From that list? Just Cause 2.Vari3tyEh, the other list had the more well known ones.Red Dead won from that poll
No Saints row 2 love?I'm calling a close race betweenJust Cause 2, Infamous 2, and Saints Row 2, but Just Cause 2 will take the cake.
inFamous 2.Was a pretty fun game through and through... aside from the story and voice acting.yokofox33Would've been funner if there weren't so many mutant things.
Alright! The winner of Poll Number 1 was: Rockstars very own, RED DEAD REDEMPTiON... Give it up everybody...But we have more business to attend to. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Part 2!!!!First to reach 35 votes wins this poll.The winner will face RDR in a head to head matchupMy vote, Saints Row 2!
Hey guys, I am going to create a part 2, and then doRDR vs. the winner of the other poll!Check it out!
Does anyone else think that Red Dead gets1. Repetitive2. Fetch quest galore3. Too expansive for it's own good? I would appreciate more towns like Armadillo.
JRPG/RPG/ but there isn't anything decent out except for Star ocean international.iKaminariFallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblvion, Mass Effect 2...
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