@esqueejy: Thank you for your fine demonstration of propagandized brainwashing. Brought to you by the US Deptartment of Education. Kumbayah, m'lord. Kumbayah.
@bdrtfm: OMG, Thank Allah we have BDRTFM here to provide guidance for daily living and remind us what is and is not acceptable. Without him, none of us would know whom to calibrate our moral compass off of.
@artb86: I hope someone ruins your life and makes it so you can never make a dime next time you do something offensive. This goddam outrage, live-to-be-offended culture. Jesus Christ, people, grow thicker skin.
(Seriously though, I don't wish perpetual inability to make a living on you). Pewds is a dick. A rich dick. But lynch-mob mentality is never the answer.
@jonathan_slavey: This steaming pile of sh1t wasn't from the Mass Effect team. It was the Dragon Age: Inquisition team after picking up several SJW activists who forced them to make a game Anita would approve. The game may have been technically and artistically sound (aside from the characters who looked far worse than ME1, even now). The story and thinly veiled political diatribes being interwoven with it is what killed Andromeda. That and it didn't even make logical sense, the whole "We're explorers, let's escape everything and go to sleep for 600 years and go to another Galaxy" crap. Just lame. Worse than Star-Child, by a long shot.
Chippiez's comments