I’m guessing the list is hopefully not in order and most importantly Le Me In is the greatest remake ever because it is superior to an already spectacular original.
Comic book movies just need to go away for about 10 years. They had a great run and now it is over, of course, this won’t happen. They will run this into the ground over and over. It should have ended with Endgame, but that was never going to happen and poor DC never even got off the ground. Oh well, I have only watched Hawkeye since this all went to s***.
I played it, it won’t be around that long. I’m not a fan of this type of multiplayer game, but this one is probably the worst. Point for nailing the atmosphere, but it just isn’t fun at all.
I am in the same exact spot, not the circumstance, but spot. I started and restarted the game 3 times until it finally grabbed me, beat all 4 Divine beasts and got the Master sword, but I stopped before beating the game. I tried going back a few days ago, but decided to just watch a summary video instead. I mark it down to Nintendo’s lack of and resistance to Achievements/Trophies, because if the game had those I would definitely finish it myself.
I liked it and will see the future films and shows......but it will never touch Nolan's trilogy and that in a nutshell is DC's biggest problem. Their best property has already been done to perfection.
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