This entire generation has been held back by last generation and both 1st parties insistence on releasing most games cross gen……now they want $700 more… to say it appropriately, oh yeah, F*** Off!!!!
Screw physical games, buy digital and it is available as quickly as you can download it. Before everyone responds….I could not care less about your opinions.
Congrats to all the knuckle dragging keyboard dumbasses out there who spend there days on the internet pulling everything and anything down while not ever picking up a controller because you think it is “cool”, you killed a very good game having never played it one time. PS- you are not cool and gaming would be better off without you.
Well, since they have wasted this entire generation on making sure almost all games run on a PS4, anyone who buys a Pro will hit a whole other level of stupid.
These articles are becoming so regular and aggravating that when I see one I become enraged and want to punch a puppy, so congrats Gamespot, you have accomplished that level of anger in someone.
Atomic Heart is awesome, so I bought it, NBA 2K25 will release making this one obsolete, and Guilty Gear fighting games are “Cult Hits” which we all know is translation for, Sells Like Dogpoo.
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