all that id still be the same way. I kept thinkin about this one documerntary I was watchin a few months ago about how as humans, "we are the only animals aware of our own mortality and the fact that we will all at some point die off one way or another". In the movie they just talked about how some people are just obsessed with death and it made me wonder. I always see horror kind of things in a different way than most people that I know. When some people think somethin is disgusting or scary or somethin like that I see the same thing and smile and sit on the edge of my seat waitin for more. Its like death is a form of entertainment in an odd way. Don't get me wrong, a few of my buddies have died over the years, one of the was one of my best friends that I loved more than anyone else Ive ever met. And I dont supoert killings for sport or for any reason other than deffending your own life. All this could just show that i have waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time to sit and let my mind wonder while im playin games (probly what it is). lol. I just keep thinkin about how excited me and some of my friends were about seein the body exibit in Pittsburgh's science center last december. But maybe the human body is just my thing. Blood and Bones were the only chapters of biology that I passed with perfect 100% scores. :D I was pretty proud of myself for doin that for once.

I dont even know where i was goin with this anymore. lol. So yeah, I just wanted to talk on here and bit and waste some time. If any of my gamespot buddies read this, I hope you dont take it in the wrong way and get an idea of me that isnt true of who i am. Im just a really bored horror fan with no other way of wastein his time for the night.

The Maxx

Holy Sh*t. Please tell me im not the only one who remebers this series. The Maxx was a comic series from image. It was one of the most insane psychological things ive ever seen in my life. I recently found issue #1 for only 10 cents. So of course i bought it immediatly. Durring the 1990's Mtv had a block dedicated to strange animated shows. These included some of my fav. cartoons of all time. Those shows were Aeon Flux, The Head Saves The World, and of course the animated series adaption of The Maxx. So why was this so special to me? Theres just so much good things to say about it. The main story just kinda throws you into the middle of the story. You dont get any background on these characters or whats goin on. Basicly in the begining you meet Julie a girl who ended up hittin a homeless man with her car. She covers up the body with with junk in the alleyway to hide him. The lamp shade on his head turns into a parasidic mask that feeds on his face and bits off anythin that comes close to its teeth. This of course is a product of "The Outback". A strange land that exist only in Julie's subconcious until homeless Dave is unknowingly dragged into her world. The full story of the outback and the maxx and his relationship to julie is not explained untill the second part of the series. I can go on about explainin the main story but that would drag out forever. The reason i loved this series is the amazing art style that changed to fit whatever was going on in the story at that exact moment. The show folled these styles line for line. If you want to see some of this, check this youtube link here. This is the only thing people could sneek past the admin on youtube since liquid television sued them and blah blah blah. I hope if anyone reads this they at least take time to watch the video. The full story of the series is amazing to say the least. its rare to find the comics, but they are definatly worth checkin out if ya can find info about the plot online. So yeah, thanks for takin time to read my rants about somethin that shaped the haunted person ive become today. I strongly believe this is one of the first things to truely inspire me and to make me think beyond anythin i knew. Like i said ill keep goin on forever so ill just stop here. If ya like what ya see of it and want more info feel free to pm me about it.