The ones in here who reckon we are getting much better graphics than the previous PS3/XBOX 360, maybe you need to look again. The specs on the PS4 are light-years beyond the previous generation consoles, but then as i've been saying, the graphics we are getting are not a whole lot better, so something is wrong with this situation. The developers have had 2 years now and still no improvement on PS4, so something is definitely wrong. Take a look at the following Youtube video and look how the PS4 and XBOX ONE are barely showing much increase over the PS3 and XBOX 360...
Codec7's forum posts
Lol at those specs and you are wanting those now, Jesus what is this? :D :D :D :D
OK, I want it to have: 8k resolution support, 1 TB of GDDR10 RAM, 10 TB SSD, next-next-next-gen Elephant CPU with 64 cores at 7 Ghz, NVIDIA GPU at 10Ghz, super energy efficiency. Games should be running at 8k at 240 frames per second in 4D. All for $200.
OK, I want it to have: 4K resolution support. 64gbs of GDDR5 RAM. 1 TB SSD, next gen Jaguar CPU with 4 cores at 2.1gHz. ATI GPU at 1.4gHz and new generation low-level Mantle API, 4gig auxiliary SDRAM. Dedicated processor on-chip for anti-aliasing not affecting main GPU performance. All games guaranteed to run at 60fps in 2D with low-compression and high-resolution textures/polygons. All for $999.
That will be totally doable in 3 years time; then all of you will be saying... Wow! Wow, look at that, the graphics, sooo coool, amazing! And then in 3 years time when it comes, i will be in here reminding you that you reckon good graphics don't matter LOL...
@codec7: Man what the hell , you want a 799$ console ?
Do you know one of the biggest reasons PS3 sales lacked last generation ? Yes , its price.
People that living in high salaries countries should understand that there are too many countries out there with low salaries. And dont come up with the " small markets are irrelevant sales wise " because if you add 5-6 small markets all together .. it makes one big one ... then if you add all small markets together you easily can have some tens of millions of consoles.
There many european countries with salaries between 250$ to 580$ per month basic salary. Then in Asia is the same thing more or less. Hell in America there are countries with such salaries or lower ( Argentina / Brazil etc ).
And you asking for a 800$ price ? You want even worse results than PS3 so you can have 4k and 2TB SSD ? Naaah , ill pass the idea even if i agree with your statement of PS4/X1 feel underwhelming a bit.
Best reply in this entire thread. You just made me realize why Sony and Microsoft had to do it at a price-point, and now i can be at peace and enjoy my PS4.
PS5 better have a holodeck or I'm Doug and I'm outta here!
Although you were being sarcastic, i still deemed it humour! Yes, i laughed when i red <that's how it should be spelled) that because it was genuinely funny!
FTR i've just been trying to make my point because i reckon we got stiffed, i'm not trying to disrespect the situation in this forum. Gamespot has been quite tolerant and mature about my bad language, so kudos and respect to Gamespot and the moderators, thus i will back-off and tone it down and won't make a habit of it, but i am pissed about what has happened. I had such high hopes for the PS4, i wasn't quite expecting CGI, but Sony had a good opportunity to significantly up the ante 7 LONG FUCKING YEARS AFTER PS3!!! But really, we barely moved beyond PS3 and XBOX 360 graphics, no wonder i'm pissed!! And there's no excuse for this debacle, that's why i'm fuming.
In a nutshell, to sum-up... "For a little more money, if Sony wasn't so reticent and reserved about their approach, and showed a bit more balls, we could have had noticeably better graphics for minimal hit on our pocket. They fucked-up, and Microsoft fucked-up even more!" But how did they both ****-up? They colluded, that's how!! < Assholes!
Here's hopping the developers are able to compensate for this circumstance and extract the PS4's full potential and give us slightly better visual candy in the near future, but i'm still pissed!
Rant finished. Back to sanity! No more swearing.
PS: Anyone who thinks "The Order 1886" has got supreme graphics is deluded, you need glasses! Can't you see how it is pre-rendered static stuff with no wow-factor? They tried a new technique but they didn't fool me, it's a bluff. Either i need a new TV or you people need glasses. The graphics on COD: Ghosts looked better than "The Order 1886"! Go look at the scene in COD:Ghosts, in space with the space station, even those graphics look better than the crap in "The Order 1886" < not to mention that it's a stagnant crap game anyway. I stopped playing it by level 2, it's sitting on my shelf and i won't be playing it, i'll be selling it. I don't tolerate bad game design these days, there's no excuse for it. I should have known better when i saw the retail games store piled high to the roof with second-hand copies of it within only a few days of it's release! Heads-up, the reviews at Metacritic are a scam, it's rigged! That website is a scam.
As says Wikipedia... "The PS3 was released in the UK & Ireland, the rest of Europe, and Australia & New Zealand on March 23, 2007 with a retail price of £425 €599."
WHICH WAS $1000 Australian!!! And $800 US!!!
The GPU in the PS4 is costing Sony $74, and the ram is costing them $56. Just imagine what ATI would have given them for double that $148, and then if Sony doubled the ram $106. That means for another $130 we could have had graphics equivalent to a PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like my initial point explained, seeing as the PS3 came-out at $1000 and that sold by the truck-load, then this time around we would have been more than happy to pay $630 instead of $500, and thus if Sony had used their useless fucking brain, for a little extra money we could have had truly next-gen visuals, but now we're stuck with this mediocre fucking garbage for another 3 years because Sony and Microsoft agreed on a price-point, and TO OUR DETRIMENT!! Are you people smoking meth in here or something??? None of your replies make any sense at all. If graphics don't matter THEN WHY THE **** DID YOU PURCHASE THE PS4, why aren't you still using the PS1 bitch!!!! Graphics don't matter, right??? Idiots!!! I'm so sick to death of hearing people talk out of their useless fucking ass!!
Would still be way too expensive with your given specs, besides consoles aren't meant to cost $800,
Yes they are! What planet are you living on?? The PS3 debuted at retail for $1000 LOL. I don't think you know. Do i need to repeat myself? The PS5 is half the cost the PS3 was. So, if Sony spent another $25 to provide the PS4 with an extra 4gig ram, and upped the capabilities of the GPU for an extra $35, there would be no issues for the developers, we would be approaching PC visuals, but no, some fuckwit at Sony wanted to deprive us for some god forsaken reason, stupid perceived price-point; they are idiots!
This was meant to be the console to end all consoles, TRULY NEXT-GEN, and being honest, the expectations from gamers were high, and Sony could have ensured, actually guaranteed top-tier next-gen visuals for a few dollars more. My older friends see me gaming on my PS4 and they are not impressed at all, they see the same old shit we've been seeing for years already, but they are rightly expecting to see near CGI realism, especially in this day and age, because these days everything is whizz-bang wow, and graphics are mean't to be very near true-to-life, even non-gaming older adults expect onscreen visuals to look true to life now, so they are somewhat underwhelmed and quite unimpressed, saying... huh? That doesn't look all that impressive, looks no more impressive than the old Nintendo days quite frankly, just a tad more realism but nothing special, still plastic visuals, quite disappointing.
Thus, i am mad as hell. Like i said, we have to live with this shit another 4 years, 'average' garbage, you have to be kidding me Sony? How dare they suit their bottom-line over our reasonable expectations. All we're really seeing currently from the PS4 is a slight step-up from the XBOX 360, that's not acceptable, in fact, that's very fucking disappointing.
If everyone here were to be honest, the graphics are not what were were led to believe, but that's because Sony fucked us, and agreed with Microsoft on a price-point, those corrupt assholes clearly colluded, and to our detriment, and just to suit their pockets. They abandoned the primary objective, NEXT GEN VISUALS, Sony abandoned it, so **** themQ. I would rather give those wankers at Microsoft my money next time, knowing that i will get a decent controller and superior spec to win next time around, because you can bet your bottom dollar that Microsoft isn't gonna make the same mistake twice. This fiasco of Sony beating Microsoft's useless incompetent ass has brought shame on Microsoft, perceived and real.
While i'm here, the PS4 controller sucks shit! And... the battery time is atrocious. How could Sony make such idiotic incompetent decisions? One hour of wrenching with a hardcore shooter and my fingers and hand joints are literally aching and bent out of shape. How could they ****-up so badly on such an easy basic thing as the design of the controller? Did they not do any damn basic tests before finalizing this shit? It's a fucking joke, and don't tell me it isn't, because it is. But now go hold the XBOX ONE controller and there's a big sigh of relief. How can the monkey apes at Sony not have the common sense to design a hand controller properly for such an essential purpose, any hardcore wrenching with First Person shooters and my hands are aching? Fucking incompetence, never mind semantics, just call a spade a spade, fucking incompetence and pigheaded insolence. Never again Sony, never again. My first time ever buying a console from you, but NEVER AGAIN!!!
@venom0706: remember that developers who work their asses off making these games won't get that revenue money, but if it's none of your concern for the gaming industry, then go right ahead and buy pre-owned games.
MW3 made 1 billion dollars profit, so you can damn well bet it's none of my concern to make them richer, especially when the games are full of bugs and need 10gig downloads after the fact, which i can't download because the data is too expensive anyway, and even then the games don't improve fundamentally from what was released.
When developers get their act together and release a near flawless game play-wise, and get 95% of bugs fixed before release, and on top of that halve the retail price then i will buy new every time to support them, until this happens i will continue to wait 3-6 months after release and then buy second hand every time.
Developers have to realize that we can check reviews and Youtube first, so any lack of effort on their part will not be rewarded and will lose potential sales. I would not release a game until it is near perfect play-wise and has 99% of bugs gone. Viva Las Vegas for second hand games LOL. I refuse to buy new until a game proves to be truly worthy of my hard-earned cash. Until then, it seems developers are using games as a get-rich-quick scheme, but not on my ship!
You people obviously don't realize just how cheap companies can purchase hardware components, especially when they buy in bulk. At least this time around another 4gig of GDDR5 ram would only have cost Sony another $25, and a slightly higher spec'd GPU would have maybe been about $35 more, so then these two things alone would have solved the issues which developers are having to tweak the **** out of the game engine to try and achieve 60fps with reasonable graphics. I would rather Sony had upped the ram and GPU spec slightly for minimal extra cost and just increased the retail price accordingly, then added the 1 terabyte HD and we would have only been paying another $100 but would have had noticeably better graphics, plus no-compromise storage-space. Too many ****-sticks making the decisions at these companies, that's the real problem!
Truth be told, we got screwed this time around. If we be honest, we are not getting the visuals that most of us were expecting, the visuals are not as good as we were told they would be.
So, with this next-gen debacle we see an under-powered PS4 and a very under-powered XBOX ONE: i don't care about what we got for the price-point blah blah, the fact is we are not getting the visuals we were led to expect, both consoles are struggling to pull-off high-powered visuals effortlessly.
Driveclub proves my point, we see reasonable graphics quality but the game had to be scaled back to 30fps to achieve it. And other games that actually run at 60fps have hyper-compressed textures to achieve this, showing soft smudged surfaces lacking sharpness and realism, especially when compared to the PC versions of the same game.
Compromises are taking place by the developers in an effort to achieve 60fps on these consoles, and even then we are seeing hyper-compressed textures and a lack of resolution density in the polygons, so we need advice and input from gamers and pros and enthusiasts alike as to what the specs should be in the PS5 and next XBOX so that we can put this dismal saga well and truly behind us.
I will start the ball rolling with a general description of what i expect even though i'm not a spec geek...
1: 4K resolution at 60fps always achievable, and all while running full onscreen effects with maximum texture detail
2: No onscreen aliasing visible at all
3: Super-low compression ratios, at least half the amount of compression they're using now
4: 64gig GDDR5 RAM
5: New generation ATI graphics chip running at 1.4 gHz and with new native algorithm routines built-in on-chip
6: 8gig of auxilliary ESRAM
7: 2.1 gHz Hexacore New generation Jaguar CPU
8: 2 Terabyte SSD
9: $799
If anyone can add to this with more in-depth tech talk please go ahead and say so; in fact, tell Sony what they need to give us next time around to achieve our expectations. As far as i'm concerned we need the PS5 yesterday, not in 3 more damn years!!
And we know Microsoft won't make the same mistake and lose the spec war next time around, so hopefully they might listen to our feedback this time...
I don't have to dispute, I've already said the truth; the Sega Dreamcast console already did the disputing for me. The PS4 has 480 times more ram than the Dreamcast, yet the graphics on the PS4 look not much better than the Dreamcast, thus proving that something is wrong with today's programmers! That's a fact! 60fps with clear sharp crisp graphics on Dreamcast SEVETEEN YEARS AGO. No one can argue. Today's programmers are idiots!
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