@coop36: Because there are a good number of people like me who cannot stand Fallout 3, won't be able to stand Fallout 4 (if you love it, great!) yet are looking for a new game to play after last months releases. TR will do fine. Like the reboot, most of it's sales will actually occur after the Holidays anyway, and then next year it gets another shot in the arm with GoTY release all DLC for PS4/Xbone/PC
@DragonessAthena: If it's an organic, than the laws of physics and bio-chemistry dictate that these orcs would need a high calorie count. They are all muscle. They produce tremendous kinetic energy. Energy is neither created or destroyed. Ergo, they get their energy from their food. You can calculate it out. x lbs of muscle mass require z calories for Y duration of activity.
This trailer confirms that this movie is a steaming pile of turd. Art Direction, story and themes that work in a video game don't translate well to Hollywood. The directory needed more creative liberty. Making the orcs and humans look like they do in the RTSes, with cheesy video-game pallet-swap-engineered armor skins was a mistake. The imagery needed to be LoTR-esque in terms of "Darkness". As is, the cut-scenes for WoW are infinitely more interesting than this movie looks. They're choosing the most boring parts of Warcraft Lore to make a movie of. /yawn.
@@pimphand_gamer: How 'bout "'Murica: F*uck Yeah" the game. How about when the rest of the world learns how to fight back those that would destroy them, they have a say. What "enlightened" nation are you from? I guarantee we bailed you out of something.
Hate her all you want, America is the only reason you're not goose-stepping or bowing to statues of Stalin-- or wearing a Burqa and lopping people's heads off going 'LA LAA LA LA LLA ALA LA".
'Murica: Not the protector you deserve-- the protector you need.
Also, nothing is stopping you from getting people together and making a shooter painting America as antagonistic and evil. Activision is an American company. Treyarch is an American company. Deal with it!
Of course people have anecdotally "switched over" At twice the install base, it's no surprise to anyone that PS4 is selling more units than Xbone. Compared to Gen7, that would account for the statement. That's just a really dumb click-bait article (that worked), though, Mr. Ed.
Because the purpose of this game is to stop, zoom in with your rifle on Luke Skywalkers head and zOMGfellate the digital pores. Is it detailed? Yes. Is it also uncomfortably seated in the uncanny valley? YES. Art direction over technical any day of the week. The cinematics in Halo 5 of Cortana show more human emotion and warmth than this model. Such dead, expressionless eyes. Luke looks like he should be in a Seahawks uniform in Madden with that dumb look across his face.
Chippiez's comments