@Trev9421 @DiscGuru101 Get GW2 (great for first-timers), WoW or SW:TOR. I'm kind of bored of WoW atm and I'm enjoying the pvp and the asuras in GW2 quite a bit. But the level of fun I'm having is not on the same level of what I used to have with WoW. Not that they have a different talent tree yet again and so much grind, it almost feels like work to me and I have to pay $15 per month. No thanks.
Other much more fun stuff you can try: Starcraft 2, Battlefield 3, latest Need for Speed or Civilization V (Civ V especially)
I played it for free in a 2-day trial from Steam. As many previous posters stated, this game belongs to the past. After playing Battlefield 3, I can honestly tell you that if you can't afford something better than CS:GO, you are much better off playing Battlefield Pla4Free.
@Promised_Trini You should read Gaming Wonderland by Francesco Fraulo before saying something like that. Especially considering that Lionhead pretty much was built on XBox AND Windows development.
Is it just me or does everybody think that all these new shooters are kind of watered down version of some very cool games from the past?
I'm talking that nothing has come close to recreate the multiplayer fun that Battlefield 2 had, maybe Bad Company 2 minus the jets. On the other hand, Call of Duty 4 still seems to be the pinnacle of single player FPS campaigns. Please share your suggestions, since I own Battlefield 3 and I'm very disappointed at the multiplayer aspects of the game. Sure it is very realistic, might have everything a lot of people wanted, but to me it is not fun to be walking around for so long, people that are too hard to see, weapons that don't have that cool sound of previous versions, etc, etc. In few words, it isn't as fun.
@FashionFreak I like Diablo 3 but there is not way this game is in the same league as Diablo 2, that's for sure. Diablo 2 was just massive, better music, amazing CGI as part of the game (CGI in Diablo 3 is rather short but with good quality).
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