The last time I saw a witch hunt like this it was when all Megaman titles in the pipeline were axed following the ousting of Keiji Inafune from Capcom, except here it's about prominent AC leads. They probably complained about the insane idea of releasing one of these every year and not going into anything new. If Prince of Persia team thought like that, they would never have made Assassin's Creed after the PoP Sands of Time series! Way to go Ubi, you're increasingly becoming like EA as far as your internal policies are looking.
@MarcinCDPRED And I really appreciate how open you people are, telling those who got the beta release to have fun instead of the usual corporate stand-offishness, you people rock!
@leeko_link Sony is not restricting anything here! It's giving developers the option, plus uploading vids to YouTube was specifically cited earlier as a feature if I remember right. Having a recording of the screen compared to a capture of the source with control at the source creates a large quality difference. Besides, the simple ability to save screenshots is something I've wanted on PS3 for ages, I've got entire albums of them on PC, why haven't consoles offered that yet is really baffling, thankfully that Share button promises that. I only see a good case to use this restriction to prevent closed beta footage from leaking online. Any other restriction is completely meaningless, like that protected save nonsense, the latter supposedly prevents achievement cheating while preventing perfectly legitimate save backups with a standard backup. Achievements are fun but anyone taking them that seriously is nuts.
A shutdown period isn't going to stop an ingrained social problem: the parents should be watching over their kids and prevent them dying after playing Starcraft for 3 days continuously and quite frankly the kids shouldn't be so obsessed to do stuff like that to begin with.
That is one heck of a misleading, borderline false headline for this article! Something like "PS4 to allow games to limit Share functionality" would have been actually accurate and prevent the knee jerk wtf Sony comments here. Also, any developer who prevents taking screenshots and recording stuff for non-beta games is asking for some serious trouble.
If there is portable ops and MGS: Twin snakes (fat chance of that) along with MGS4 and the other titles from the existing collection it could be worth it, although most of the package will probably already be owned by existing MGS fan. This is a typical but effective (and generally good for people) way of promoting the next entry of a series, a collection of the earlier titles on discount with the promo of a new title.
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