In 2008 I did a top 10 best Sonic game since the games were pretty average but recently our loveable Blue Blur has been hitting some from espically in the 3D world. Anyway these are my top 10 Sonic games of all time. The rule is Sonic must be the main character so SEGA All Stars is out as is Brawl.
10.Sonic Rush Adventure: I had this higher up last time but it's gone down because of the progressive travelling through the waters on a jet ski or sub and that does slow the game down a bit. The gameplay is virtually unchanged from Rush but the sense of speed is there and it has online play and it loses points because of that annoying whinny Marine the Raccoon she is just so annoying.
9.Sonic Adventure: Back in 1999 Sonic Adventure came out it had great graphics,brilliant Sonic sections but what many people hate is the hub world. Sonic,Tails and possibly Gamma are the best in terms of how they play through the level. I hated playing as Knuckles,Amy and that name I shall not mention but you know who he is.
8.Sonic Generations: 20 years and we were certainly celebrating with our hero with a tribute with levels from the past and present Sonic which made it well worthy. The levels are fast fun and the game has plenty of depth to make you unlock art,music and abilities. The Time Attack mode was addictive always trying toshave those valueable seconds off your time. Unlike Sonic 2006 this was the best present Sonic fans could of asked for and finally a good Sonic for PS3 and 360 owners.
7.Sonic Rush: A fast paced Sonic game that had amazing graphics and a very cool Special Stage where you used the Stylus. The game had great music and an amazing sense of speed and wonderful boss battles. DIMPS did a great job with doing the Boost Bar which could be increased by doing tricks to keep the feeling of a fast Sonic game. Better than the GBA games.
6.Sonic Adventure 2: Sonic Adventure 2 has alot of replay value with lots of emblems to collect and plenty to do in Chao Garden. No Sonic game has the lasting appeal as much as this game but it isn't the best Sonic game because some of the characters minus Sonic and Shadow aren't that fun to play as. Tails and Eggman boring shooting,Knuckles and Rouges Emerald Hunt takes more than about 15 minutes to find all of them. We just want the speed characters because the others are just dull to play as but Sonic and Shadow levels are some of the best in the series.
5.Sonic Colors: When Sonic fans played Colors they rejoiced and said finally Sonic Team has done something right. While the Wisps in the game are a bit of a gimmick it doesn't halt the experience because your still going fast when Drilling or using the Laser. Some of the levels are very interesting. Starlight Carnival and Planet Wisps are gorgeous and full of color in the game. The music is less vocals and fits more with the game and finally the acting is much better.If there is one major flaw I have with the game it's the bosses are to easy apart from the last one but this game made fall back in love with Sonic again not that I didn't love him before.
4.Sonic the Hedgehog: I must honestly say if you don't have Sonic 1 from the Genesis/Mega Drive on your list then seriously there is something wrong with you. This game made Sonic and SEGA. Many people who had NES and SNES wanted to play it. The game was so fast and the so called BLAST PROCESSING slogan that SEGA made up but even though it was fast it had good platforming elements,secrets and it was a challenge espically when you get to the Labrtyhn Zone.
3, Sonic CD: If Sonic CD had been made on a better system then it maybe would have had better sales but don't take away the fact that this is one hell of a Sonic game. The Time Travelling aspectworked a treat. The bosses were very unique and interesting and also the Special Stages basically in a 3D like area and they were tough as well. If you haven't played it then I strongly recommend you do so.
2.Sonic 3 and Knuckles: Sonic 3 was a 2 parter because Sonic Team and SEGA couldn't fit it all on one disc so they introduced Lock on Technology which was way before DLC. It featured many cool features when playing through both games. Playing as Knuckles to get to all the areas Sonic and Tails couldn't and of course Hyper versions of Sonic and Knuckles and a Super version of Tails. Alone the games are good but together it's the true Sonic 3 experience.
1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2: I got this game on the 25th December 1992 and I can't remember much about that day because I played Sonic 2 all day. It introduced more speed,a spin dash,Tails and of course one of the most memorable and amazing moments in Sonic history the introduction of Super Sonic. The game had a great sound track,Split Screen racing and some genuis level design. Wasting many hours in the Casino Night Zone to get as many rings as possible was something I will never forget. This game showed that Sonic had arrived and he wasn't going anyway and also sparked numerace things like comics,merchandise,TV shows and many more things. Without doubt the Blue Blurs finest hour.
Can I also comment that I am enjoying Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed but I could not put it on the list because it isn't a proper Sonic game. Anyway I hope you like the list as it is and I'd like to hear what your favorite Sonic games are.
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