Amazing what having great software does for a system. Globally, Xbone will continue to run a distant second to PS4, though it may well pick up steam in Australia, UK and Canada. But U.S. will become Xbox Country. No doubt in my mind. PlayStation has played their card. Ok, we get it.. your system is more "powerful". But they're doing nothing with it. Nothing but safe bets like promoting 3rd party titles instead of putting out 1st party exclusives. It's worked great for them thanks to rabidly biased media outlets and forums who Sony gives a ton of freebies and perks to-- and I'm not just talking game-related perks. Sony is a big company that makes many things and they throw out the swag like it's nobody's business to editors of sites like this, the NeoGAF mods/owners, etc. But many gamers are accepting this gen for what it is, and coming to grips with the fact that full HD will not happen without compromises in graphics, framerate or gameplay (for both systems, really). So 900 p vs 1080p doesn't mean much to many of us anymore. We don't care. If we wanted the best graphics possible, we'd go with PC and a 4k display.
So, Assassins Creed gets a 9, Halo an 8, but Halo is Game of the Month? (Not that I disagree-- it's really the best Halo yet from a play perspective). Be consistent, guys.
The WiiU could've had a life this gen if they would've just priced the thing in line with its' hardware. At 149$, people would've snatched them up for the exclusives. As is, Nintendo is now trying to keep as few people interested as possible, presumably so they can save up for NX or whatever. But that will be another flop system. Nintendo just doesn't get it anymore.
Hell, most game updates are bigger than this. Not a problem, MS. Question I have is how they are going to deploy this to offline consoles (or does the Xbone HAVE to go online at some point to be useable?), especially when games ship that take advantage of Win10-native features. Will they have to include this GB update on all future Blurays to install it on those systems or do the systems have to report online once every so often to remain functional anyway? Most of us have it online, no problem, but some of my buddies serving in the middle east--- it ain't so easy getting the Xbox online.
@ishmael19: /shrug I love my Xbone, upscaled resolution and all and have no intention of buying a PS4 because the only think I'd buy for it is UC4. Sony's "third party first" strategy may work with some, but Microsoft has won on software. That and today's update brings in DX12 and new APIs that further close the gap. Yes, it will take another year to see games take advantage thereof, but next holiday, the PS4's advantage will slip to nearly unnoticeable levels. This happens every generation as tools are adapted and optimized and new sdks/apis released.
@dannydouble: Buggy POS? It was a little rough at launch, but three weeks thereafter, all major issues were patched and the bugfixes after are what other companies would consider "polish". Not game-breaking stuff--- mostly game balance type "fixes". Also, one of the finest games of this year, so you're missing out by not playing it.
I'd actually play a Fallout that took place in it's pre-apocalyptic art-deco 50's-inspired suburban utopia. Once it becomes a brown wasteland, meh-- had my fill of that back in the Quake era.
@musalala: CoD is a skipper this year. Fallout is great for fallout fans. Those who are looking forward to TR played Halo for the campaign and are ready to move on. It's called demographics. It works.
Chippiez's comments