@danielbell93: Sony has already admitted that consoles are not dead yet, and also that the world is not yet ready to have download-only games. When they go that route, download only, streaming only, i will resort to PC gaming and send through the HDMI port to my tv.
Codec7's forum posts
Also Mass Effect: Andromeda is not Mass Effect 4 and Battlefield 6?????
Yeah, ok, maybe Battlefield 7?
I did was point out something that was wrong with your precious list.
If my list was so precious to me then i wouldn't have posted it, would I? Are you jealous that I did a good deed?
Do a Google search for all AAA PS4 titles in one place, you will not find a list as conclusive as mine, i have cheery-picked the best ones; i have excluded experimental unproven games, irrelevant games, kiddies games, free PSN games and most sports games. There is no webpage with my entire list in one place, A-grade titles by big development houses. I'll say again, I posted the list for the benefit of others? On a few websites they have a long list but it's hard to tell what is what. I've done the work for you, no big deal.
Soul Caliber 6 is coming, so is TLOU 2, why are you arguing? Put your money where your mouth is... will you bet me $1000 that these two games won't be released? If not, then shut-up! My list is safe, and it will save people much time.
IMO "Infamous SS" is an open-world fantasy type game reminiscent of GTA, i don't like it! "Uncharted 4" also is not my style of things, they try to push the envelope of game design but they forget linear simplicity, they seem to forget that no one can reinvent the wheel, these are too open-world, not to my taste.
I came to do a favour for gamers at the Gamespot forums who would appreciate having a list of all upcoming A-grade titles in one place, that's all, so what's with your fault-finding? If you download "Libreoffice" < free word document editor 100% compatible with Microsoft Office) then you can cut&paste my list and have it handy on your desktop, so why are you complaining? Just be happy and stop nitpicking!
Balance is the key and trust me these companies spend millions of dollars to research ten years ahead. You can rest assured, PS5 had been in production for some time now.
They spend many millions to research 10 years ahead? Nup, i don't believe you. 5 years ahead maybe, but not ten years.
And why do they need to spend millions on research? You're believing too much hype and rumors Why don't they just give me and you $25,000 each and we could easily find-out and tell them exactly what the next spec should be to get the job done without them needing to overspend so they can keep a profit. And many PC diehards could easily tell Sony what they need for 60fps 4K, no need for Sony to spend millions finding-out! Doesn't make sense! Spending many millions in research money just to get a spec??? Nup!!!
The PS5 already in production for some time now you say? I don't believe you! Maybe Sony is just starting to consider now, but not years already.
And like you said, prices for hardware components will have dropped 5-6 years from now, so really Sony just need to up the ante for the specs and we'll be fine... 2.1 gHz GPU with some extra binary-routines/functions on top of what it already has now, plus a main CPU at 2.1 gHz with 8 cores, 32gig GDDR5 ram and 64mbs SDRAM and we'll be pumping, nice and easy.
Now where's my consultation fee, Sony? Almost anyone can say what the next console needs spec-wise for 4k 60fps.
- lol top tier cod
- lol top tier NBA
- Shadow of Mordor is still not medieval and I dont know how else to take fighter than a fighting game?
- Uncharted 4 is not even open world, yet other open world games are on the top tier list
- Infamous is not the same as grand theft auto and nice generalization, people were never "know-it-all jackass idiots with macho syndrome" before
- KpopStarz is not even a gaming news site, the game was never confirmed, but rumored by Nolan North. Nobody has officially said the game is being made. The fact you trust that rumor mill pos site is beyond me
- Doesnt change the fact its too consider and top-tier
- So its not Prototype 2, its a bundle of 1 and 2...
- another thing is soul caliber 6 has not been announced either #SpreadingTheMisinformation
1: When asked if there was going to be further content for the universe Joel and Ellie live in, Creative Director Druckmann said, “It’s possible. We’re playing with some ideas, but no direction has been set yet for the next game.” By stating “for the next game,” Druckmann confirmed The Last of Us 2 is in the planning process.
2: Now it seems fans might have some hope as a new next-gen SoulCalibur 6 looks to be in development as the developers, Project Soul took to their Facebook and asked fans who they wanted to see in a future installment.
3: IGN games site says: "→ 15 JUN 2015 The new Uncharted trailer has us thinking this might be the most open-world Uncharted game in the series yet.
4: Infamous SS has got the same vibe and similar structure to GTA, get over it.
So now i've dispelled all your cheap comebacks and false accusations: stop #SpreadingTheMisinformation.
PS: If you don't like my list then go to another thread, or are you lonely?? LOL
Corrections to make:
- Shadow Of Mordor (medieval action adventure fighter) - its fantasy, not medieval. Also it is not a fighter
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops III / NBA-2K16 are top-tier????
- Uncharted 4 is not top tier???
- Infamous is not top-tier??
- TLoU 2 is non-existent to my knowledge
- Dragon Quest Heroes is top-tier and a game to consider
- Prototype 2 - 1 is also on ps4 they are bundled
No corrections need to be made!
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