@xanatos357 said:
I'm no graphics whore, so as long as it doesn't look ugly, I'm satisfied
Problem is, on the PS4, some of the graphics actually do look ugly, and that's the crying shame about all this.
But concerning many of the replies in this thread, there have been quite a few people in different forums too, who have been mildly to 'very' disappointed with the graphics performance on the PS4, and now, 2 years after it was released, where's the magic everyone was hoping for? The great next-gen visuals we would be seeing??? But then we got all the peeps saying to wait a little while longer and the graphics would improve, but not once have we seen anything that looks impressive, i mean truly impressive, so i might as well go back to my Sega Dreamcast console.
If we be honest about the graphics performance on the PS4, we're getting a 'slight' improvement over the XBox 360, let's be honest! That's all we're getting. The graphics programmers are fucking useless idiots. SIXTEEN TIMES THE RAM as the X Box 360, and 15 more sophisticated compute units, and yet look at this mess they give us!
There's no excuse for it, except that the programmers are lazy, useless and incompetent.
Just do one thing, go look at the graphics on the Dreamcast console for the game "Headhunter" (Youtube it), and then ask yourself how all these years later with exponentially superior specs and ram and processor speed and compute units, that the PS4 'barely' looks any better with games like "The Last Of Us: Remastered" and "The Old Blood".
And why on earth are people gushing about "The Order 1886"? They say it has stunning visuals... i say, bullshit! What a load of bullshit! I've got "The Order 1886", and either there's something wrong with my 2015 Sony FHD 55inch state-of-the-art new generation 'quantum dot' television, or Game companies are paying people to go into forums and hype the crap out of these games.
Some people come in here claiming 20fps games on the Dreamcast console, but how wrong they are... here's a list of Games on the Dreamcast console that were running at 60fps... Virtua Tennis, Alien Front Online, Crazy Taxi, DOA2, Soul Calibur, Vanishing Point, Daytona USA, Super Magnetic Neo, Red Dog, Head Hunter, Quake 3, and Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 all ran at or close to 60fps.
So, to drive home my point, we had 60fps on the Dreamcast, and visuals that were extremely good, so something is very wrong when SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER, and 480 times more ram yields barely any increase in visuals, SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG! Seventeen years people, and nothing! Inefficient try-hard programmers who simply don't know what is what, they're amateurs!
The Dreamcast had visuals that surpassed the PS2 for goodness sake, can you explain that? How can that be??? And yet the PS2 could barely manage 30fps, and Dreamcast was a honeywagon of 60fps. Do you see people, see what i'm saying? The guys who coded the games for the Arcades (of which many of those games got ported to the Dreamcast by Sega themselves) those guys were 'true' geeks, computer nerds of the finest ilk, but now we have a bunch of wannabes who learn MAYA API because they don't actually have a clue how to get down and dirty into the silicon and how to use the ram efficiently.
One response in this thread dared to say that even modern CGI from the movies doesn't look 100% convincing, but i don't agree; a few years ago it was questionable depending who did it, but the Star Wars prequels looked convincing and the first prequel was released in 1999. but now, most if not all CGI as of late is utterly convincing to the point where we can't pick it 90% of the time. And again, depending who did the CGI, many times now it's impossible to tell. The only time it doesn't look real is when they're trying to depict fluid motion capture of a person, which is more a physics thing that a graphics thing.
I maintain my assertion (which i think really i have proved thanks to the legendary Dreamcast console graphics and it's FPS all that time ago) that something is definitely wrong with today's game programmers, something IS VERY WRONG!! Wake-up people, let's call a spade a spade, they're API fiddlers, NOT PROGRAMMERS! Get it right!
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