@malokevi @mlp071 Explain to me why a game company/console manufacturer charges you $60 for a digital download of something you know it's costing them much less nowadays. As consumers the only thing you can do is boycott stuff like that until they realize that the plan isn't going to fly. Getting a PC with Steam is the better deal nowadays, plus you can use it for a lot more stuff than just gaming/living room.
@malokevi If you are rating by exclusives then the Wii U won by far. I could not care less about a gimmicky game like Fantasia or a boring simulator like Forza. At least I can respect people that enjoy Forza because it's supposed to be hardcore but I enjoy stuff like the Crew a lot more. But in general, I think the PC wins the next-gen war by far. And since Titanfall is also being released for the PC you will truly have access to all the cool stuff now.
@udubdawgz @gamer6130 Hell I'm doing the exact same thing with the Wii. I owned an XBox360 and I now have a PS3. I played stuff like Journey which is truly great, but now I feel that the Wii offers me more experiences like Journey so I'm going to try some more stuff there. Especially since I have found a way to make Wii games look great in HD by using Homebrew/Dolphin.
@WomanandMan2002 Actually I like the concept of digital downloads. Gone will be the days when your discs are scratched an unplayable, disc swapping as you said, and no more the stores around here don't have the game I want. Plus no more lines to buy stuff, etc, etc.
Being able to just take your console with you and have all the data is pretty good too, so I totally embrace this change as I have done with Steam. The draconian rules Microsoft is trying to impose with the XBox One are a totally different animal however, especially by charging a 100$ for a device I don't want or need.
@frostbite2user @ImaDaddy2013 @bigcrusha Apple hardware prices sucks, and the vendor lock-in they try to impose every step of the way. But having said that, their hardware is actually great, they truly offer the most polished computing experience (maybe iOS is a bit stale now, but I'm think AppleTV, OSX). And regarding the business model, well it actually works great for them. Becoming the most profitable company on Earth is a hell of a business model methinks.
@frostbite2user @ImaDaddy2013 @bigcrusha I have to agree with the Ubisoft part. They are becoming everything EA should be. They even backed down from the Anno 2070 DRM disaster and apologized.
@bunchanumbers You know you can get a Wii, not the Wii U, which is still plenty of fun in that regard and has a new Punchout game that is truly great. Plus the device itself only uses 18W, which is truly impressive considering most consoles and gaming PCs use around 200W or more.
Nowadays the Wii is dirt cheap and if you are worried about graphics being subpar, you can install Homebrew on the Wii, extract the rom you legally own from a disc to a pen drive and use the Dolphin emulator on a computer to enjoy all the cool games in full HD glory and in some cases with better textures too. Dolphin also supports both the Wii remote and nunchuks and the XBox 360 gamepad, which is the best controller IMHO, with the exception of the D-Pad.
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