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Mass Effect Trilogy this week,Paper Mario hits UK and Ratchet and Clank Q Force

A very busy week ahead for me in the gaming world as the final glut of games hit the store shelves and the biggest one for me is the Mass Effect Trilogy on PS3. I know Mass Effect 1 shall probably be downloadable this week on the Playstation Store and for about 14.99 from the Playstation Store for the UK audience and lucky I have just enough left to buy it. I shall be playing Mass Effect in oreder 1,2 and 3 next week and I shall be trying really hard with 2 to save my entire crew during the Sucide Mission because I haven't done it yet. It's not for the Trophy it's because I want to make back without any of my allies gone.

I will be attempting it as the female Shepard as well because I think the gaming world needs more gaming heroines. I mean we have Lara Croft,Samus Aran,Jill Valentine,Jade from Beyond Good and Evil there are more but I love playing as a female in games and I hate it when people say girls shouldn't be playing games. It's a free world if girls like playing them then lay off them in fact it's great that they do because it broadens the market.

Also this coming week I shall also be purchasing Paper Mario Sticker Star for the 3DS and whilst it has had mixed reviews as a fan I have to give this game a look. Some of my friends online here have reviewed it but I think I need to play it myself to get a good verdict. I actually think 2012 has been a bit of a hard year for the plumber even though he has had 5 games out Mario Party 9,Mario Tennis Open,New Super Mario Bros 2,New Super Mario Bros U and Paper Mario Sticker Star. Anyway I will check it out see if it was better than Super Paper Mario or not.

Finally I decided on getting Ratchet and Clank Q Force which is the European name for Full Frontal Assasult. I will admit to you all I play All 4 One only because it was a free download to Playstation Plus members and this was mainly a budget title so I don't think it's to bad for about 14.99 in the UK. I just couldn't like All 4 One 4 player co - op just was not the way for the series. Even though this latest game has had a couple of negative reviews I will try it out myself to give my opinions on it but maybe Insomniac and Sony are saving the next main Ratchet and Clank game for the PS4.

So these are my plans I don't think I will be planning on getting anything else gaming wise this week or for the rest of the year so happy gaming.

I do not play PS3 titles for the trophies but to complete them

I thought I would tell you that when I play PS3 titles my main goal isn't to Platinum or get the trophies when playing the games. My main goal is to complete the game and get a good experience out of them.

Whilst I have done 7 games Ratchet and Clank 3 being the latest I just thought I let my mind at ease with that. I am not saying I go pass them altogether if I think there is one or 2 I can get I will try for it.

I mean PS2,Gamecube,XBox,Dreamcast and that lkot had alot of games with alot of replay value like Gran Turismo,Zelda,Melee,,Mario Kart,Sonic Adventure 2,Phantasy Star Online Halo etc that had tons of replay value either because of the multiplayer or sheer size of the game.

I mean whilst I have Platinumed Uncharted 2 I will still go back and play it countless times because it's one of the best games of this gen. Same with games like Metal Gear Solid,Ratchet and Clank,Gears of War and other countless games you can get on the 360 and PS3.

I mean whilst I still have to achieve my goal of beating Crushing on Uncharted Drakes Fortune I will do it not for the Platinum but for most of all the sense of accomplishment.

I know there are people out there that like to Platinum Trophies and are Trophies Hunters but I just want to go on record and say I am not one of those people that do that. I mainly play a game for the experience if the game has some that are to difficult I won't bother trying to get them like God of War 3 on the Hard Mode or finding all the Riddler Trophies on Batman Arkham Asylum and City and getting all the Feathers on Assassins Creed 2 or beating 10 enemies up without taking damage. Now I know some of my friends have done that but I aren't to bothered by it.

I mean I play games for fun like Uncharted,Metal Gear Solid,Mass Effect,Street Fighter,Ratchet and Clank,InFamous,God of War,Heavy Rain and many more. I am sure I could Platinum more but it's not that big of a deal for me. I play games for one thing for a fun experience and to do my best to complete them. If I am not enjoying a game I will stop playing it.

So far I love playing games on my PS3/Wii,PS2,3DS,DS and I love playing Gamecube games on my Wii and PS1 games on my PS2. I just thought I'd claify that I am not really a trophy hunter for PS3. I mainly play the games for fun. If you love trying to Platinum games I truly understand I am just saying it's not that big a deal for me.

My new top 10 Sonic games of all time

In 2008 I did a top 10 best Sonic game since the games were pretty average but recently our loveable Blue Blur has been hitting some from espically in the 3D world. Anyway these are my top 10 Sonic games of all time. The rule is Sonic must be the main character so SEGA All Stars is out as is Brawl.

10.Sonic Rush Adventure: I had this higher up last time but it's gone down because of the progressive travelling through the waters on a jet ski or sub and that does slow the game down a bit. The gameplay is virtually unchanged from Rush but the sense of speed is there and it has online play and it loses points because of that annoying whinny Marine the Raccoon she is just so annoying.

9.Sonic Adventure: Back in 1999 Sonic Adventure came out it had great graphics,brilliant Sonic sections but what many people hate is the hub world. Sonic,Tails and possibly Gamma are the best in terms of how they play through the level. I hated playing as Knuckles,Amy and that name I shall not mention but you know who he is.

8.Sonic Generations: 20 years and we were certainly celebrating with our hero with a tribute with levels from the past and present Sonic which made it well worthy. The levels are fast fun and the game has plenty of depth to make you unlock art,music and abilities. The Time Attack mode was addictive always trying toshave those valueable seconds off your time. Unlike Sonic 2006 this was the best present Sonic fans could of asked for and finally a good Sonic for PS3 and 360 owners.

7.Sonic Rush: A fast paced Sonic game that had amazing graphics and a very cool Special Stage where you used the Stylus. The game had great music and an amazing sense of speed and wonderful boss battles. DIMPS did a great job with doing the Boost Bar which could be increased by doing tricks to keep the feeling of a fast Sonic game. Better than the GBA games.

6.Sonic Adventure 2: Sonic Adventure 2 has alot of replay value with lots of emblems to collect and plenty to do in Chao Garden. No Sonic game has the lasting appeal as much as this game but it isn't the best Sonic game because some of the characters minus Sonic and Shadow aren't that fun to play as. Tails and Eggman boring shooting,Knuckles and Rouges Emerald Hunt takes more than about 15 minutes to find all of them. We just want the speed characters because the others are just dull to play as but Sonic and Shadow levels are some of the best in the series.

5.Sonic Colors: When Sonic fans played Colors they rejoiced and said finally Sonic Team has done something right. While the Wisps in the game are a bit of a gimmick it doesn't halt the experience because your still going fast when Drilling or using the Laser. Some of the levels are very interesting. Starlight Carnival and Planet Wisps are gorgeous and full of color in the game. The music is less vocals and fits more with the game and finally the acting is much better.If there is one major flaw I have with the game it's the bosses are to easy apart from the last one but this game made fall back in love with Sonic again not that I didn't love him before.

4.Sonic the Hedgehog: I must honestly say if you don't have Sonic 1 from the Genesis/Mega Drive on your list then seriously there is something wrong with you. This game made Sonic and SEGA. Many people who had NES and SNES wanted to play it. The game was so fast and the so called BLAST PROCESSING slogan that SEGA made up but even though it was fast it had good platforming elements,secrets and it was a challenge espically when you get to the Labrtyhn Zone.

3, Sonic CD: If Sonic CD had been made on a better system then it maybe would have had better sales but don't take away the fact that this is one hell of a Sonic game. The Time Travelling aspectworked a treat. The bosses were very unique and interesting and also the Special Stages basically in a 3D like area and they were tough as well. If you haven't played it then I strongly recommend you do so.

2.Sonic 3 and Knuckles: Sonic 3 was a 2 parter because Sonic Team and SEGA couldn't fit it all on one disc so they introduced Lock on Technology which was way before DLC. It featured many cool features when playing through both games. Playing as Knuckles to get to all the areas Sonic and Tails couldn't and of course Hyper versions of Sonic and Knuckles and a Super version of Tails. Alone the games are good but together it's the true Sonic 3 experience.


1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2: I got this game on the 25th December 1992 and I can't remember much about that day because I played Sonic 2 all day. It introduced more speed,a spin dash,Tails and of course one of the most memorable and amazing moments in Sonic history the introduction of Super Sonic. The game had a great sound track,Split Screen racing and some genuis level design. Wasting many hours in the Casino Night Zone to get as many rings as possible was something I will never forget. This game showed that Sonic had arrived and he wasn't going anyway and also sparked numerace things like comics,merchandise,TV shows and many more things. Without doubt the Blue Blurs finest hour.

Can I also comment that I am enjoying Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed but I could not put it on the list because it isn't a proper Sonic game. Anyway I hope you like the list as it is and I'd like to hear what your favorite Sonic games are.

So Playstation All Stars Battle Royale isn't a Smash Bros beater

So the reviews have come flooding in for the Playstation Brawler Battle Royale and it scored a 6.5 here compared to Brawls 9.5. Elsewhere it didn't match the Smash Bros brilliance even Official Playstaion Magazine gave it a 6 out of 10 and Gametrailers gave it a 7.3.

Now I can't say I am surprised because I am not I played the Beta and it just didn't do it for me at all. I much perferred Smash Bros combat. I think what Nintendo has with their characters is a good cast that they cvan use a certain moveset for their chaacters like Mario,Link,Kirby and Pikachu. Sony don't really seem to have that with their characters as well as the stage design and the depth the Smash Bros series has.

But yet again copying a company like Nintendo with the Playstaion Move and now this does not always gurantee success. I think that some character choices where a bit bizarre but some were virtually expected but this is the first effort at a brawler and we all know Smash Bros didn't get serious attention till Melee when it improved massively I am not saying this will get a follow because it might not do.

I think the knock out scenario is silly and the combat just didn't do it for me. Don't know what other people think of Playstation All Stars Battle Royale.

Reasons I shall not be getting the WiiU well not straight away anyway

With the WiiU out in America it won't be out until the 30th November in Europe and I shall not be one the people getting it at launch here are obvious reasons why.

1.The Price Tag and Launch Line Up: When I got the Wii I knew I would be getting The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess which was a long game and in my opinion was a good entry in the series. whilst it was about 250.00 and the WiiU roughly around the same price but no big hitter coming out that tickles my fancy. You might think what about New Super Mario Bros U well I think this is getting a bit to much. It was okay having 1 out for DS and Wii but I think Nintendo should have left it there.

2.Some games that I can play on other consoles or already own.: Batman Arkham City,AC3,ME3,Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed,TTT 2. 4 of these games I already own on PS3. Why would I buy them again for a different format and while people say Arkham City Armored Edition is the best version. Oh the best graphics ever don't care. AC3 has glitches on PS3 and 360. Ubisoft will probably try to fix it anyway and I just bought Sonic and SEGA All Stars Transformed.

3.2013 games for PS3 and other consoles: Dead Space 3,Bioshock Infinite,GTA5,GOW Ascension,Tomb Raider,The Last of Us,Luigis Mansion are 2013 and maybe a few other titles as well I don't know about Beyond Two Souls. So who knows when that comes out but that shall be a big blockbuster.

4.No Zelda till 2014 maybe 15: The Tech Demo we saw on WiiU looked impressive but there is no Zelda till at least 2014 and to me that is probably the biggest game they have got. We don't know what is happening with the next 3D Mario or Metroid or Smash Bros but Zelda is one of my any reasons I love Nintendo.

5.Still alot of games to play and finish: I have a bucketload of games on PS2,Gamecube,PS3 and even VC games to beat like.RE Zero,DKC games,Driver series,Tomb Raider games,Devil May Cry 1 and 3,Silent Hill 1 to 4 as well as the Prince of Persia games and many more.

6. It might end up flopping: I think the console could end up being a dissapointment it looks like an upgraded Wii with an awkward design which hasn't won me over and the 3rd part games like ZombiU flopped here. It has a battery life I think and you can use it to change channels or turn on your TV. I have a TV remote why would I want to turn on the telly with this.

So these are obvious reasons why I will not be getting the WiiU well not yet anyway.

Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed Hand Ons

2012 has been a quiet year for SEGAS main man Sonic the Hedgehog so him and his SEGA pals have taken to the track a second time and this time they don't just use cars. There are hovercrafts and boats as well.

Having played the first stage which was from as you guessed it Sonic the Hedgehog on the first 2 laps the curcuit was the same for 2 laps but then it changed there was a totally different section on the 3rd lap with water and Buzz Bombers from the Sonic series. It was a very nice twist and one that I enjoyed.

While I have only played about an hour or so of it because of other things there are alot of positives. First of all a much better commentator. The All Star Moves don't seem like cheap Bullet Bill Rip offs. A World Tour mode adds to the replay value. A much improved online service and also a fair challenege as well. While the first one was maybe to much Mario Kart this feels like a mix between Mario Kart and F Zero and it works very well.

The good news was yesterday I managed to get cheaper than I though but I had money on my local GAME Card which had some money offer it which made it cheaper to get. I said I wasn't gonna buy this straight away but I did and I am happy with what I have. I have only seen about 4 curcuits so there are plenty more to see but the track design like the last one is very good. I also got free DLC which let me play as Metal Sonic from the get go but there are alot of characters to unlock and also you level up as you race.

So whilst 2012 hasn't seen much of the Blue Blur he has decided to hit the track again and yes I know Sonic could run faster than everyone on foot but maybe he just wants to give them all a chance. So Sonic seems to have left Sackboy and those F1 drivers in the dust.

I will play more today but I could be playing this for the next few months so if anyone ever wants a race bring it on.

Sonic and SEGA All Stars Transformed 8.6 on IGN and my birthday

First of all it looks like in the battle of the kart racers Sonic the Hedgehog has come out on top because IGN rated LBK about a 5 on IGN and F1 Stars but Sonic hit the mid 8 range with an 8.6 which is more than they gave the first game on the site. I am gonna play it safe and say it should get a solid 8 here and hit's the European shores tomorrow and I have decided to get it myself since I thought the last one was surprisingly good.

Also today it was my birthday and I have been treated maybe a bit to early because on Tuesday I went Bowling with my brother and his girlfriend. I went out for a Pizza with my mum and my older sister has just given me a visit and gave me a present which are some Mario figures featuring Mario,Luigi,Toad,Yoshi,DK,Koopa Troopa which is nice. My other sister is coming with her boyfriend tomorrow and we are probably gonna be having some drinks and playing some games on the Wii.

Also if you want to know my age I am 26 and I have plenty of gaming still to do with Mario,Sonic,Link,Ratchet.Drake etc.

Are the gaming media finally getting tired of COD

13th November where the first person nerds will be playing the s*** out of Black Ops 2 is the gaming media finally getting tired of the games coming out every single year. I mean unlike Halo this thing has been coming out since 2007.

2007: Modern Warfare


2009:Modern Warfare 2

2010:Black Ops

2011:Modern Warfare 3

2012: Black Ops 2

6 games released in the space of six years and some people will have been playing the hell out of them playing multiplayer and using their headsets online but where it started in 2007 and took off in 2009 it looks like the gaming media is starting to get a bit sick of it.

The games have been some of the biggest sellers of this gen and I don't think the media will stop them making more. They will be one in 2013 and 14 and 15 probably but do you think the media is starting to get fed up with this. I mean at least with Halo it doesn't have games coming out 6 years running. I mean I would choose Halo before COD because at least they do offer a solid campaign. I heard the one in number 3 was good and the first one and I think Reach had a good one too.

So with only an 8.0 here is the media getting tired of COD.

My top 5 Race Tracks from Crash Team Racing

Seeing as the kart racing genre will have 3 titles out by the end of the mnth with F1 Racing Stars,LittleBigPlanet Karting and Sonic and SEGA All Stars Transformed I thought I would do a top 5 tracks from Crash Team Racing possibly the best kart racer that isn't Mario Kart. I could only pick 5 since there are about 18 tracks in all but these 5 are not just sopme of the best in the game but some of the best in a kart racer.

5. Polar Pass: This is best of the tracks in game and is basically inspired by Crash 2 polar levels. The level has lots of tight turns narrow bridges a massive short cut with the wall as you are coming out of the small cave and one big jump at the end of the curcuit. It's also along track and very testing. Also I am a big fan of snow levels in games and this is a pretty epic track. This track is in the 3rd area of the adventure and the first track in the Crash Cup in Arcade Mode.

4.Oxide Station: The last track and where you face Nitrus Oxide. It's long has alot of boost pads and using the turbos out in the middle of outspace really makes it a marvel to behold. It also has tight corners towards the end of the lap and is just fun to play from start to finish. The only downside is you can only play it through the Single Race feature in Arcade Mode which is a massive shame but put it to 7 laps and have fun.

3.Papa Pyramid: This was done before DK Mountain and DK Summit. The start of the track has you racing up the top of a pyramid and as you reach the top you work your back down. It's really cool this track because it felt original and not a type of curcuit Nintendo tried with DK Mountain until 2003. Also it has a very difficult shortcut with a ledge in the middle of the track to bypass a section of the course and also it has one of the CTR letters in that section. It is in the 2nd area of Adventure Mode and 2nd race I think in the Nitro Cup.

2.Tiny Arena: From what I have heard is the longest track in the game. It is like a mud pit. You have to make jumps to avoid getting stuck in the dirt and slowed down. Lots of jumps as you could say an arena should be but I love the end of the track a few quick fire jumps in a made dash to get to the line in first place. Yes it may be taking inspiration from Wario Stadium but it's mud pit does slow you down and lose you valueable seconds. This is the final track in section 3 of the Adventure Mode and the final track in the Nitro Cup in Arcade Mode.

1.Hot Air Skyway: To be honest there are not many better tracks I have played on kart racers as much as Hot Air Skyway. It is in the sky for goodness sake. It has like a corkscrew at the beginning leading to one massive jump with 2 places you can land on the normal way on the very difficult way and always excuting that jump is still satisfying even now. I'd also say unlike some tracks as well this one also has blimps flying in the sky and is just amazing to see. This to me is Crash Team Racings Rainbow Road. Fast,Challenging and more importantly fun. This is the 3rd race on the final section of Adventure Mode and 3 track on the Crash Cup in Arcade Mode.

Honourable mentions

Cortex Castle: Lots of tight corners,spiders as obstacles and those stairs as well as the stained glass windows very nice.

N Gin Labs: A fast track with tight corners and one speed boosting tunnel.

Tiger Temple: Very enjoyable with a big shortcut and plenty of jumps.

So thats my top 5 tracks from CTR if you have a favorite track from the game I'd like to hear it plus your thoughts on the game as well.

Halo 4 high scores but from what I have heard it's not that good

I am gonna talk about Halo and number 4 and many know I depise the series and judging by it scores it got like 9.8 on IGN oh yeh it's better than Super Mario Galaxy are you kidding me. It scored alot of high scores and whilst other games get slammed for being to similar these games still get praised for it and this is a game that gets released virtually every year. Here's an example

2007: Halo 3

2009: Halo ODST/Halo Wars

2010: Halo Reach

2012: Halo Combat Evloved and Halo 4

Oh yeh Halo 4 gets a 9.0 here and Zelda Skyward Sword which was a 5 year wait between Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Yeh I know they released Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

I don't know why this series gets so much hype from what I have heard the campaigns short the multiplayer is virtually unchanged and some sites calling it revolutionary. That's a laugh in my opinion. I aren't saying it because I think the series sucks I think the sites give into the hype and are paid to give it a good score.

I know Assassins Creed has had 4 games within 4 years.

2009: Assassins Creed 2 9.0 here

2010: Assassins Creed Brotherhood 8.5 here

2011: Assassins Creed Revelations 7.5 here

2012: Assassins Creed 3 8.5 here

I mean Halo OSTD was a cheap cash in and got a 9 here and it's campaign sucks and it's a 9 so they are saying it's on par with AC2 nah. I can understand with Reach because Brotherhood was a cash in but number 4 the game gets a 9 compared to AC3 here getting a 8.5 here but IGN are the biggest joke 9.8 for Halo 4 and 8.5 for Assassins Creed 3. Yeh right Halo 4 is awesome not from what I have heard.

What do you think of the Halo series as a whole and Halo 4 scores.